Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .
- Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recognizing grace
- Relationship with God more casually/intimately, like relationships with close family
- Continue working on rewriting spiritual origin story, using AI for assistance
- Reflect on personal experiences of grace and connection with God for the week's exercise
- Practice approaching relationship with God more casually/intimately in prayer 44.31 time in this video for “returning home” . . . the moment that the silence was broken and God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks about men
perishing without vision: "And it was almost like I was dying on the vine without knowing where to look or what to do. And suddenly God breathed this life of His Inspiration into me again and it just filled me with purpose and passion and excitement for the future!"
Here again this morning I was starting the day with this Family Focus Podcast, that always starts my morning time with Jesus, unless I wake up early and I have time for Exodus 90 First . . . What’s more remarkable than anything, now as I consider what I’ve written. I’ve actually marked up pictures and blogged volumes and it would get stuck and lost in the twilight zone. This has happened to me before, where I get this bug about saying something or repeating something . . . Like getting this lady in this video at 44:31 who says some really powerful statements. I’ve written it out three times on my scratch pad, then I’ve clipped a screenshot to post the time and thoughts that were ideal to express. . . But I kept loosing it? Like it wasn’t the right time to share yet, or Jesus had something else he wanted me to do that was more important: “sometimes we just have to choose the hard sacrifice that we have to do next that’s Right for God, whether we like it or not.“
It’s really the same story about loss and getting closer to God. No one is really serious about this until they get slammed. . . . It’s funny, as I write about getting “slammed with Your Word,” I don’t need to even stub my toe anymore, as I’ve done all these nasty wake up calls already. Now it’s gotten easier and easier to just listen, why struggle! Then I keep thinking about Christmas, where I could see that my son was approaching one of those losses. And I really have tried to reach out and talk with him, and then he visited and told me some craziness that I almost did myself??!?!?! Shit, you mean THIS? HE never would have been here if I had done it. WOW, I thought of this before too. . . . . I’ve blogged about this experience with my son daily since then, as it keeps coming back to my attention. So apparently I’ve not said enough to him yet or not said the right things yet, since it keeps coming back to my attention.
Now is the first time in all Human history, over 60% of youth say NO RELIGION. People have always had some God, Stars, Moon, or other beliefs in a creation story or mystery of existence, but NOT NOW . . . So they need to JUST DO IT, go back to church and say the Words, create the opportunity for Jesus to reach you . ., , , the greatest source of human suffering is idolatry, which is false worship of money, or materialism, or some work of satan far from the Word!
He stated very clearly how the greatest source of human suffering of idolatry is false worship. When you ordered my life to something less than God, and that will lead necessarily to suffering. And so it might manifest itself at the psychological level, you know, you have been experiencing anxiety or depression or whatever it is. Well, keep following that all the way down, all the way to the roots and you will find satan.
I couldn’t believe how strong and focused Your Word has been to me lately! I always knew my mom had saved my life for something important. Maybe it was more than being with Emily in the NICU? Maybe it was about Christopher instead? Maybe it’s wasn’t dropping out of college to write music, or wiping-out on I4 at 80mph . . . . Maybe it was something I needed to
share deep and scary that I did, or that happened to me? Maybe there is something more about my own experiences he hasn’t heard or understood.
I mean this morning with Dick again, his first question was what had I written on my Origin Story. UHG! Not there yet?! No one else has this but me . . .
What no one else has, your generation, your ancestors, and your ability, No one is Like you, You are the ONLY ONE who can do what YOU ARE. . . 1 Corinthians 12, your unique gift is ONLY YOU! . . . “LEAD ME ON” by Chandler Moore
I love how Your Word comes through all the music I hear . . . . It’s also incredible to select this verse above, the “right-click” on it, to pick “look up” for google to find this verse in a second for me!
What happened was that YOU ASKED for all of this, just as you asked to have the Perception of God in everything you hear. You were very clear and strong about what you “required,” before you came back after the accident at sweet 16 . . . Now as this new test comes before you are you ready to take responsibility and step into it more deeply?
