Saturday, May 11, 2024

How could I love you more


 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for all you do, share, and express for us to return to your love. I opened Wikipedia as l was Looking up “love” to see what it has, I needed to add what was missing. And the website blocked my ip address. It was really funny, as I have always walked through everything, never stopped by anyone.

Justification of the law by living only for the Spirit. Only the spirit of God, not the flesh. I keep feeling how I need to express the love vibration of GoD. . . How all creation is a vibration of you growing and evolving to become the new light and life of the expanding universe. And I realize all is at hand exactly as we had intended from the start. Which means we will all shift to a new life of truth.

 I know you are trying to make this easy for me. And I know I get stressed out over silly crazy things all the time. I know you are always with me, and I know you always provide for me, and I never have anything to fear or concern myself with. I can’t tell you how strange it is for me to always be protected and benefitting from anything that comes along. And I can’t seem to understand what it is you want me to do next, or what are the critical steps that I need to take ahead of me now.

I really have so much at hand and am beginning to get myself together. Each day I get more and more insight and direction. I keep getting messages and insight each day for me to move forward. I feel very lucky to see so much coming together before me. Like back to the original focus in the garden loving God and my own neighbors.

It is time for you to get more focused. The sun coming into your face over and over again is as clear and strong as we can make it for you. You have emails telling you the same story as well,

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Yes I know and I share as I can. As remarkable as it might seem, the more I know and understand what is before me the easier it is for me to get things done - and now again, I can feel and sense a new level of understanding . . it is another shift in the vibrations of creation. 

Each word, each typo, each scribble shows a higher and higher level of love. Vibrations of Joy and Place, watching the Magic of creation unfold before our eyes. 

This is exactly as we had planned from the very beginning. Even better than we could ever imagine, as you have seen and heard all of your life. Each Instant needs to just blow out your love. And then you realize that this is not your responsibility and you’ve been working, sleeping, trying to do something that somebody else is supposed to be doing and it’s distracting you from your place. Nothing will happen until you admit it and do it yourself its all exactly as you choose.

Finally done something. I've had this to do list in my face since 4/18 and only yesterday did I actually do anything on it. I actually got a lot done on the list even.

It is time for you to turn on your server and get your sites back in order.

 I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ... Each time I get into my office, I only can handle it for a little while. I wonder if I get frustrated with the mess or nothing working right. And it is not only the clutter and mess in my office, but also the cutter and mess on my laptop.

I'm making a lot of progress with everything now. I always get this feeling of peace with the teachings of patience that keep showing up everywhere. It makes me wonder what I'm waiting for or what it is before me that I need to address. 

It is time, for everything to crash. Fill all your gas tanks

I knew it was always about me now. How could I love you more. Each moment this Love gets stronger and stronger. Never am I fearful, it always feels like love, I am always in joy and peace as I know and see what is before me, and it really feels Good too

yez It’s time, For you to get specific and Accept Each step before you. The act of creation is a choice, a desire for love and peace, knowing full well that it all has to be exactly as it is. What a total trip to understand and accept your place and time to share. 

I'm trying to understand this moment before me. And accept it as my choice and responsibility. Like taking care of my house, and laundry, and plants, and foods, and, and, and. Then there is so much in Christ and in love. I know it's really time for you to come. I'm sorry I always ask you to give us more time. I know it's not fair to all those who have passed wanting to return to love and family. 

It’s time

Yes for me now too. Yes I am ready. Bring all things to your Will and Truth again. We all belong with you. Yea I am ready let things BE in Your Love and Peace, Amen

It is time

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...