Thursday, September 7, 2023

each new experience and challenge

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is next?
I was writing with my pens, and I realized that I had the new red one and the blue one with my book. Then I accepted that I needed to get more serious again. This means writing in this blog, since I’m talking to it now. I know I can do this anytime I want with my iphone, as well as talking these sentences very clearly is so important. My Bible studies are now with a new app, where I can click to see the words and hear the words at the same time. This new app works really well and each Bible lesson has verses in chapters for me to read. Using this app where I hear and see the words, I realized that I needed to do that with my journal too, yes writing here and reading here is fundamental.

I know this is about stepping up, into the power that we created here. Like I keep flashing into the same vision I saw after my accident. No cars, only moving sidewalks. It’s like a complete community, where people are just walking, and sharing, and talking all the time, instead of fighting over who’s faster, or better. Building gardens and sharing food and always loving each other. I always seem to see the same thing and it changes and evolves overtime. It’s like each new experience and challenge that I have adds to this One Flash that I see!
What about speaking for us too? Do you think you can handle it yet? Yes, you know you can. It’s a different level of vibration isn’t it? You’re doing really well with it too!
It is your Word! Inside of me now.
We have always been here. We are inside everyone. Some prefer a single voice, which is where the trouble starts. Anyone can pretend to be any voice, and if you do not ASK, specifically by Name, then you get whatever is next?
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for sharing Your Word!
What is next?
I was trying to do the Lectio Divina Prayer lessons with Tim Gray. I’m finishing a lesson for my meeting today, and I flip back to see the different questions. And I realize that what’s next really for me now, is getting up out of bed and moving forward with my exercises and going to church!
What is next?
Now, I was reading the next Word in Exodus 90! Those who are chaste are marked by the truth, with no lie in their mouth. The basic definition of truth is “the conformity of the mind to reality,” or grasping things correctly. Jesus is the Word by which everything is created. He contains the full truth of God and all of creation in himself. Christians never fear the truth because truth flows from God and leads to him . . . Today, we must follow Peter’s example and boldly cast out into the deep. As you begin your silent prayer, ask the Lord to show you how he wants you to serve the Church—where he wants you to cast your nets to win men and women over to the Gospel.
What is next?
Matthew 25:14-30 Just as in life today, different people receive different blessings and unearned gifts. In the parable, three servants are entrusted with three different sums of money: five talents, two talents, and one talent. Immediately, we may wonder why everyone does not receive the same amount. We might think that justice demands strict equality. But who are we to dictate what other people do with their wealth? Just as who are we to question God regarding the various blessings he bestows? St. Paul ponders: “For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor? Or who has given him anything that he may be repaid?” (Romans 11:34-35). So, the first point is that God’s ways are inscrutable. Then, there is the foolish servant who does not invest anything and, therefore, receives the titles “wicked” and “lazy.” The master is angry because the talent was “entrusted” to the servant with a purpose. Not only did he not do his master’s will, but he also refused to cooperate with the master, showing himself unwilling to share in his purposes and goals. Ultimately, he refuses the gift of the master's life.

We could view our own lives as a talent, having received them “on loan.” We receive different blessings and unearned gifts to do God’s work. Everything we have belongs to God and has been entrusted to us. If we use all we are and all we have for God’s greater glory, we increase his blessings upon others. But, if we are wicked and lazy, and see our lives and our possessions as our own, then we are ironically in danger of losing everything.

I guess, this passage applies to me more than ever. I’ve publicly acknowledged the extreme gifts I’ve received in this home and city. I’ve recognized the blessings from my mother or step-mother and all the gifts and freedoms I’ve received beyond my understanding. I’ve also questioned and challenged myself to share and be generous with all these gifts, knowing full well that all of it was specifically allowing me to do and share more love and grace with others. I’ve even challenged myself to step into more creation, gardens, schools, lessons, and gifts to others, my neighbors and community. Then also questioned myself for not doing more with it, or not being really successful.
What is next? Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life? For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay all according to his conduct.”

Then again, I’ve questioned and challenged myself to “take up my cross,” again feeling that the gardens and the churches were about abandoning myself and stepping into the place and responsibilities that God had placed before me.  And now three years later, none of this has moved very much at all. Now, over 4 years since covid, I’ve had five interviews and have a new job offer. Work that places me back into my profession and allows me to return to the work I've been very skilled at. 

