Saturday, January 28, 2023

improving every time

“ God never gives us more than we can handle.” Which I’ve always considered completely real for me. While the Exodus reading today disagrees, saying God will always push and challenge us. Yes, but all these Challenges are designed to inspire greater connection with God. It’s not out of reach, but part of our learning and experience to remember to ask God for Guidance and strength. Of course, as I was reading these notes in Exodus I heard more insights on the Radio. ,,, 2 Corinthians 5:14-16 ,,,, Romans 1:18-21

1/28/23 6:16an

Gospel & Reflection
Mark 4:35–41Reflection

It is the Lord God alone who can subdue storms. His power over storms appears as a motif across the Scriptures: “O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness round about you? You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them” (Psalms 89:8–9). Again, the psalmist says, “Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!” (Psalms 93:4). And, in a remarkable parallel to today’s Gospel, the psalmist says, “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress; he made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalms 107:28–29).

And again they recognize my place and all this. It’s a remember hill. The light moves through magnetic fields, and we can see this as we do things. So I was able to notice how Jesus would envision the moon and the sun and the Earth spinning around us to move the waves. It was remarkable to see a sudden vision of these energies moving while I read this, I’ve seen this before I’ve been connected to this from the start. I guess, we all have. 

This power and focus is getting stronger all the time. This morning I woke up and it was cloudy out but still I’m dressed and ready to go. I don’t know if I’m gonna be planting mangroves or sitting in the sun, or just going to mass. I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday, but now I take the time to share. I did Underwood’s video and then the two exodus readings.

To Obey is the reflections peace, and I’m talking to this widget and the technology is improving every time, I know I created this myself for myself because “I Am” . . . . this is as we all are. Then each day we bring in new insights and directions to inspire and direct everybody. Recognizing this truth and sharing it is just as important as experiencing it, so I need to be very clear about how to connect to Jesus.His name.

Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, and I realize I’ve been struggling with the fence all week haven’t used this prayer to do much at all. I haven’t chanted as much as I need to. The Ritual at the Sun Dial was so clear and strong as the sun came out as I called it forth. It was so powerful and wicked cool as I came out when I started and then hid again as I was finished.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Practice what you preach

Today I had a call on the prayer line where she was having serious conflict with other people. She was literally being attacked by Satan. That’s what I said after she explained all the events. I told her how everyone calling me on the prayerline was asking for more Jesus. They were all deep in struggles, growing and learning where we each belonged and God’s Plan for that moment. How before the snake came along on the sixth day, we were all in the garden with God, and that’s all we had. It was good. That’s where we belong and that’s where we need to return to.

She totally understood when I started to share, she recognized how important it is to stay with the voice of Jesus! It was clear to me how Jesus was strong in her life and Satan was out to get her. Loving Earth and our neighbors was where we needed to be. Again I am testifying before others and Jesus is now, so much is changing for all of us.

We are all living the second coming of Jesus now. He never left us sending in the Holy Spirit with each moment we are alive together. And I told her how the snake and the deceptions were everywhere and she already knew. She knew about the toxic water and foods. I said it was so much worse, and the few who reach me are ready to help us shift to the next paradigm. I told her about the “international lawsuit” trying the prevent a Chinese company from exporting fish that they made out of plastic waste. I mean the firm was selling boxes of recycled plastics that were cooked and eaten as fish around the world. Like plastic that looked and tasted like fish made in a lab, and you wonder about Cheerios and other boxes of food that are never cooked, or more easily made. Like how much more there is in the stores now that is not even real. I mean sharing with her this random article I found about this ongoing lawsuit that couldn’t stop this exporting waste as food.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

delight to connect

Wow, what a wonderful conversation. Someone called the Prayerline from Houston Texas. She's 79 years old and has been fighting cancer since 2001. She sold her car because she didn't feel strong enough to drive anymore and didn't want to risk anything. Now, she really is struggling being alone. I told her about the Chosen and how she could get this story about Jesus on her cell phone to watch at anytime she wants. 

We spoke about her experiences and then also about the Chosen. She was so happy and excited to know she could find this story to watch about Jesus. It was such a delight to connect with someone so strongly and hear her joy and excitement in her voice with what we shared. She began with such complete disparity and fear, ending in Joy.

It’s been a challenge to step into this place where I belong. Svetlana rented an ABB room yesterday and I spent the day taking care of her kids. We had so much fun building a garden box and then even a teepee. It was interesting to have this experience with them as I wonder if I will be building a garden or school or program with children soon. As weird as it was between projects, we walked around the block here by my house. When we walked around the church block next door, I noticed a sign in front of the school seeking teachers to help. 

