Sunday, September 17, 2023

Now record encounter after encounter with God

My very next phrase to read in my Catholic Studies was: In writing down Israel's history in Scripture, the sacred authors record encounter after encounter between God and those he has chosen from Adam and Eve in the garden to Noah on the ark . . . 

Actually I even copied this phrase too, but then decide to post this picture and copy the next phrase to write about. So I’ve really honored my moments in Christ, since 1980 when I got into my motorcycle accident. Again now after I SLAMMED into a car on Labor Day 9/4/2023 before 8am I need to get more deeply into these studies.

Yes I’m essentially doing the same thing I did after my motorcycle accident. “OH GOD,” what have I done?  I’ve always been protected, walked through walls, and invisible to my adversaries . . . Never even stubbed my toe, most of the time. BUT THEN, SLAM! Clearly, I’m not listening or discerning, or most likely intentionally ignoring the obvious and clear direction that I get. Again a wake-up of pain, that carries with me for days for me to get more serious.

But to be SLAMMED 9/4 when I’m clear and intentional about stepping into my “new routine” and schedule of work, as it suddenly appears before me. Yes, I know I got a notice about being “short-listed” at USF the same day I accepted an offer. Then 9/5 at 5:16pm I get a St Pete note about an interview?  SO I was SLAMMED and stayed home another week before starting the new job on 9/11. Oh my GOD, starting a new job on 9/11/23, while left me 9/11/17 when the Hurricane hit me. YES, 30 years in Tampa, and never nothing, I mean I barely lost power in 30 years of Hurricanes, but then 9/11 and I’m out of power for a few days. . . All alone, no wife, no dog, no job, no power, nothing another wake-up call. I seem to get really strong messages and very many benefits.

So to start again a new gig on 9/11 sounds so ominous. Yes, I’m fearless and can always step into whatever God places before me. But getting SLAMMED the day before, the scheduled start date and then two other opportunities appear, seems like a very clear sign i need to get moving into another direction. And to still start anyway, brings an ominous warning of 9/11 in my face.  What can I learn, or is it really about being clear and conscious through out my work and steps forward.

I am back to my reading in Lectio Divina Prayer . . . Your WAYS are Holy oh Lord with Psalms 77 remembering all your Mighty Works. Mighty is your hand Dear God. And each day I see your works before me, sending insights and guidance. . . Carefully I step, and carefully I discern. Yes, I know this is my lesson here again. SLAMMED again, I hobble about in pain and recognize I must stay slow and at ease. Not pushing through the pain, but acknowledging your guidance and rebukes of my pride. Remember, yes remember the guidance and understanding we’ve been given these last four years.

Now again in my studies we jump to Psalms 105:1-6. And the Joy of the Lord comes through to me stronger than anything here. I remember when chuck called me about moving back to Tampa. We had graduated from College on the same day. He had returned to NJ, and redid the basement in his parent’s house as his own apartment. I had already married, had my Seminole Heights house and Emily playing with me that moment. He asked if he should come back to Tampa. I laughed sipping a Heineken as I watched the children playing in the grass before the Florida Orchestra. 

It must have been another Art Festival or just the Orchestra in the park day. Relaxing in the grass and seeing the sunshine glimmering off the Tampa University Minarets and chuck wanted to know if he would be better off in Tampa. I thought it was so obvious? But still he asked me to get out my journal and copy some pages that ended with my Prayers to Jesus. He had seen these pages before. Whenever I received such clear strong guidance from God, I would always end with a big graphic in love and thanks to God.

It’s funny now as I remember this, and realize that the inspiration came from the Psalms remembering the joy and wonderful works of God and sharing this joy and blessing so others can see, learn and understand. SO this is the Lectio that jumps out to me, “remembering the Joy in God!” And to meditate on this, or reflect on this meaning. . . . Hum what comes to mind is how Jesus was always asking me to write, record, and share all that I could. And I remember saying to him how I was here to act and change things, not just write about it. Like all the writing I did after my accident, getting the Dreamers and Doers Award for Disney, never seem to chang anything. Countless people read and even studied that essay. Like the retired dude from NASA who volunteered with us and said he’d seen and helped build some of that story. Wow, so I guess my written words had significant impacts. I remember him telling me the solar defense system I described would never work, and they tried several scenarios and never go it working.

Yes “ME WRITE?” why me, Jesus you need to get a regular Journalist. Course, that’s when conversations with god showed up. And then I got a free pass to their first conference in Asheville, NC; where I gave them the copies that chuck returned to me after he moved back to Tampa. Funny, chuck and neil never asked for anything more, and they both went off thinking they knew it all already. Yes, so be it. . . Not my problem any more. So now I guess the fun part starts. . . Ah yes, i get it, i go find a random old journal page and cut out the text and format that we created to share in the Holy GHOST.

What we have been doing is preparing you for the changes before all the race and Earth.
I have been listening and living with the Holy GHOSTS forever I guess? I know them as Angels, Ancestors, Guides and Brothers here before me, and sent to me by Jesus. All come only in the name and WORD of Jesus Christ, and all must use the Name of Jesus, before I listen, share, and write anything. Yes, one of the tricks of the devil is to pretend to be whatever voice you are accustomed to hearing. And he will sneak in any chance that he can.
Ah yes, u get it, so now respond to this phrase as well “What we have been doing is preparing you for the changes before all the race and Earth shift”
I have the Holy GHOSTS here again making demands of me. And it’s always an easy conversation, if I accept that YOUR WILL and desire, for my moment here with you, is always the priority. So again, I realize this is about sharing what you have opened for me now. And again it’s the very present moment we are stepping into the time of change. The love and power of God is powerful and approaches more and more each day.  We have all heard this before and recognize the story of the Jehovah’s Witness warning that the end times are near at hand. But we have all heard this for years and see catastrophe after catastrophe wanting it simply to be over, for God to reclaim his kingdom, and the city of Jerusalem to be restored with the temple.
Yes, What changes before all the races of Earth?
I know my dear Holy GHOSTS, guiding me this moment again. The temple and the city is but a symbol and a metaphor of what is to come and where we will build and survive. The shifting of the earth and all life is happening faster and faster as each place is growing to be in love and support more love. Those in greed and selfishness serving the snake and his desires will all fall away and then the righteous will arise to support and share in the blessings to come.
We have already been changing the races and Earth preparing to restore the gardens and flows of life that once covered the earth. Those in greed will be running out. Areas of plenty will become destitute and the greedy will starve and die.
Ok, I know I’ve heard this before and even written it before. Like the story of chuck and neil, I’m sure I've written these stories a dozen times before. And yes, i also realize this was about my lessons today where i needed to catch up on all the reading i need. And its something Holy changing as I speak.
We have always been very clear with you. This passion you have for transparency is why you have always been so strong and so alone. You scare people all the time, as no one wants to accept that your conversations can be so clear and so strong. You have noticed that those who have witnessed these challenges you walk through and the blessings that come your way so easily are more able to walk with you. Further, you have noticed that there are more and more people who show up in your space who are ready to read and understand. This is what we have been preparing you for. You have always led others, and you have always wanted to do so much more than this. The changes before you are about bringing the entire human race to share and listen more deeply to the Earth and Love of God that is all around them. 
I get it. Talking more about listening to you everywhere and understanding this will be easy to share and teach others. I’m not worried about it, and I’m sure the opportunities and responsibilities will become very clear and apparent before me. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to us all for your Glory!

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...