Saturday, January 4, 2025

106 SEEL Ask and Receive

Time for SEEL again, week 6 is where we reflect on the calls we hear from Jesus. And we can all hear His voice coming through over and over again, and I guess more and more so, all the time. Or maybe I should say we can “choose to hear,” and then there’s another choice to listen!

I guess, this is really my whole point and purpose in writing. If I have been able to hear and share in the life and love of Jesus, then it would show up throughout my life. And I see how this is my experience over and over again, as each day I experience and share more and more of this sense of Peace and Joy that I have so much of the time. This ability to share and experience so much Joy (AND/or ANXIETY!) each day is now here for all to see.

Like again now, to understand and accept the many ways that God calls me. With the first reading, what more could I possibly ask for from Jesus? I guess I would like to have this time before me, to be more specific and more defined. Yea, I can write and share more and more each day and I know there is a lot here for me still to write and share! But to have little, or no other tasks seems odd. Yes, I know there is so much for me to do every day, and I must be patient and listen, as Directions are always coming.

DAY 1: Mark 10;46-52. Hear Jesus say to the blind man: "What do want me to do for you?" Hear Jesus say the same to you. What is your heartfelt response? Yes, what could I ask Jesus for, is also part of the communication. I know I'm not blind, nor do I have any physical or mental ailment that I need to request healing for. I know my professional world and business is sorta out in space still, but I kinda feel it always has been. I have randomly gone from job to job, careers and places never seemed to make much difference to me, I have always accepted what shows up. And whenever I consider questioning what shows up, then I seem to get lost or confused. Yes, TRUST is good, and has always worked for me. And so I continue here and move along with peace and ease. . . 

UHG and then ANXIETY hits seeing a LOSS in LIFE! And I called the Prayerline to Pray . . . for my Son and a USF Job!

 12:18:50pm 12/31/2024 Of course, now as I see and read these words again I realize how my world is shifting again. What do I ask of Jesus now? I’m seeking for help and insight to adjust my prayers to begin with Saint Mary and Saint Joseph to enable greater love and devotion to this family created by the Trinity. Jesus born to Mary and Joseph representing and modeling the ideal family.  Consecration to Mary tomorrow is about focus on the grace that we have when Jesus gave His Mother to help, lead, and guide us all back into the Love of beauty of Her Son Jesus. There is so much here that is powerful and awe inspiring for me, as I review what I’ve been studying and exploring. Over Christmas and Thanksgiving, I’ve watched all of Season 2 and 3 from The Chosen. . . and I grieve with Jesus knowing that no one listens and understands. . . 

Yes, last night I was starting Season 4 again. Then I have also found Bishop Barron on my MacBook over and over again, whenever I stop for lunch. My Mac is on my dining table, so it's easy to start, when I sit to eat. Now again, with his story about Saint Thomas Aquinas, “who’s purpose was to set our lives on Christ.”

This next Verse Jeremiah 1:4-10 (call of Jeremiah). Ask: How do I react to God's call in my life?  This is kinda neat for me as I’ve learned about my time in the womb, as I’d been through so much before finding Christ with the Roman Catholic Church from my mom.  I almost never survived the womb, and later had my mother struggle over and over to keep me alive and avoiding conflict and trouble. She really did a lot to keep me safe; Teaching me the Prayers of Saint Michael in elementary school when I was getting bullied . . . then again a prayer I repeated walking to my county office from the city parking garage, where I had to park the state truck I had going to school again.

Beyond this experience with the Lord from within the Womb, I get the sense I may need to ask God’s “hand to touch my mouth” as I get the sense I will have this experience needing to speak more about planting, as I am already busy with building gardens again. Course, I’ve been doing more and more with Church too. As Fr. Curtis asked me to help get a 4H club going with the school at church.

Read Jeremiah 29:11-14 ("I know the plans I have for you"). As you consider the retreat ahead, or your life ahead, rest in the assurance of God's faithful presence. I kinda have always been in the stage of expressing God’s Plans. I really never seen to understand then "fully" and then I step into things only to find I have to be teaching or sharing something else. I have accepted that He guides and protects me, so I'm always seeing the events in my life as a means to His Ends. Seeking with "all" my heart has become a very strong conscious prayer, where I'm specific about people and places. I am often challenged to do random things that Jesus calls me to.

This morning I was awake at 3am again. I listened to my Exodus reading: 
Here I Am 1 Samuel 3:1–14  Reflection: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel’s words embody the perfect response to God’s voice as he calls out to each one of us. He does not often speak in audible words like Samuel received, but he beckons to us in our hearts. It’s hard to listen, which is why Samuel even mistakes his voice initially. We must become silent within to attend to his still voice, which moves us without words but with a conviction that surpasses them. . . . 
This was to strong and present to me after the last two days trying to understand and express the experience of loss to my son and friends.
I then called the Prayerline at It was so clear and powerful to be able to share with another man who really did prayers for people; stating and acknowledging the power and focus when two or more are together in prayer. I asked him if I could record our conversation when he got to the Bible verse: Proverbs 22:6 where a child who knows Jesus, will remember in age . . . They may get lost in between, but will always return, as many of us will go astray.

Day 4 is to repeat a verse again, and I mentioned earlier that I anticipate Jesus taking my voice and filling me with His Word and guidance more than ever. I have had this sense before, that might be why I set my blog screen to begin with thanking Jesus for bringing us the Word. I was really inviting Him to share more which really coincides with a lot covered this week as this is putting all my heart into Jesus . . . Then as with my son all these learning and experiences relate to each other. Like along with SEEL, my Consecration to Mother Mary, the Exodus readings, FamilyFocus, and Charles Stanley podcasts; this holiday season included watching The Chosen Seasons 2-3. So the anxiety study with understanding loss to bring us closer to God brought me to Jesus in grief as pictured. 

DAY 5 Luke 5:1-11 (call of the disciples by the shore). Listen to Jesus telling Simon Peter, and you, "Do not be afraid." Where do I experience God calling me in the midst of my daily life? I guess this one makes me laugh as I've lost track of how many times I've done that, “because you say so” and gone along with whatever guidance I get. . . I know I've even complained about getting so much to do all the time. It's gotten more stable. Like even with the Prayerline call this morning, the sense of more coming together and making sense to me was very present.

DAY 6 John 1:35-39. Listen to Jesus say to the disciples, and to you: "What are you looking for?" How do you respond? I guess I just wrote this. I called the Prayerline to ask that my son get some guidance and during conversation I mentioned my first Prayline call, when I asked for “job” and started working within a week. So now again, I've also asked to work again specifically at USF. So I was thinking specificly about one job I'm listed for at the Flood Hub, and real about what I'm looking for. And it feels like I will be doing Lent Alms on the Prayerline again, mass every morning, Exodus Exercises . . . uhg cold showers . . .  

Day 7, repeats.  Listen to the Lord your God!  Please, Lord Jesus, care for all the people in my life Emily, and Christopher, my family in church and especially Jay and Addys, Kevin and Kay, Dick and Sherry, Mike and Jessie, John and Anna, Jim and Lora, Todd and Marcy, All the families and children that are in the church, our Parish, Father Curtis, Father Claudius, Father Kevin and our community, city, county, state, and nation for the glory of god the Father, the Son, And Holy Spirit! . . . . . 
Thank you for this Exodus 90 reading this morning for the feast of epiphany as well! . . . wow look what I did: 

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God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...