Thursday, August 3, 2023

kicking ass, and everyone is holding

 7/23/23 6:20am Again my reading today is about loving God first!

This always brings me back to my own dad and my children. My father who loved himself first and then his children only to make himself look better. Then my own children also fell into the lies of my father and brothers who emulated his narcissism. 

The readings of sloth and the sin of selfishness and arrogance clearly shows so much of my challenges, as still today I wonder what could be next for me.  Why do I have so much free time to sit and write?  How will I be able to pay my bills?  Why do these things seem so meaningless when daily I simply step beyond them all.


Yes 10:08:57 and I know again here and now all creation is as my finger tips. . . Fools are everywhere. The snake is kicking ass, and everyone is holding their own version. “See me, I know. My snake is bigger, better, and faster than all the others. Come follow me, listen to my words. I know better…”

Wow, so many snakes coming through everywhere. Watch out there, there can only be ONE TRUE GOD! Only in the Word of Jesus the Christ, as guideline by Mother Mary, the Mother Earth who brings us all forward.

Friday, July 14, 2023

vulnerability is real value

I’m really loving this next Exodus 90 section about King David, and what it really means to get everything you want from God. What is more bizarre than ever, is how easy it is for me to copy and paste this passage  below with my iPad. Then I flip the screen to landscape, standing it up with the keyboard to read and write more easily.  Oh, and of course I can also just snap a picture and show you. 

What is more astonishing than everything is that when i look at this picture, I realize that “I AM” king david, having everything I could imagine given to me by the Grace of God. The beautiful Salt Lamp filling my space and the little salt and pepper grinders offering me organic pink Himalayan salt or black Hawaiian salt to go with the perfect egg frittata and sausage.  AND so am I here to share and honor God, or just collect more crap, that distracts me from my responsibilities of sharing this truth. I speak of all this beauty around me, knowing it’s all been a gift to allow me, to share more of this truth that God has given. And now I realize that I can also speak to this iPad, with the words appearing before me for me to edit and correct. How much more can I share in new testimony to the love of Jesus. 

Pride is trying to “carry too much,” pride comes before a fall.  While: vulnerability is the real value, where humility is about self-less giving, sharing, BEing the Love of Jesus. And thinking of others now, and the actions of BEing for others more. This Preaching today on comes inline with everything I shared and read today. Even my pre-wake-up notices to John . . . Who was debating the Bible with me last night. It even was my very first note that I saw on FaceBook to remind me where my priorities belong: Yes as every Bible verse matters. That’s why BEing the Church can start here,,, Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Alive now with us . . . NOW!  Here is the morning Reflections from Exodus 90: 

Rapacious Desire

2 Samuel 8:7-13

This is a prevalent problem in our era. In his book on acedia, R. J. Snell says we live in an “empire of desire” (Acedia and Its Discontents, Angelico, 2015). Desire is our dictator, and we believe deeply that happiness is just the satisfaction of our every want. While our needs are met quickly, cheaply, and conveniently, we do not feel secure, but dominated by innumerable wants. We are overwhelmed with desires for all sorts of pleasure, entertainment, and accumulation of possessions. On social media, we see someone enjoying a vacation that we now want. We drive down the road and see a billboard for a store we now want to browse. We watch YouTube, only to see an advertisement for a product we now “need.” How many conversations with co-workers or friends are just little advertisements for a product they just purchased?

In our economic life, we have moved past self-interest to the encouragement of self-indulgence. Sadly, this mentality even has influenced our parenting. We don’t think our children should be denied any experience or request. We sign them up for all sorts of sports and activities and spend our time running them around from place to place. One of the major differences between previous parenting styles and ours today is that in times past, kids would serve the parents, while today parents serve their children, answering every interruption or request and giving in to a mountain of toys.

The slothful person is at the mercy of his or her wants and whims. We all know what this is like, in our helplessness before the “add to cart” button or the ice cream tub. We find our weakness repulsive, as we can’t pull ourselves away from scrolling through social media posts. We procrastinate by flitting from website to website, looking for something interesting or scandalous. We feel incapable of denying ourselves a movie series binge or an outburst of anger at the spouse or child who interrupts our schedule, etc. We are acutely aware that we have almost no power over our will and act under a compulsion to satisfy our urges as they arise. We can feel more like an addict than a man.

The intemperance of our times reveals that we lack a sense of purpose, meaning, and value, going in search of some new “thing” by which to anchor our restless souls. We are restless because we are not resting in the Lord. And we use things and experiences as a substitute for the peace that he alone can give.

