Tuesday, April 23, 2024

challenged to Trust and Love

I love reading the Welcome Team Guide, by the Dynamic Catholic
I am up to Session Nine: The Jesus Question.
I feel like I know Jesus better than anyone else in my life.  I guess that is because I really do not know anyone as much as I Know Jesus. Then I also have never had someone so close to me in my life.  I realize how much this is who I am. Like I know Jesus, and we grew-up together.  As a child I could hear and find Jesus in everything I did and everywhere I went. Of course, it was very easy to pay attention to Him in Church, or in the Woods, or out alone somewhere.  Confusion and conflict only came with other people and circumstances surrounded me….
Write down everything you know about Jesus Christ.
  1. HE IS:
    1. The Word, as Our Truth!
    2. The Son of God, as Our Savior from sin!
    3. The Life of the Holy Spirit, as our  counselor, wisdom, guidance
    4. The Alpha and Omega
    5. The Beginning and the End
    6. My friend and confidant 
    7. Always around, and always listening. . . IT is interesting is how strong HE can get, sometimes telling me what to do. But then at other times, seemingly no where to be found. Then I’ve learned to chant “Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ” to get Him close again like when I need help to complete tasks and stay focused.
    8. Always interested in participating, and sharing in my experiences and challenges. Like now writing about Him, it’s kinda weird as He is watching, like reading everything over my shoulder, curious what else I will say or add . . . . .or curious what I will forget.
  2. Who is HE:
    1. I know he is LOVE, and each life on Earth is an Aspect of LOVE, seeking to grow and achieve more Love, a Higher Level of Love, a Greater Aspect of Love. Each of us is born with the mustard seed of Love gifted to us to carry and bring HIM forth from deep inside of us.
    2. I know Love is eternal, so that we Live forever and we get More clear as we are More LOVE. 
    3. I know the MORE we can LOVE NOW, the more we are given to Love, to Share, to BE.
    4. I know we can achieve anything in LOVE. Being and expressing Higher, Clearer, Stronger forms of Love to lead us into a deeper Union and Mystery of Love with Jesus.
    5. I know we can each BE and Live as Jesus in Love, in Healing, in connection to Nature, in all life.
Jesus is the son of God who showed us the deeper truths and power of Spirit to be fulfilled in the trust and love of The Word. Our generation now, which must Believe and Trust in the Word, and only our personal experiences of His Word, must have a level of Faith and Trust so much deeper and more profound than ever before. The Word is all that we have. We can witness and share the Word with each other, but never have we been so far and separated from Him. Today, there are so many false-prophets and countless pretense of the word in abundance all around us. All aspects of our culture and society propose and support methods and means opposing the word, which force a stronger more secure level of Faith and Love to be sustained.

Like I’ve been so completely challenged to Trust and Love where too much has been given to me, and too much comes through to me. I AM perplexed daily by the Grace and Freedom I have to share and express the Love of God. I was awake st 3am again. Completed the Exodus readings, and started the 33day of Merciful Love book again. I opened it in Adobe and had the app read it to me. Wow, was that just perfect. I wanted to get through everything I needed to read before my Fraternity Meeting today. Now I need to read for Welcome too.

Monday, April 8, 2024

how much a blessing my life is.

Ok I admit, things are happening faster than ever. I realize how much I have learned and how much things have shifted around in my life. It has really been incredible as I learn and share more and more everyday. Of course, I have always realized how much of a blessing my life is. I simply have so much and enjoy so much beauty and peace, like even this moment enjoying the fresh cool breeze coming through my house. I realize it is really beyond the capacity of understanding for most people. I know I am lucky to share and express anything or have anyone understand me at all.

I mean like how Jesus really provides for me all the time. I’m always perplexed and challenged. Like stopping to eat, as I know I can not continue to write with an empty stomach, as I'll just get stupid or lose touch. Yes, I know this after many years of missing meals. Ok, so I pack up my iPad and pencil and iPhone with whatever I think I might be able to use or complete while I eat my lunch. And then go down stairs, wondering what is fast and easy to eat. Oh, I know, I have a big bowl of chopped veggie in the fridge. So I step outside with my scissors, and I clip a few leaves of this lettuce and then pick a few perfect little red tomato's and then a few leaves of arugula, and a few big Cuban Oregano leaves and I'm all set for lunch. Yes, I grabbed my mail, while I was out and it looks like an IRS notice and medical Bills. Yucko!

I take my big bowl of salad and sit with those envelopes. Oh, great it's "not a bill" but the breakdown and accounting of all the dentist did. Super duper. Then the IRS notice says I've over paid. What? A refund from the IRS, who over pays them. How awesome is that, another check for almost $3000. I guess I am focused and doing what Jesus wants me to do, cause clearly He is providing for me.

And honestly I have three people in my life now, that really make an effort to listen and understand me. Not just me personally, but also my current challenges and circumstances. And the real experience and emotions of the moment and the spiritual expressions and learning beyond this immediate moment. I really find it to be remarkable. Not only to have people who really understand, but more so people that take on the challenge to help and guide me through whatever insane experience and challenge I am led to share with them. 

Of course, now as I sit outside on my rocking chair in my front porch, and I realize I meet all three of these people within hours of each other every weekend. Yes so I'm totally blessed. . And now Carol has picked me up for the Phyllis Wheatley board meeting that we attend together once a month. 

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...