Wednesday, October 18, 2023

energy that we are evolving

Yes, I realize again how important it is for me to step into the place and power where I belong. My first experience this morning was with several Prayerline Callers who I’ve heard from before. I recognized a few stories of challenges people are facing. Then the computer suggests their name as I start, and I remember the last time we spoke. I am getting stronger and more focused, where the prayers just flow. I wonder what people think, always being insecure. But again I’ve had several people very specific about the word I used and the resonance they felt knowing when two or more come into Christ, He is with us. I am always reminded of Day Six in Genesis where God steps into the Garden with Adam and Eve and all things were good. That's where we all belong, at peace in Love and Beauty where things are very good!

This actually happens with every written word as well. The first podcast on was specific about this power of the written word. Someone was speaking about three marriages and years of conflict and challenges. We all have periods of challenges and growth. That’s really what we are here for. It’s easy to get lost in the lies of the machine, that life is meaningless, or only about greed and selfish happiness. Course the very next podcast this morning with Charles Stanley was even more focused on how we are all challenged to grow, and step-out and take risks. 

Wow, that’s like my middle name, “RafĂ© Risks” is all that I do. Of course, then I remembered my presentation books, that I risked sharing with a stranger, exactly a week ago. Funny, as I type now 7:25am 10/18/2023, I realize that the last of the three books I assembled was exactly a week ago. I never considered her keeping and reading them in detail, but now remember the last minute additions and moving pages around to create the flow I needed in talking about things. So this morning I sent this podcast to her, and conveniently cut her name off of this text clip I made now.

What are you doing now, is wonderful! People only listen and follow when they want to. And the resonance and encouragement posted her really lasts for centuries and continues with the same messages to so many that read and find this. But some will always choose to “stay safe” with their heads in the sand. It’s really very easy there in Florida, the sand is so fine and nice. And you know, this sand is so fine and white because of age. Time breaks things down smaller and smaller, then it also clears out impurities and returns things to original structures. . . 
I Love you Jesus, and Yes I know that this idea and vibration have been coming through to me over and over again. Like the movie LUCY was on again last night. I thought it was a Spanish channel, but stopped to look anyway. Of course, the phrase that I heard was how electrons move all the time, so the knowledge and truth moves from cell to cell every second. We can really know all things at anytime we want to. #manofknowledge 

Yes, this is really the fundamental truth behind everything. That Love and Truth flow from cell to cell, and atom to atom . . . All of it is connected, exactly like Father Kevin said with “Each One Teach One” where ”each one teaching one was like an electric current passing through a wire until a whole community could be illuminated”. . . 
What are you doing now!
Yes, I know i am in the Love of Jesus, and I know this deepest truth about the energy that we are evolving through us is expanding our universe more and more every second.
Again what you said here is something that your scientists would be able to measure and understand. While doing it now and bringing it foreword creates a resonance that is more lasting and significant than you can understand!
I Love you Jesus, Yes you always love saying things like this. We walk in the abyss together wondering what it’s all about, while we shift and grow creating more knowledge, more understanding and More Love that is really the fuel for everything else. Just like satan was all excited to get men caught up into the oil and gas fuels that they created, or exploited from your Glory thinking it could every surpass all You have before us in Love.

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