Consider the way you are living. What controls you? Is it your desires? Do you tremble and bow before them? Or are you controlled by the Spirit of God? What products are you leaving in your online shopping cart, just waiting for a moment of weakness to buy? What websites do you browse in order to arouse your desires? How have you let the desire for “things” replace or subdue your passion for the Lord?

Now place yourself before God, and converse with him.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Sun sneaking through the clouds

 Mark 12:28–34

One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him, “Which is the first of all the commandments?” Jesus replied, “The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” The scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You are right in saying, He is One and there is no other than he. And to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” And when Jesus saw that he answered with understanding, he said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” And no one dared to ask him any more questions.

I’ve repeated this to people on the Prayerline over and over again. It seems a very common and regular statement that I make to people, along with my comments about "Day 6" in Genesis where God came into the garden with Adam and Eve, where all things were good, and we only needed to love god and love our neighbors.

 Wow, how simple and easy for us to step into our own place of love and glory, and to accept our place to love Our god and Our neighbor, nothing else was needed. All was provided and ready for us to step into. I wonder about my lot today, where all is ready and all provided already for me to step into and share and love as only God could. Is this my place and my challenge now, just to place and love my space and gardens of gifts before me in this place of God.

6/17/23. 6:07:38am 
I heard on the radio: Love me Like I AM, “Happy Father’s Day from the JoyFM.” Please, Dearest Mary Mama Guide me to Live Jesus for You, all for the Glory of Father, Sons and Holy Ghosts.

6/18/23.  8:36:01am
I had hoped to get out on my bike for Ritual and Mass, but too much rain and storms outside today. Yesterday, was cloudy and threatening too, but I did do Ritual with the Sun sneaking through the clouds for me. I also planted some, cleaned some, and swam some too. It really was a beautiful morning and I had a family of baby ducks come out to join me, which was really delightful. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Lord’s direction first

David was a humble man who had the honor of God before him. This means at his best and humblest, he did nothing without seeking the Lord first. David knew that the Lord had called him, and so, while he sought the Lord’s direction first, he embraced his responsibility. . . What are you refusing to do for the Lord because you think you are too weak or incapable? Answer that question, then bring your answer before the Lord of mercy in prayer today.

Now place yourself before God, and converse with him

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word !
This has been the focus for you from the start. What you have been giving is so important as it vibrates across the world and galaxies. No where have we been able to share so much joy and love at such a high level. And you printing this pages is felt across ALL OF IT. It really had nothing to do with what you say or share, it’s really just the clear Truth, as it’s the Lord God Almighty!
It is such a trip as I asked and realize that I’ve only tested a bit of this and have not spoken into my blogs more than a few times. It’s really annoying as I know that is what I'm supposed to be doing. Like more and more AI features are being developed just for me to use, share and publish at a higher and faster level.
What has happened in the AI world, is that the snake is going faster and faster to confuse and divide everyone into deceptions, while the truth is buried deeper and deeper. This is simply what is happening. So this effort you are making to share and Be Clear will become stronger and stronger every day you work at it. And yes, you will not be able to do anything else until you are skilled and proficient at bringing this through completely

I know… I’m trying …I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, Please Guide me Dear Mother Mary to BE as your Son Jesus Christ!

Monday, May 29, 2023

deepen your “yes”

This generation doesn't have anything to live for, because they have nothing that they will die for. What are the Values, what is the purpose and goals, what are the gifts we have to share? BE THAT, for the Glory of God.

There is an incredible amount of evil running roughshod over our world and even in the Church. We often do spend a lot of time lamenting how bad things are. This is good and right since we would not do so if we didn’t believe that those doing these evil things were damaging others and themselves. Jesus does not tell us not to mourn. He does not tell us that it’s all just an illusion created by media sensationalism. Instead, he tells us that our “grief will become joy.” That is because the Spirit will give us hope—the supernatural virtue of patiently waiting and looking out for the righting of all wrongs
Acts 22:14-16 And he said, ‘The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Just One and to hear a voice from his mouth; for you will be a witness for him to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’
The Christian life is itself a painful labor. We must struggle to realize the great things that have been revealed to us. We must discipline our bodies and minds in order to prune away all the growth of disordered habits and thoughts that prevent us from keeping our eyes on the prize–eternal life lived in the midst of the great dance of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

 We must rely on the Holy Spirit’s gift of hope!

This is such a challenge for me now. I have such tremendous gifts given to me, and seemingly have not done as I should have with them. It feels like I’m being punished now, but know it’s really a great learning and a transition again. I’ve seen these transitions many times, like the calm before the storm. What’s most remarkable to me is how much I’ve seen and experienced that brings me to a fuller understanding of the power and truth in Jesus Christ. I’ve tried to read and learn and grow, but so much makes my head spin.

