Friday, August 4, 2023

The Next Exodus 90 Book Lessons

contemplative prayer

Pay attention to the nostrils through which the air enters and try to feel the movement of the air along the inside passages of the nose. Don't breathe more heavily in order to feel more; instead, cause your inner ears to perceive what is happening in the nose. Remain for half a minute with this awareness. 

Now you can move on. Ask or remind yourself:  
  • How do I feel the inside surfaces in this lower part of the nose? 
  • Move a little higher: how do I feel them in the middle section?  
  • The air that comes in is cooler, the air that goes out is warmer: am I aware of this difference in temperature?  
  • How do I feel the movement of the air in the upper part of the nose?  
  • Follow the breathing tract. First it goes up, and then almost between the eyes the path turns to the back. Can I feel this?
This is the same work that DawnXena taught to her students. 

This was wicked cool for me as I read this section. I suddenly FLASHED to the little oxygen molecules getting absorbed into my body. It was like seeing the happy blood picking up oxygen to carry away.  And my presence in there, was almost like God had showed up to inspect the operations of my body. Yes, I was seeing and checking in on myself and knowing and seeing how everything worked and they were all excited to see my inquiry and know that they were all healthy and happy moving forward as they were all designed and set into motion. 

It is remarkable as I recognize the spirals of consciousness moving and evolving inside of me. Than these blood cells filled with oxygen and joy at my own experience seeing and sharing this moment with them, brings them to my heart, where this higher joy and bliss brings more health and youth to my heart.

And it all happens instantly, as I feel these vibrations inside of me. Then I realize how writing these words and sharing these ideas is so important for everyone now, because so many of us have been listening and believing the lies of the machine. So again, now I step in to this Power, where I realize I can speak to this blog to share these Words and Insights Before you. It’s an incredible experience to realize how important it is to share these Words, knowing that Jesus is with me, guiding me through everything. 

In the contemplative phase our sole endeavor is directed to our relationship with God. Everything else happens by itself, occurs, is given. We no longer worry about the course of things on earth.

It’s all about forgetting the mortgage again!
I’m spinning around my own selfishness again, of course I’m concerned about it, John left, no new renters and no regular payments. And again now I hear about calling the prayer line 877-800-7729

Since, “Humility is nothing other than the truth,” take twenty minutes in silence today to ponder with God the “truth” about yourself.

Now place yourself before God, and converse with him.

It’s the first time in months that I did my exercises. I always make my bed, but cutting my hand is the latest excuse to avoid the weights. Getting pulled out of my house, and through everything else where i commit to helping people. And I’m still spinning. Helped Judy out of Unity now too. Yesterday was her last day there. And my truck is still filled to the top right now. I guess, I was hoping to get help emptying it. But again it’s weird how I feel I’m just collecting more crap. I talked to Judy and Leslie about restaurants and businesses but really can do it all by myself. 

Oh, sing to the lord . . . hello I guess I need to be writing again, as I woke up at 3:33am, of course!  I realize that I can go biking. Got to go do my Sun Yoga, and then go to church. I might even swim in between. But I know I have to do this with Judy. I never knew I’d run a restaurant, but it seems like the only alternative!

8/6/23 4:44am I called the Prayerline about my mortgage, and they prayed for my wisdom in finances.

I guess the voice from businesses always is about making money …. never seemed like anything else was necessary. It’s like my default move, like talking to this computer. Now it’s learning who I am, feeling more and more selfish as i could have taken my load yesterday to Leslie’s garage instead of mine. I guess this is where it was going in the first place.

There is only the Ways of God, in meekness and kindness, in humility and patience. . . As how I present myself. . . Or how I see myself. Again feeling almost exploited, hiding in the woods collecting everything I can find to make myself safe or secure. But I need to let God BE through me, expressing more fully. Stop hiding and express, allowing the Word of God to dwell inside.

To sing songs of joy!

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