I called it and they are looking for people to work with infants. I would certainly be able to. I’m not sure what I said, but it was clear they were looking for women. I left my number if they cant find someone.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

find in church and here online each day

Lent was about the divine Promise of God filled with Human Responsibility. As I start to explain the next experiences I had, I am listening to the lessons on the Radio. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of the heart." Delighting myself was exactly where this experience with LENT started. Psalm 37:4. Taking Pleasure in the Lord. Focusing on Jesus more.

I recognized how my life was filled with the Love of Jesus. I must learn to "commit myself" to this Divine Experience as it shows up before me. This is a NOW experiecne more than ever, since "MY WHOLE LIFE" has really been a blessing. and Now as i see ALL MY DESIRES spilled out before me again, I needed to learn to Pray more. Yes real Prayer in communication with the Lord. Better communication, more responsibility, more actions, and more results. Psalm 37:5.

I'm always thrilled with this "hope I cling to," as I'm never afraid, but I go forward with this divine experience.  Each day I see this responsibility open up before me and I realize how much more I can do and see in this moment before me. And I wrote phrases I heard from the Radio again, as the InTouch message came through. And then the next song showed up.

It's funny, as I know "god is in the details" and the songs speaks the Words of Jesus as I write, knowing I'm deep in this Truth and mission of Christ before me. And so I get a screen clip and it's perfect, except this is missing the 5-6am links, when the other ministries come through online. LOL, and their "own personal good is all the matters." I've tried to tell TheJoyFm crew to make the NOW PLAYING links real for every moment. . . they do what they want!

Yes, I've told them to include the commercials, as business partners come on so quickly and pass, where no one can catch it all. I love supporting them, and have visited a bunch of partners, which are hard to find sometimes. They did add their business partner directory but it's never explained. NO ONE KNOWS it even exists. They love making little sound clips that they use over and over again about Carmin Wheelbarrel but nothing new.

Matthew 16:24 => Take up your Cross! . . . carry it forth with others in community who help you and share in this truth that I find in church and here online each day: oh this is app that makes my day and experience so powerful all the time.

Monday, January 23, 2023

our "why" statement

 what is it that you really want?

 The Exodus message today came back to our "why" statement. Why are you here, what is it that i really want. Like this “want” to be able to write my scribbles and still have the auto correct and typing so everyone can easily read and understand what I mean. Yes know my intended "meaning" beyond my sloppy scribbles.

This was really the empty desire of a child not wanting to read or write like "normal" people do. But asking God to create iPads for me, with pretty write pencils that I never need to sharpen. Sure what would a lonely child ask for? If you can create a way to translate my scribbles into real words, an endlessly sharp pencil is easy. 

As usual the radio story is the same as My life story! Sometimes I wonder which came first. Yes LISTEN to the ONE Truth in Jesus which can be heard Worldwide now: 

Creation waits in Longing for the "sons of God" Romans 8:18 giving a picture of how history is unfolding. . . this voice is waiting for you. Makes the New Heavens and New Earth, where creation will operate as it is Supposed to be Operating. . . Living in the freedom and Fulfillment . . . revealing the goals, to be stewards of God's Creation.  God's Regents of the Earth, for this to Thrive and Flourish.  

To Work From Rest. . . back to the father as a perspective where there is real purpose in your Work. Tell the Lord you Troubles, Show-up in Faithfulness and Lord help us to Keep that Bigger Picture in Mind - - we ask you will grant Grace, Peace, Healing in Your Word Amen.

there is nothing worth more, You are our living hope, your presence Lord. . . Holy Spirit, You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your presence, Lord Your presence, Lord 

yes I can get this too: and it's all live online each morning as part of My Ritual to Love God. . . because this is "MY PROMISED LAND" 

 . yes this whole life is part of a PLAN! 6:20:04am and I realize again this morning my mission in Christ is to reveal the truth that Father Kevin Spoke about where "each one Teach One" is the Holy truth about loving God and BEing Stewards for life on Earth. . . Stewards for Man to find their truth and power in Life away from the Matrix of lies and deceptions: 
Yes, this morning on the Prayerline someone called with the breakdown stress and anger. She lost her son, Lost her mom. . . Now her daughter was pregnant with a one year-old in hand and no rent. Yes real stress with menopause, which is really a scam too. . . like wisdom teeth! Something about money, not about health.  

Sunday, January 22, 2023

I am a child of god!

