Saturday, May 13, 2023

Please lend Your Strength

Today's reading reflections from Exodus 90: "God has more in mind for all of us; we must be willing to embrace the fullness of his plan for us. This entails continuing to learn, growing in prayer, sacrificing to put God first, and entering more fully into the mission he has given us. We are taking important steps, but we need to continue to embrace the fullness of our faith. Putting this into action is the missing component for so many people.

We certainly will face challenges. Look at the sons of the Jewish priest who confronted demons in the name of Jesus and Paul. We can avoid this kind of disaster by staying within the authority of the Church. Paul had been given authority, just like our bishops and priests. When they exorcise and forgive sins, they do so with the authority that Jesus bestowed on the apostles. Just like Apollos, we need the guidance and direction of the community to support us in the battle. We also need to get rid of the things in our lives that give the devil an open door. Just as the converts burned their books on magic, we must cut any harmful media and practices.

Pray about what needs to go in the fire and turn to your fraternity for support in making this sacrifice."

I have been recognizing the challenges more and more, both for me, and those around me. Like recently a Judy had a serious accident in her family, and asked for a Prayer Warrior. Immediately Debbie, who was sitting with us in the empty room, reached and grabbed our hands. She created a circle of three and said a prayer for the hurt girl and her family.

As she finished I told them about the prayerline and looked it up online with my iPhone. Signed in and set up a prayer request there. I asked the two ladies to take off their shoes and get centered with me. Again holding hands, I read the prayer for David and Coral in Texas. Again a very clear and powerful Prayer.  Debbie immediately commented about how powerful it was. The vibration was very clear and focused as we stood on the earth together, feeling how the doctors and family there were all touching the Earth as well.
What about the conversations leading to this.
When Judy first got this phone call I could see her in tears and hugged her! Soon we were talking about life and she asked me why people have 
I know it's so much more than this !

What you need to be writing is about this power that you can shift into. People always pull you out of this, while if you allow your own flow. you truly step into another space. You are able, and always able to trust and connect with us. Your Freedom in Understanding this. What did John & Dan Teach you?
I learned how the Eucharist is about taking in Your Word!
We have done so much to force you to write more. And still you fall, and avoid how easy it is. You hold onto traditions as we all will. Creating new habits is priceless and NO ONE can do it all in the Ease of Your POWER. It' very easy to build and create something of power and focus that none can understand or challenge. again here you allow Our Flow, bringing into you such new strong visions. Getting back to your routines and habits create another level of power and focus. Everyone is waiting for you to take control of these things. nothing is beyond you now. it's the Glory Forever
It's all going to blow now !  and I can't tell anyone this time. and you know they ae reading it now. . . as i see this time again. 5:44:46 filled with hal-le-lu-ya for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. 5/14/2023. 

I know it's the radio again! Come on you know that if you were jesus tomorrow you would fill the world with hints and insights to do ONLY LOVE
Just the time of breathing, as it is so true to hear the Right Word at the Right Time. . What have we told you all the time. Together we can bring peace and love to the whole world with your volunteering for the prayerline, write YES TOMORROW, when you write linda committing two hours per week to answer your phone "hit one" and say: "good morning this is the prayerline, HOW CAN I PRAY FOR YOU?"
I still believe, Daddy I'm on my way, I was made to LOVE, and be LOVED BY YOU!!
and it Will all happen this way again and again, until everyone knows this word you can share. one word, it's easy. . . they all know!
Anything i will give up for you I will always be ready for this with you jesus!
I know, I can do It now!
What have we told you all along. solid . . . miracles jsut happen like that, before you hit the ground. you can see the stars, it's more than timing. . . are you gonna carry this sound forth.
I love when you do this! Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for BEING with me through everything. and my slight little bump, just popped the whole world upside down. 
I know, God how brave you are 6:06am every battle won, we know!
What else
I love you !

Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, jj, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to there is more to come!6:07:38

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...