I know it's that I MUST practice what I preach. "Fear doesn't come from GOD," we choose to fear, we can Trust God and step beyond fear. We can choose to step beyond fear and choose to avoid anger, or avoid alcohol. This morning the PrayerLine request again was about leaving the past of fear. Letting go of these lies, of anger to allow us to live and move on. We can Live New, ONLY when we leave the old. Let go of the fear and anger to Trust God, who brings in Love to fill the void we can only make in this choice. Wow, I posted this to my family chat: as this included these Bible verses.

Whether you are selling, leading or impacting, the key is correct evidence-based interpretation of who you really are and amplifying your true voice as your superpower.

It is my privilege and honor to do this work and I am grateful to be back online actively to advocate it and bring more awareness to it.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What are you reading now?
It's another piece selected by the Saint Raphael's Catholic Church Men's Fraternity to follow-up after the Exodus 90 readings we did. Now it's about consecration to Mary! 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC  . . . yes, shared now for you too: 
 What has this brought for you?
It feels so strong and familiar! It's like connecting with my Mom, Joyce, Joni, and Dawn as well now.  I remember the night when Joni passed, falling at the steps below her pictures and hearing her ask, “have we made it?” I knew she was asking if we beat the snake, and wanted to know whether we could carry it forward. Of Course, at this time Dawn and Carlie were still helping with Sharon and other women. I told Joni how many women were engaged and she was at ease knowing we could carry it forward.

Yes, the spiritual reading and prayerful pondering brought stronger resonance to the Divine Feminine that I seem to know so well.  I was reminded that Jesus relies on others to spread his Gospel and that he commissioned his disciples to preach it to all (see Matthew 28:19-20). And then he assigned his Mother to support and direct this saying: “Woman, behold, your son” and to John, “Behold, your mother” (John 19:26-27). At that moment, Jesus gave us one of his greatest gifts: his Mother as our mother. Of course, Mary isn’t our natural mother. She’s our spiritual mother . . .
Yes, what this is about is the Marian Consecration, or giving Mary your full permission to complete her motherly task in you, which is to bring you into the full realization of Christ.
I get it! and I guess it's why I'm getting this vibration so strong now. . . where everything in my life is RESONATING Mother Mary so deeply. Like even seeing and moving a private personal shrine to her, shown here loaded in my truck.  Yes, after leaving the Men’s Fraternity at Saint Raphael’s, Judy called to ask for my help. She wanted me to move her “critical Valuables” to her new place. 

When I got to her house, she pointed out a chair, a table or two and her statue of Mother Mary.  She was focused on this statue, already having it standing in a box. No cloths, no dishes. The statue, a table to set it on, and the chair in front of it. Nothing else matters. 

What a good idea for you to strive to deepen your “yes” to Mary. For the deeper your “yes” becomes, the more marvelously she can perform her works of grace in your souls 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Please lend Your Strength

Today's reading reflections from Exodus 90: "God has more in mind for all of us; we must be willing to embrace the fullness of his plan for us. This entails continuing to learn, growing in prayer, sacrificing to put God first, and entering more fully into the mission he has given us. We are taking important steps, but we need to continue to embrace the fullness of our faith. Putting this into action is the missing component for so many people.

We certainly will face challenges. Look at the sons of the Jewish priest who confronted demons in the name of Jesus and Paul. We can avoid this kind of disaster by staying within the authority of the Church. Paul had been given authority, just like our bishops and priests. When they exorcise and forgive sins, they do so with the authority that Jesus bestowed on the apostles. Just like Apollos, we need the guidance and direction of the community to support us in the battle. We also need to get rid of the things in our lives that give the devil an open door. Just as the converts burned their books on magic, we must cut any harmful media and practices.

Pray about what needs to go in the fire and turn to your fraternity for support in making this sacrifice."

I have been recognizing the challenges more and more, both for me, and those around me. Like recently a Judy had a serious accident in her family, and asked for a Prayer Warrior. Immediately Debbie, who was sitting with us in the empty room, reached and grabbed our hands. She created a circle of three and said a prayer for the hurt girl and her family.

As she finished I told them about the prayerline and looked it up online with my iPhone. Signed in and set up a prayer request there. I asked the two ladies to take off their shoes and get centered with me. Again holding hands, I read the prayer for David and Coral in Texas. Again a very clear and powerful Prayer.  Debbie immediately commented about how powerful it was. The vibration was very clear and focused as we stood on the earth together, feeling how the doctors and family there were all touching the Earth as well.
What about the conversations leading to this.
When Judy first got this phone call I could see her in tears and hugged her! Soon we were talking about life and she asked me why people have 
I know it's so much more than this !