Rafe Weaver - February 06. VIEW RECORDING: Meeting Purpose
To discuss Eric's progress with ChatGPT, personal growth, and spirituaL development.
Key Takeaways
- Eric has been extensively using ChatGPT to develop his blog content and personal storytelling
- Dick encourages Eric to use ChatGPT for creating a personal strategic plan and as an editor
- The importance of slowing down and focusing on priorities was emphasized
- Eric's gardening and community involvement projects are progressing well
ChatGPT Usage and Blog Development
- Eric has been using ChatGPT extensively to analyze and improve his blog content
- ChatGPT provided detailed feedback on Eric's origin story and garden blog
- Dick suggested using ChatGPT as an editor and for creating interview-style content
Personal Strategic Planning
- Dick recommended using ChatGPT to develop a personal strategic plan
- The plan should help prioritize and focus on "great" things rather than just "good" things
- Relates to the concept of principle and foundation from previous discussions
Spiritual Growth and Daily Practices
- Discussion of integrating Bible verses and spiritual practices into daily life
- Eric mentioned crying during spiritual moments, indicating deepening emotional connection
- Importance of slowing down and being mindful of Jesus' guidance in daily activities
Community Gardening Project
- Eric is involved in a church garden project with 4-H certification
- Detailed discussion about chicken coops and urban agriculture
- Eric found a bird cage that could be repurposed for the project
Work-Life Balance
- Dick averages 4 client sessions per day, with a mix of weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly meetings
- Eric is challenged but keeping up with the weekly meeting schedule
Next Steps
- Eric to consider using ChatGPT to create a personal strategic plan
- Continue integrating spiritual practices and Bible study into daily life
- Eric to proceed carefully with the chicken coop project, respecting the garden designer's vision
- Eric to continue using ChatGPT for blog development and content editing
I have been really experiencing more clarity and focus in all my activities. I’ve noticed several times about chanting the name of Jesus. When I add Mother Mary and Saint Joseph to my daily routines, I’ve found how Joseph resonated with working with tools, fixing and designing things. Then Mary resonates more with the plants and life around me. It’s really gotten kinda neat how these relationships and loves have evolved. Then Jesus always seems to give me more to do. I’ve been laughing about how I’m always picking up things, and adding steps. It’s now more like fun, to remember pieces to get and move, and shifting one aspect to another. Then stopping to Thank Saint Mary for the reminders, and duties that Saint Joseph outlined for me. It’s like: “time to get more soil,” ‘Don’t forget to get the log for the fire out front, and get the soil sifter for the next pots. I’ve cleaned out another corner of the backyard, rolled and stashed the first sail.
Oh, my wire for growing the passion fruit is so cool. I had a piece of heavy power cable that I’ve used to string up the sails and hammocks before. Now it’s running from a steel post pounded into the front northeast corner, over the papayas pot, where I have passion fruit vines started. Then to the front fence post, then to the back deck corner post that I put in for the hammocks there. Yes, it’s a heavy 1/4” copper cable on the very top of the three big 6” posts I have for my hammocks . . . . From the very front corner of my lot to the edge of my stone patio at the corner of my garage. . . Just this long straight line, from the very front to the back, then I fitted it through a steel ring, and pulled out the line to get back to the beginning.
What was totally remarkable to me, was I had set this first line last year, and left the roll of wire setting on the ground next to the back post. Then I found a piece of scrap I cut off the same roll before. Yes, I tripped over the scrap wire that morning while watering the plants. So I went back to find the scrap in the dirt. I tied it onto the other line I left rolled in the back, and now I stretched back to the beginning, and saw it just needed to be pulled tight and it would reach. So I found my “come-along” see above pick.