I started this morning with the Sermon:  its just perfect to start. No prayerline on Sunday’s. So i did all my exercises. Chopped-up some fresh papaya for my salad adding Cayenne Pepper and Cinnamon too. No yogurt so I added my Almond Butter mix.  Prepared an extra to put outside   ;-) I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,  

Last night when i sat to eat, i turned on PBS and this Holocaust documentary came up. I realize this was the same companies that put in the fluoride and put in the GMO‘s and put in all the other crap that we’re suffering from now. Exact same companies. IBM and  beyer. Yes, gas, steal, technology and greed setting priorities of profits over people. Devide and conquer to create needy peasants everywhere or death!

Oh course then I did the Exodus90:

 The Influence of the Father Day 14 | Exodus 6:13-27 Each day, it's important to take your bearings. Where are you today? “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 

When our Lord calls you, he doesn’t ask you to be someone you are not. God’s grace does not impose itself on you or destroy your individuality; rather, it elevates, transforms, and perfects you into the man that you were created to be.

So much rings true to my focus and passion!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

properly hearing God’s voice

I’ve been told to share more from my readings too. The challenges before me are really incredible, and I know my place. Now speaking to the homeless “tent-person” who told me the  new guest was drunk. I told her everyone has their crutch. Just like her own smoking was her crutch. And you will soon decide to save every dime you spend on cigarettes so once a month you can have a big steak in a fancy restaurant with a glass of wine. Yes, a hundred bucks a month on cigarettes so she could have some key lime pie with it too. “That’s where you got me adding the pie”

This is knowing my place in Jesus . . . Like here are some strong points to me personally from the second week of Exodus90 reading for me to do. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,  

God Gives Man His Strength

Day 7 | Exodus 3:7-22

God said to Moses, "I am who I am." And he said, "Say this to the sons of Israel, 'I am has sent me to you.'" God also said to Moses, "Say this to the sons of Israel, '
 Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
We have started here to bring you into this place and power that you have not understood. Of course, you have always been protected. Of Course, hundreds have tried to kill you, and hundreds more have tried to deceive you and get you moving in the wrong direction to bring your own destruction instead of the blessing and growth you have planned.
I get it! You only send me Angels! You’ve told me many times that so few can share and write with you as easily as I do. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, 
 What your mother did to keep you safe teaching you to “ask for the Word” asking for Jesus, asking for Protection, Asking to BE WITH JESUS. You were very specific and focused for a very long time. These lessons and trust you had from your mother, were very powerful. You are up into action from the start, with some very old sacred laws of Divinity. This is what you did, like writing this blog to share the deep power and truths that you learned in Lent. Each Word connects and vibrates into deeper cohesion and resonance to the ancients beyond! Creating new community that only God will fully know and understand.I’m really working and trying to get in tune with all that I see before me! I knew from LENT, that I needed to start with Making my bed, weight-lift exercises, prayerline, JoyFM Prayers, bike ride, yoga, mangroves, Mass. . . Today was Saturday so I had no prayerline, but reading the last two days of Exodus90. Then doing this planting:

I realize these Mangrove Plantings are where I started in tending the Gardens for Jesus. The sixth day in Genesis God had created all the plants and animals and set Adam and Eve into the Garden and all things were good. I know this is where I belong, and this is where I need to return. As all things are good in the gardens when I accept our responsibility to love and tend for all the plants and animals.
What has happened is that mankind has chosen to dominate and destroy, instead of love and lead the as a shepherd or the father.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Chris, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ! 


Day 11 | Exodus 5:1-4

Each of us is a son of God, created in his image to live in his likeness. Each of us possesses many strengths, and as a result, pride is a constant temptation. When our pride grows, we defer more and more to our own impulses. The result is always our ruin. 

Number: Gospel & Reflection

Mark 3:13–19

According to Luke’s Gospel, Jesus “spent the night in prayer” (Luke 6:12) before he selected the twelve apostles. This proves the importance of prayer; without it, we cannot properly hear God’s voice and respond to his promptings. Then, our Lord specifically chooses twelve men to be his appointed representatives. Have you ever wondered why this number? What’s so significant about the number twelve?

When God initiates a name change in the scriptures, it usually signifies a unique change in mission for that person

The Relatives

Gospel & Reflection Mark 3:20–21

Jesus generates craziness around him because our world is broken and he is bringing in a power that transcends the world. Jesus is upsetting our human standards and expectations because he is the one truly new thing under the sun. We must respond to his message with repentance and belief

Wow, this is so powerful for me. I’ve realized that Covid brought me to Lent and Saint Raphael’s Catholic Church. I step away for the lies and greed of the american machine with my protestant father to the generosity and love of the divine mother and a new church. Where I am RafĂ© now after my mother’s father in Puerto Rico. . . 

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...