Tuesday, November 5, 2024

102.2 SEEL: About coming into Eden


Wow what a struggle today. I got outside this morning for the Sunrise, watered my plants and even cleared up a bit.Of course, everything else I tried to do has been a struggle. OH, EXCEPT WRITING HERE. Taking time to write about love and Jesus has been awesome joy and fun. The iPad and pen are a pain in the ass, but it is so wonderful to write in the moment when everything I see and feel is such a total blessing. I know that's why I need to write.

It's like considering the Hurricanes, I'm just immune to them. I never consider them an issue, but instead feel exempt. (Wow, check out the name on this one) Like something about them just doesn't apply to me. I guess, I've felt that about a lot of things. Not afraid of anything seems to come with that, or knowing that I always come out ahead. I joke about how crazy expenses show up only when I get a refund for something else, and it just has happened so much that I don't notice or worry anymore.

I guess that just happened yesterday with my hospital bills. And I certainly noticed and thanked Jesus immediately. I guess I am always thanking Jesus as it's just part of my daily experience. Like I think of going outside earlier and hearing the squirrels chirping at me. Yes of course I chirp back and revel in the fun conversation we have chirp, chirp, chirping. On yes so my next Bible verse is Genesis 1:26-2:9 Consider yourself as God's creation, as an incarnation, or image of God in a particular time, . . .   

So yea of course I am always protected and provided for, as I am the image of God, where all the Earth is at my feet that I may honor it all for the glory of God. I feel how that is what I have at hand now where all things honor God, and all my time and writing is to be and accept this moment with Jesus. And behold it is All - very GOOD!

Like with the Hurricanes I sometimes wonder about why this is so important. I know I have a very unique and keen ability to share and learn from my Angels. I talked about that some yesterday recognizing how it's on Guardian Angels that God has assigned to us for all our needs. And so I have been here so long with them that the experience and conversation is so very focused and contemplative. I never knew that word or what it was all about, until Mary spoke at my first class Saint Theresa's Nine Grades of prayer. Oh yes, I’m here about my latest class now that is SEEL:

Read Romans 8:18-25 (All creation is unfinished and yearns for fulfillment in God). Consider: What are the particular high-Lights or milestones of my life, including my life of faith? Note both the highs and the lows, the times of great hope and of challenge or "groaning.".
So what do I see as key high/lights or fulfillment, and my next step in experience and growth in this life of Faith. What more could I imagine as I love, and as I see so much already. Staying in the love and trust of Jesus is always the whole point and a major challenge for all us mortals, who choose to see with our own eyes and the cultural dynamics created by the propaganda of greed and selfishness. I guess, this is why I must write. Proud and boasting about beating the machine in my death bed, only to discover all is here waiting for us already, where we simply must choose to be the hands and heart of Jesus in each moment.

Yes, I learned that Stepping into Eden is really a choice! Where we choose to live as love and accept all things as gifts, everything can be perceived only as gifts and blessings from God. Yes asking for this Perspective of God and all knowledge opens up, while all fear falls away. Ok I confess I have always feared people reading this Journal as I'm very blunt and specific about many things that not many people will understand, or agree with. I recognize this might be why I'm all alone so much of the time. I have never been very interested in all that is useless in our culture. Then raised with narcissist and sarcastic bullies made me very defensive, and what, insecure maybe.

For it is right that we Praise the Lord: I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to grow and achieve as only you can imagine. And I guess this again is about coming into Eden. And where is this, or how can I live and teach here or where it is that I need to be. My next Bible verse is Psalm 33, yes so I'm back into my threes again, isn't that ideal. Consider: What am I waiting for? How is my heart filled with gladness

I guess this is funny too because I’m always coming back to where I seem to be waiting for someone. I know it’s really just Jesus, and there’s no one else I need, and no one else I should wait for. Nor should I really be waiting for anyone. Because the "Word of the Lord is good,” and I see so much in this Goodness everywhere that speaks to me today, beyond another set of threes there are the waters that He sets into motion. The day after our election I read here about how blessed is the nation of the Lord. This really resonates so strongly for me as RFK jr. endorsed Trump and stepped down the day after my Welcome presentation: Mom’s Sermon; which was repeated in his video with so much more focus and dignity than I could ever achieve.

Day six, Read Jeremiah 18:1-6 (We are like clay in the potter's hands). Consider: How do I find myself being shaped and molded by God now? How am I pliable or resistant? Wow, how strong and focused is this, where I just wrote about my Welcome Witness Presentation: Mom’s Sermon; that over took me. I struggled so much to get that done. After my own witness weekend where I cried through all my help letters hoping beyond hope, to find one from my son, but again and again I opened another from my fraternity brothers. And as I struggled through the last of that weekend I had thoughts that my prodigal son story was what I needed to share, only to find it was about those Fraternity Brothers and not about me. So it had to be my Mom's Sermon, which Fr. Kevin called for any way.

Yes, so like Jeremiah, God has been busy reworking this lump of clay that I am. I guess this means my next Welcome Witnessing might be something totally different. And now as I consider this, I realize how I've been slammed down on the wheel to be reworked hundreds of times. And now I recall how other brothers spoke about their transition in Christ. Over and over again men get lost in greed, alcohol, lust and all the other crap in our culture. And of course I went through all that too, returning as the prodigal after my motorcycle accident while in high school. And still I am getting slammed in bike accidents because I'm not listening to the details for each new task before me. This seems so far beyond understanding, and now as I write again, alone, late at night, spoiled rotten with sweet oranges and organic chocolates... I wonder what I needed to add here? Maybe I need to comment about age and immortality as I heard in this exodus message below. Oh Yes, immortal and healed with the oils from Exodus 30:22. . . More things to do!

Exodus reading this morning: The Book of Wisdom says, “God created man for incorruption . . . but through the devil’s envy death entered the world” (Wisdom 2:23–24).


God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...