Yes, the blue arrow in the picture here is actually pointing to the “come-along” that I got out of my truck to tie up the cables. I’ve tried to get the fruit vines to start in the back corner. There is still a lot at the fence gate from my neighbor . . . . then at in the front another passion fruit vine is already starting on the cable from the Papaya pot. I even found another flowering jasmine vine twisting around my gate that is now easily running up before the passion fruit. . .
11:26:10 2/9/2023 What we have done is help get you set and ready for the next phase of who you are. Building projects is what you do best. Getting a peer, or professional ready to support and engage more in your work is next for you. You need to get very clear and focused.
I need to get the ChatGPT going on my Words with you!
What is before you will be a lot more than this conversation with us. What if you were the only person who knew how it all goes together. . . And Yes you are clear there is no superhero, no singular solution. It the combined agreement in Love that Allows everything to flow and move forward.
It really has been planned for a long time. I know You have already won, so it’s just about the time it takes to get people to stop and listen to You. And You aren’t done yet!
We have already done everything. It’s not going to take long anymore. You remember when Joni left, and came to visit you. All she wanted to know was whether you were ready and whether you felt like you had the right people around you. You spoke of all the women with great comfort and confidence. And now you are closer than ever and it’s men all around you now. It’s really about timing more than anything. Just like Jesus told Lazarus after he woke him up. It was timing and placement . . . As you see and repeat almost constantly. It’s always about being in the “right place at the right time.”
You certainly have used that phrase over and over again! It’s something that I seem to experience constantly. And I realize this was how we setup everything. It’s all really easy and defined. . . . I need to stay the course, and stay focused,
clear and SLOW! No jumping into things, no shifting everything over night, just stay in the slow steps learning and growing in ease.What did you do?
Yes, I know. I got the feeling that our time is up. And I felt like something super crazy nasty would happen and everyone would be stuck on the TV, where Mk Ultra would fry their brains so they just accepted whatever they were told. I know that’s been the case for years already. But it was shifting up a notch to get crazier and worse still. I told someone from church who invited me over to visit the very next day. Then I called SpCollege Kevin about doing an internship. Or really creating an internship. I explained what I had done before with the potato farmer discount. Yes, I told him very specifically about Keith and the "tent-space" that he had to build a potato farm, with No house access.
It was really a spontaneous insight. Kevin had asked me to write a recommendation on LinkedIn and I told him I really had never worked with him. I reviewed some of his work, and helped a tiny bit with his capstone project. But since I really never did anything with him, I suggested we do an environmental training project. I can do the rooms and the meals, and got some great spaces and tools we can use tomorrow.
Of course, I knew he could come up with a few classes too. And I wanted to be sure he knew that I wanted to encourage him. Then I explained how I really just needed to get started making money again, and I’d be happy to split the profits with him. It took him a week to figure it out and now plans to visit next weekend to check it out and see what we could be doing.
We been telling you the truth, are you ready to really step into what you do best?
Of course, God NEVER stops speaking to me 9:59:31 2/10/2025 and this morning the podcast and Exodus 90 lined up PERFECT, (as I posted to my kids):
Wow clear and strong again:
Galatians 5:13
John 12:26 serving god
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 12
Romans 12:6
Acts 13:36
Teach me to come to you as my true sustenance in my disappointments, stress, and brokenness. Show me how to live in uncommon freedom so that I may become the man that my loved ones need me to be.
Yea each morning I Listen to
At 5am is the Family Focus:
Followed with Charles Stanley:
So no way do I know this, I'm always learning.... and life is so sweet... filled with the fruit of the spirit.... Oh EXCEPT I need to update my standard prayers I’ve written for decades: I PRAY FOR: “Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to ...”
I mean I’ve finally learned that asking for "strength" means I'm always weight lifting. How else does a man get strong? Want “Love:” means I'm always meeting people and saving plants and animals in distress . . . And want more “Wisdom” means, I'm always Challenged . . . . lol, how else do you get wisdom??? It's not a fruit on the tree!!!! lol, unless you are in Eden, again! . . . lol . . . Not yet, but soon!