Monday, August 28, 2023

experience with God

Monday August 28th 6:07pm and I’m writing these words into my iPad with a pen, but it didn’t work, past the date. So now I’m using a keyboard instead since i have no patience for technology, sorry Steve. I still love your auto spellers, but not the pens yet. There is always a desert to cross in the spiritual world. The dark night of the soul always must be passed first. These trials and desolations are written over and over in the experiences shared in the Bible. Remembering something written in an experience with God is a strong vibrational experience, which helps us to remember God’s Love. 

Recording events, anniversaries, birthday, events with pictures and memorials is an ongoing tradition to help us to remember the love of a moment shared. Contemplation in prayer with God is important to know and experience HIS love and recognizing this focus and power. Even though we are unworthy, we have God’s Love by Grace, even the prodigal’s son.

Like the Samaritan women at the well who Jesus sought out to meet and love. Seeking the face of God, where we seek to act and do good works to bring love to God. Love all those impacted and available.

Psalm 27:8 New International Version
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.

These methods are effective to choose a key word, or a key image, and reflect on it. Select a word, like a grape and hold it dear. Meditate on this word and squeeze all the juice out of it. And as we read and study this key image and allow it to ferment inside of us through meditation on it. “Be still and Know God” gets us into contemplation to taste and see the goodness of the Lord by getting deeper into this image and word. To love the Lord. 

This is my reading and studying the Lectio , where I need to now commit to a resolution to DO something in Love for God. Hearing, listening, meditating, contemplating and now resolve to do something. Be sure to step into this. A real practical resolution to act and step into something new as we are inspired. A very practical sensible act that is simple and easily to express something specific. I will give to the poor, is not enough. . . I will give an apple or a dollar to each homeless person I see.. . Is a simple practical act that Loves god.

Verbum Domini 87, Prayer is about knowing and loving God! What do we do with our love, who do we love, who do we help. Who are we sharing with. What are our resolutions to step into more love and joy with others. Mark 12:30-31 ==> 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.” 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, if you read this you know it's real. Stop second-guessing, stop judging, Trust Jesus and move forward by LETTING-GO of the old so something new can come into your life. . .


107 the reality of sin

Sin: is a breakdown in love relationships. Sin consequences are in disharmony, marginal oppression, pain, & suffering. Ask God to reveal...