Monday, January 23, 2023

our "why" statement

 what is it that you really want?

 The Exodus message today came back to our "why" statement. Why are you here, what is it that i really want. Like this “want” to be able to write my scribbles and still have the auto correct and typing so everyone can easily read and understand what I mean. Yes know my intended "meaning" beyond my sloppy scribbles.

This was really the empty desire of a child not wanting to read or write like "normal" people do. But asking God to create iPads for me, with pretty write pencils that I never need to sharpen. Sure what would a lonely child ask for? If you can create a way to translate my scribbles into real words, an endlessly sharp pencil is easy. 

As usual the radio story is the same as My life story! Sometimes I wonder which came first. Yes LISTEN to the ONE Truth in Jesus which can be heard Worldwide now: 

Creation waits in Longing for the "sons of God" Romans 8:18 giving a picture of how history is unfolding. . . this voice is waiting for you. Makes the New Heavens and New Earth, where creation will operate as it is Supposed to be Operating. . . Living in the freedom and Fulfillment . . . revealing the goals, to be stewards of God's Creation.  God's Regents of the Earth, for this to Thrive and Flourish.  

To Work From Rest. . . back to the father as a perspective where there is real purpose in your Work. Tell the Lord you Troubles, Show-up in Faithfulness and Lord help us to Keep that Bigger Picture in Mind - - we ask you will grant Grace, Peace, Healing in Your Word Amen.

there is nothing worth more, You are our living hope, your presence Lord. . . Holy Spirit, You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your presence, Lord Your presence, Lord 

yes I can get this too: and it's all live online each morning as part of My Ritual to Love God. . . because this is "MY PROMISED LAND" 

 . yes this whole life is part of a PLAN! 6:20:04am and I realize again this morning my mission in Christ is to reveal the truth that Father Kevin Spoke about where "each one Teach One" is the Holy truth about loving God and BEing Stewards for life on Earth. . . Stewards for Man to find their truth and power in Life away from the Matrix of lies and deceptions: 
Yes, this morning on the Prayerline someone called with the breakdown stress and anger. She lost her son, Lost her mom. . . Now her daughter was pregnant with a one year-old in hand and no rent. Yes real stress with menopause, which is really a scam too. . . like wisdom teeth! Something about money, not about health.  

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...