What you need to be writing is about this power that you can shift into. People always pull you out of this, while if you allow your own flow. you truly step into another space. You are able, and always able to trust and connect with us. Your Freedom in Understanding this. What did John & Dan Teach you?
I learned how the Eucharist is about taking in Your Word!
We have done so much to force you to write more. And still you fall, and avoid how easy it is. You hold onto traditions as we all will. Creating new habits is priceless and NO ONE can do it all in the Ease of Your POWER. It' very easy to build and create something of power and focus that none can understand or challenge. again here you allow Our Flow, bringing into you such new strong visions. Getting back to your routines and habits create another level of power and focus. Everyone is waiting for you to take control of these things. nothing is beyond you now. it's the Glory Forever
It's all going to blow now !  and I can't tell anyone this time. and you know they ae reading it now. . . as i see this time again. 5:44:46 filled with hal-le-lu-ya for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. for the love of GOD! Hallelujah. 5/14/2023. 

I know it's the radio again! Come on you know that if you were jesus tomorrow you would fill the world with hints and insights to do ONLY LOVE
Just the time of breathing, as it is so true to hear the Right Word at the Right Time. . What have we told you all the time. Together we can bring peace and love to the whole world with your volunteering for the prayerline, write YES TOMORROW, when you write linda committing two hours per week to answer your phone "hit one" and say: "good morning this is the prayerline, HOW CAN I PRAY FOR YOU?"
I still believe, Daddy I'm on my way, I was made to LOVE, and be LOVED BY YOU!!
and it Will all happen this way again and again, until everyone knows this word you can share. one word, it's easy. . . they all know!
Anything i will give up for you I will always be ready for this with you jesus!
I know, I can do It now!
What have we told you all along. solid . . . miracles jsut happen like that, before you hit the ground. you can see the stars, it's more than timing. . . are you gonna carry this sound forth.
I love when you do this! Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for BEING with me through everything. and my slight little bump, just popped the whole world upside down. 
I know, God how brave you are 6:06am every battle won, we know!
What else
I love you !

Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, jj, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to there is more to come!6:07:38

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Ascetics and making it real

When I started Lent I get myself into a very specific refined schedule. Prayerline, coffee, organic fruits, seeds and yogurt. It included three churches, sometimes four, bibles studies, podcasts, and bikerides to do the yoga sun rituals…and then I started to do the organic foods too, and lost touch with my mangroves and gardens …

It really all started with such clarity and power knowing each day was filled with clear purpose and actions? Mostly gardens and plantings. . . Like here in this video I bike out to visit some beginning at one of the bike rental places anyone can park next to and startup their own missionary work here in Saint Petersburg.

I knew i had to get myself into a very specific refined schedule. Prayerline, coffee, organic fruits, seeds and yogurt was very powerful as I recognized this diet would cure most all sickness created by the greed matrix. It’s been a challenge about accepting my responsibility to bring this forward, as I now discover more of my space has people in it. And it kinda freaks me out. Like how can this be happening to me. Sweetest, kindest, most helpful and courteous gentleman possible and still wicked bizarre shit happens that pushes me to the limits or stress and anxiety.

It happened with Nicky too?!?!?

Reflect on the difference in your prayer, making sure you are rooted in what really matters. 

Week 4 Action Items

  1. Meditate on the Resurrection.
  2. Get outside.
  3. Continue to focus on Confession.

6:07:13 and the rain starts… Christ will answer our prayers in his name, but if he does not answer in exactly the same way we think does not mean that we have failed. Christ himself prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that, if possible, the cup of suffering that was his lot would pass from him. Was his prayer, the prayer of the Son himself, faulty? We can only think so if we ignore how he prayed, asking for what he wanted but adding, “nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42).

That “whatever” must be understood in the sense that all of our prayers must be like his. They are all prayers, ultimately, that the Father’s will, which is perfect, would be done. We have to understand that Jesus understands what will fulfill our deepest desires, and his answers to our prayers aim to bring us to our ultimate flourishing.

In your prayer today, bring to the Lord some subject, past or present, in which you have had difficulty seeing that your prayers have been answered. Pray for the ability to trust the Lord’s plan for you in this and the ability to see how he has been answering you already.

Yes more from my studies in Exodus 90 … and I Flashed to John writing the books for me too. Like a random vision or leaving my home and I started to cry.
I started to cry again now 

107.2 more on sin!?!..

DAY4: Ask: When have I failed to notice or respond to the needs of others? When have I felt isolated from God or others by my own sin? I’m...