Friday, July 12, 2024

following Jesus on His terms

I love my routine that I started with Exodus 90 and the Catholic Church. I actually started with going to different services, but now I have some real habits starting every morning with the Exodus readings and these podcasts is awesome.

Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God. Follow him in truth today. Take one minute of silencenow, praying for God’s blessing on you, your family, fraternity, and all Exodus Men.

Today on Exodus Judas shows us at least three ways in which we can make the mistake of fallowing a snake instead of Jesus.

First, by picking and choosing what we believe. Judas was following Jesus on his own terms. Judas did not trust in Jesus and his authority but instead considered his own opinions, and perhaps his feelings, as the measure of truth.

Second, by bringing about change according to our own plans and ideas instead of God’s. Some have speculated that Judas betrayed Jesus because he had a different view of what the Messiah was supposed to be. In other words, he believed Jesus was the Messiah but that his teachings were not what the people needed, so he accepted only what aligned with the plan he tried to force by his own hand. If we do not first let our minds and hearts be formed by God’s revelation, we are doomed to do the devil’s work.

Third, by seeking ourselves instead of God. St. John tells us that Judas, who kept the disciples’ money box, was a “thief” (John 12:6). Judas was seeking his own benefit even as he followed God. The root of the problem is that we are often ignorant of God’s Word and the Church’s teaching as it has been handed down to us. But also that we do not have an interior life. Without a life of prayer, our hearts and minds remain trapped in a worldly view based on the snake.

This is so powerful, and I know God only sends me Angels, and sometimes no one understands, except if they listen and worship in Spirit and Truth! lol, or do like Judas selectively reading, selectively listening, selectively choosing what’s easy to accept. 

The next morning podcast that came through began with Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me.” He- he’s not saying you’re going to seek me and I’m going to hide from you. When you seek me, you’re going to find me when you seek me with ALL your whole heart. 

Like Romans chapter 1, where it says that God has made within the heart of every man the desire to know Him. And it doesn’t matter how you were raised or what culture you’re from or what you were taught to believe. When our heart is being crushed, we know intuitively to turn to the One who made that heart, because we know, somehow, through the power of His spirit, that He’s the only One Who can heal it and redeem it . . . Beyond fear, beyond pain, beyond karma and the snake. Romans 10:13 that says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Everyone. A few verses higher it says that salvation is as near as your lips and your heart, and “if you profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He’s God, you will be saved.”

God is always painting a masterpiece, as referred to in Ephesians 2:10. And when we don’t like the current picture, all it means, and my wise sister tells me this, all it means is that, Kim, he’s not done yet. And so, in practicing pray, listen, do, I was working on a project. “Lord, I need frames. Where would you like me to go?” I’m just asking Him in. I’ve lived so much of my life on autopilot. “I know how to do this. I know how to do that. I know how to run this ranch and go grocery shopping, get fuel, buy coffee. Oh, but God, here is a spiritual part. I better ask You. I better pray.”

If you want to know the simplicity of the wild love and redemption of our God, it really is as simple as we pray, and we listen, and we do, and we just follow His spirit where His spirit wants to go. Jesus said Himself in John 4:23 and 24 that God is spirit. He’s looking for anybody, anybody who will worship Him in spirit and in truth!

feel the fire of the presence of the living God descending on them. “Don’t you know I love you? You’re My son. You’re My daughter. And if you were the only one, I’m coming for you, and I’m here right now reaching for you, My beloved. Will you reach back and take Me by the hand? I’ve got you. I’ve got you. And you are gonna make it. Will you call on My name and invite Me into your heart and your life to lead you through this time? I’ve got a plan. I’ve got a purpose, and it’s good because I am good. Can you feel My arms around you now? I love you so much. Let’s walk out these days together. And I will show you, side by side, My goodness and My wild love for you, My beloved.” Thank You, Jesus. Thank You that Your redemptive love knows no boundaries of men.

Jesus Himself says, “My greatest commandment is to love God first and love each other and then share that love. That’s my greatest commandment.” He said it all through the gospels over and over and over. How can we cherry-pick around that? And I think that He calls us to come to Him as a child, in childlike faith.

Senseless pain only happens on this side of Heaven. Before our God, every pain has sense. He doesn’t ask us to understand the why. He only asks us to trust Him for it. And in the aftermath of that night, as I waved at her and her tail lights went down the driveway, the Lord allowed me to see His perspective, that my tragedy was needed to stop her tragedy. This is the wild perspective of our God. “I’m your light in the tunnel with you. Beloved, walk with me. I’ve got this. There’s always been a plan. Trust me for it.”


Help me to pursue you!

Of course then I heard more more more insight into the Deep Truth of God and Love. Beyond the lies of the snake filled with deceptions. Living in the Will of God: 

This started with Luke 15:11-24 God will allow you to get stuff, and acquire things beyond His Will. This is Gods Gift for you to Choose, a freedom that was given to us. YOU CHOOSE LOVE then it is real and valid. God gave us all a choice! Even if He knows you will make a wrong choice . . . You can have it now, no need to be patient and wait for God. All consequences are based on God, not man and not our interpretations. Satan is everything away from God . . . Fast easy is satan’s lies, that all turn into dust. 

Oh course then I heard more about God on where David Reads Psalm 31: in you oh Lord I put my trust…

Psalm 8 what is man, that God is mindful of us… we are His Image, His children . . . Everything leading us into a fuller, truer, more real relationship and love with Jesus Christ!  

There is nothing else needed or required, just Love!

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