I realize my work opportunity at hand, is back to where I’ve been for over 30 years. And the only thing that has changed, is my shift in my deepest-self from the Eric-Methodist-greed-driven-whiteman to the RafĂ©-Catholic-Native-generous-Taino-Mom. Now, I notice this major change since Covid was shifting from my Dad’s Control to my Mom’s Love. Back in the same profession makes me feel like I need to seriously consider what this change means to me intimately.

Then the same day I received notice of the professional job offer, I received notice of being listed for the Bishop Ethics Leadership Center at the Business School in St Pete. Yes, being the Assistant Director to the Dean of the College, running an ethics center, seems surprisingly appropriate for me. And almost “too good” to be true. So I went and visited, just to see what I could find out about the center. It had been moved from the education college to the business college, so I wanted to see all the college had now. I essentially walked through the whole building exploring and visiting all the offices and suites. I walked into the Dean’s suite and met a rude arrogant assistant who answered a few questions but then chastised me, saying that if I had applied to the position, then I should not be talking to anyone there outside of the standard review processes.

Of course, then I stopped at the library and spoke to some staff there who also might see another application from me in the days to come. Then I visited the Marine Science Center where the Dean remembered my name from the Patel College and came out to speak with me. I admitted I had several applications in to his college and would be delighted to help out with the state funded Flood Hub. He was more interested in speaking about the ASCHEE STARS report, as he had just sent an email to Suchi about paying the membership dues again for the new report. I told him how I had done the previous three gold reports and had seen his name on the current silver report. He wasn’t sure about the next report or what was happening to the Office of Sustainability or any efforts along these lines. Even going as far as saying the new Chancellor might know more.

So then I visited the Chancellor again, and got on her schedule finally. As it turned out, I was scheduled to see her one week before my new job. But then this was the week the hurricane came by us and all the schools were closed, rescheduling for the next week after my new job starts. And then I wiped-out on my bike Monday so my new job start was delayed another week as well. And then I got a notice from the City yesterday about being their Transportation Coordinator. Wow? Engineering again rebuilding cities, or Ethics Center, or Sustainability Center, or City Transportation Coordinator . . . Each easily paying me the same or similarly to my VP position and each opening up a slew of new opportunities for growth and expression simply beyond my dreams. . . 

Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy Name, I ask Thee to bind and silence all powers and forces that do not accept Thee as Lord and King, in the air, in the water, in the ground, the netherworld and nature and the spiritual world. I ask Thee to bind all demonic action and demonic communication. Lord seal this whole place, all of us here and all our intentions in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Mary, we ask thee to surround us with thy mantel of protection and crush Satan’s power in our lives. Saint Michael the Archangel, we ask thee and all our Guardian Angels to defend us in battle against Satan and the powers of darkness.Amen (expert from Fr. Chad Ripperger, Deliverance Prayer For Use by the Laity)

"Indigenous indignation" a demand to reckon with eviction from ancestral lands-while others translate varied inflections of gender and language. "The ultimate form of decolonization is through how Native languages form a view of the world,"

Wow so much to learn still 9:07 9/11/2023. We see, however, that at the heart of the rebellion is the refusal to give God what he is due. First, he wants us to seek him out in love and gratitude. When we refuse, he teaches us through his justice, still seeking to bring us back. The rebellious, however, refuse both love and justice, preferring to blame God rather than acknowledge their guilt.

9/13/23 7:08:03 A new day and a new job. I slept like a baby last night. Then when I woke up, it was this strong clear dream. I was busy cleaning some pots for preparing some meal. I had done this before and needed to clean and arrange them. I remember seeing a collection of different sizes. And then I had a separate group as well.

Every day I’m more perplexed. It’s dumbfounding how I have these strange experiences. I stop and consider how things happen and it’s always so bizarre. Now again, my truck won’t start. The first day I was here it wouldn’t start and the owner called me on the phone. I was parked right outside his office window, so I wasn’t surprised when he called. I admitted that I needed to pray and thank God and thank my Truck for being so good for me and he laughed of course, but then it started right up now again, my truck won’t start. Please dear God, let me start my truck and get out of here. I need to go home and sleep .

"The Church an8the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith …"—Pope St. John Paul II (Dominicae Cenae, 3)

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...