Friday, September 29, 2023

The concept that”responsibility” vs. the love

OK, so I recognize the need to be writing a lot more than I understand, and I need to step into this at a higher level. That means recognizing that I can just talk to my iPhone, and let my blog to create from there. So now I’m starting the Ignatian Adventure, this book has been really strong for me already. The first day I got it was the day I had a meeting with my Spiritual Director.

The Spiritual Director (Rick) started the meeting with me and I had just opened the package from Amazon.  He Said it was a crisp new book, where I hadn’t turned the cover yet, and it was really strong for me already. That first day I read it after our call and the thing that jumped out at me was on page 2, the Gospel truth became a part of me, “to whom much is given, much as expected.” 

This was all I could read. It followed from our discussions so strongly. The concept that I was challenged with, was how “expectation creates a responsibility,” versus the love affair. And Rick said to me, it’s doing for “love” not “responsibility,” and suddenly I understood him and I could feel the difference in my body so clear and powerful. What it really means in Love with Jesus. Responsibility in raising my kids was really a love affair with Jesus, as I could see how strongly this child was with me. And it was a lot more than love, more than responsibility, more than knowing it is all here now for me to love share and experience. Not for later, not for less, but clear and strong for this moment where we could share and be at a better space, a better love, a better power and focus.

Yes, it was a responsibility or was it the love. As he said this to me, I realized it was more about love, and what the love is to be shared with others . . . . and again I needed to step into that higher place in my heart, to know and share this Love so clear and obvious to me. Like this now, today I received another beautiful movie about my childhood trauma, that all know and speak about in the world, but none really understands or takes seriously.

The experience of God is about this love affair. The experience of God is about a love affair that I must write about in a new way, beyond my own imagination. The experience of God is about this love affair from all my life, writing and knowing that so much is shifting, shifting in such a powerful clear manner that it makes me feel so happy to be able to share it with others who have found this word now. And I prayed how I wanted us all to survive, not just the few, but He created all of us, and we all have a place, so why not find a way for us all to survive?

I need to get all my highlights from this book, into this blog. This seemed like such an arduous chore, but then I remembered how easy I could read it into my iPhone. And pop it opens in my blog! Here we go:

Page 2 starts it all, where the yellow highlight shows to whom much is given much as expected. God broke through my cluttered thinking and Clearly got my attention. Tell me who is God for you.

Then i go to Page 3, whenever I thought about teaching, I experience the deep-seated enthusiasm. Page 4 God has guided me in the past, how God labors in my life in the present, and calls me in the future. Page eight was next where I got this in the first of several mystical visions: enlightenment that allowed him to see the world with new eyes, and to find God in all things. And to make notes of his spiritual insights. Page 14 emphasizes experiential, and the practical and life of prayer. . Page 17 in discernment of spirits, we noticed the interior movements of our hearts. The key is being open to the spirit. Which brought me back to the questions from Rick, discerning Love beyond responsibility and knowing this feeling I have to do more spiritually, is really who I have always been. Jobs and working  just bring me the confidence and support I need to step into who I really am and what I really need to do.

Then on page 19, God works with each person uniquely. Page 20 room for adaptation, => creative adapting the exercises to be experienced not read that invites prayers to encounter the living God, Spiritual Director, who serves as a guide for the journey is central to the exercises offered in this format. BE Directed by God; page 23 first commit to spending 30 to 45 minutes per day. Find a prayer space! page 24. Look over these materials before you formally begin your prayer.  Either the evening or the morning before. Page 25. Imagine how God looks upon you with great joy and gratitude for your offering of time. Ask in Him in Gratitude: “God be with me in prayer, the body and spirit work together.” 

Find a posture conducive to prayer ask God to be with you in this time of prayer. Page 26 we pray for a certain grace or gift from God! Ask God our Lord for what I want and desire! Imagine God asking you what do you want me to do? Now for your Grace above all else is God‘s presence in your life. Page 27 you should formally bring your prayer to a close. 

Ah, yes the key here … Page 28 journaling:

  • What were the significant interior moments? 
  • What was the prevailing mood of my prayer?  
  • Was my prayer more about the head or the heart? 
  • What word, phrase, image or memory meant the most to me during prayer? 
  • Is there some unfinished business?  
  • Do I feel moved to do something concrete in my life? 

Am I making a necessary preparations for my prayer, considering journaling, as another way of praying, feel free to write directly to God the father. . . lol 😝 and 😂 yes I’ve done this since death at 16 and know it’s all exactly where it needs to be. Like the Calligraphy pen apple added to the app now. I never even wrote them about it. I would use the highlighter since it was cut in the same shape. lol, I was always annoyed it wouldn’t work right, and tried to make it work, still drawing in the prayers myself for the letters of love carried more style than anything else.. . . lol. . . I wonder if they added som calligraphic options to type her too: I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom dearest Saint Mary and Saint Joseph that I may be as your SON! 

And so then I get this movie invite,, and it’s telling my same story again, old news for me, but so important to those who choose to deceive and lie. . . As the truth will always come out! The next spiritual exercise is the Battle in Autumn Exodus: When you do your nightly examine, ask God to reveal to you any ways in which you have been cutting corners on your Faith!

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