Thursday, August 10, 2023

ready to do something new

This is wicked cool. As i read this next section in the Contemplative Retreat I remembered my experience with my children and Reiki. Yea, Reiki is the energy healing methods using your hands. Of course, it has some funny name and tradition where someone tried to create a new religion or sect with it. But energy healing, reiki or whatever is all the same things. If you love and focus you can do anything as we area all in the image of God.

With a little exercise and patient listening we gradually become aware of them. But it takes time. And it isn't the same for every person. Some feel the movements spontaneously and at once; others take longer. To become aware of these energy movements, it's very helpful to direct attention to the outgoing breath. The center of the palms is also a privileged place where they can be especially felt. As soon as you sense an indication of awareness, add Yes to intensify the transmission of power.
What I really liked was when my kids were Attuned in Rieki they could really feel it. My son came home one day and said how he was healing his mom’s skin cancer. He knew it and could feel it, but his mom didn’t believe him. Here he was telling me about the heat in his hands and how powerful he could get, but his mom. . . . Wow as I remember this, I start to cry. Thanks you Kimberly Finn for teaching me to cry again! Now to think and remember my son. He’s 10 years old and his own mother doesn’t believe him. I mean, she’s calling him a liar!?!?! Holy shit! I guess my dad and siblings always called me a liar, but never my mom. Course I never would have survived at all without my mom. It still makes me cry when I think of my awesome son who was such a powerful loving child. 

My other church lessons are Lectio divina, which begins by giving God the first word and listening to his voice speaking to us as we read Scripture. This is followed by meditation, our reception of the Word through our thoughts, and the application of what we’re reading to our lives. We then move to our own prayer: our response to God based on our meditation, sharing with him what is on our minds and hearts. Finally, we are drawn into the gift of a silent encounter with God in contemplation, a meeting and embrace of God in love.

This must be our model for prayer. When you ask the Lord for help, you must remain persistent in your pleading, and you must not waver in your faith. At times, you will not hear God’s response to your prayer. Men may dismiss you and attempt to dissuade you. God may even say that your favor should not be granted at this time or he may have something else in mind that is even better. But whenever you pray, you must follow the example of the woman in today’s Gospel and be persistent in your intercession and constant in your faith.

You are Jesus…. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, again I see how faithful God is for me. Opening and sharing as best as I can. You are the god who fights for me hallelujah hallelujah. . I can talk again.

OK, so now I’m ready to do something new. OK now I’m ready to do something now. OK I am ready.

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