Friday, June 14, 2024

that’s why you bring me here to write

OK, so I joined the ladies group, every Thursday I go to their class at Lisette’s house. Second or third class she said something about needing help with mass. I said I could help with anything but reading. So she offered to give me the training the next Tuesday after the men’s group.

I’ve done the service with mass now, four times. I guess the first was Thursday, with Father Kevin. And then Sunday with him again and Thursday again with Father Jonathan. Father Curtis sent me some Diocese classes to take regarding child, safety, and suicide prevention. I have no Wi-Fi at home so I’ve been in a coffee shop doing these the last couple days. I’m supposed to get fingerprinted, but I haven’t been able to get that done yet.

So last week, Todd mentioned in the men’s group that Mike’s wife Jesse was teaching a class. I knew Jesse runs the atrium for the church so I thought it might be related. I asked her about it as soon as I could and she sent me the details saying I needed to discus it with Father Curtis.

Course I have scheduled to see him today at 9am. And then Kevin will be here this morning for breakfast so I woke up really early. I have a big mess downstairs as I’ve been cleaning out my pantry. I had all these big heavy appliances on the top shelves, which was really stupid, so I’ve been cleaning it all out.

Then I finished the classes Fr Curtis gave me and started on the stuff from Jessie yesterday and it all hit me, that’s all I’ve ever done. 

Yes? Child safety, suicide, sex and such was all the things I survived to prepare for my own kids who walked into it all intentionally. Then my kids were raised in Jesus like the Atrium programs talks about. So it’s all stuff I’ve done and seen already!

So it’s more intimidating than ever. I’m so lucky I can talk about it with Kevin before I see Fr. Curtis. But still what am I gonna say, what am I gonna do?

Of course that’s why you bring me here to write!

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...