Saturday, September 16, 2023

SEEL - being more intentional with relationship with Jesus.

SEEL - is about being more intentional with our relationship with Jesus. WHY? Why is this important to me, as I grew up in the woods avoiding others who seemed too exploitive and selfish. . . 

My WHY, was about seeking to help "Fulfill God's Promise." Because God Created so much beauty and blessing in the animals, plants, and Earth all around us to share in Joy and Peace.  I believe there must be an EASY WAY for mankind to Be and Share all this beauty, and I know I can help bring it out in everyone I meet . . . And there is enough for us all, contrary to the selfish greed programs trying to take it all now!

SEEL - Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life.

Review book introduction for the process used for all the exercises. Yes, Harriet’s instructions are to read through page 37, before the first group meeting on Wednesday Oct 4 from 9-10:30am. There is five steps for the 32 weekly themes that are reviewed in this Book:

  1. Reading - read and deeply pray within each specific theme. Find a scripture to read supporting the weekly theme in the Lectio Divino Style. The book has specific readings and other recommended within the same theme.
  2. Contemplation - contemplation is a long loving look into the reading - savoring the experiences to develop the ideas in a "sift and sort through data" method - - - distilling what stood-out, down to its fundamental essence that resonates the most.
  3. Meditation - sit with this essence you found and resonate with it to explore more deeply.
  4. Prayers - have a conversation with God about the experience of this essence - - what have you learned to enhance your relationship with God.
  5. Journaling - write capturing these experiences as quickly as possible. It appears that I tend to write ideas and fragments quickly, and then I return to edit, and expand these with deeper clarity and understanding as I review and reread the ideas presented over and over again.
  6. Examine (Starts Week 6) - prayer of reflection before sleeping for each day and what we learned and shared through the day.
Spending quality time with god with these methods is key.
Weekly share the hi-point and low-point at the groups for five minutes.
Biweekly sharing these themes - flag items to explore with Dick - troubles, greatest blessing, deeper explorations.

Exercise for next time: contemplate the best relationships I’ve experienced in my life: names, times, attributes of relationships that were so special and important - - what do healthy loving committed relationships include and transfer these attributes to God.
  1. My mom, Ely Maria Rivera Emmanuelli protected, taught, and guided me as best as she could, even while accepting and allowing my dad’s traditions and leadership. Love, honor, dedication, understanding we’re key aspects.
  2. Joyce Spielberger, my second mom who “adopted” me in high school honoring and respecting who I was and guiding me to share more of my skills and blessings. Love, Honor, RESPECT . . . She was great at listening and accepting me for who I was, intuitively leading me to Christ.
  3. STARS friends Trace, Chuck, Jack and Keith who relied on my dedication and commitment to follow through, giving me guidance and respect, somehow knowing I was “on a mission!”
  4. Emily Maria, my daughter taught and shared so much with me. I did my best to keep her in the love and spirit of God, listening and following her intuition often more than my own. Love, respect, assertiveness, spiritual intelligence were key aspects with her.
  5. Professor John, my friend and major professor through my PhD. Though I called him the father I never had, he only admitted to being my big brother, guiding and leading me into more than i knew i was capable of. Love, deep attunement, respect and insight into my future.
  6. Christopher Allen, my son who accepted my insight and guidance to grow into a strong clear man. Loved, honored, and respected me through some of his greatest challenges.
  7. Now the best friendships I’ve had for most of my life have been surpassed in the last three years including Carol, Judy, Leslie, & Pastor John who love, support me in St Pete; Kevin & John at the men’s fraternity who have encouraged, understood and supported; Johnny, Gina and Larry who rent my rooms keeping me safe, and secure at home.
Why am I doing these exercises. What do you need to change and why.
Ted-Talk Simon Synic “know your why”:
lol . . .  why is Apple so innovative, because they recruit Beta People, and listen to them. Like now having the best feedback app possible, catching all the equipment details and allowing me to attach files, images, data. WHY because making easy expression and recording live experiences creates an ideal testimony to Jesus. . . I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ!
SEEL is about a deeper relationship with God, stepping more deeply into this responsibility is my biggest challenge. The relationship and love of Jesus has become very clear and focused bringing in consecration to Saint Mary and Saint Joseph . . . . Now stepping into greater responsibility and focus with the church community and family at Saint Raphael’s is critical!

Next meeting Monday: 7pm 9/25/2023 is 6pm for Dick in Ohio. Every other week.
Emphasis and trust, head-knowledge vs. heart-knowledge … to experience God, experiencing the love grace, accepted, trusted, reciprocal,
1JOHN GOD is love, the more I know about love the more I know god, love God with my whole heart, mind and soul, love your neighbor as yourself. . . . Love and relationships. Thomas Aquanous willing the good of other as other, relationship with god, self, others, 

The next assignment, read the Fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23 … create three columns and list each fruit down left, add synonym and then add antonyms  . . . . Fruit manifests with synonyms while where we miss on them is the antonyms. The four great distractions - wealth, pleasure, power and honor = four false gods according toThomas Aquanous — are opposite to fruit of the spirit, , ,  Read 1-37 prayerfully, deep dive on the distinction.

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...