Saturday, July 20, 2024

another dream again

Wow, I had another dream again.  3:46am July 16, 2024 and I’m talking to the my iPhone in the dark, knowing this AI technology, apps and equipment have caught up to me enough to catch all that I need to record and share with you now. . . “The gospel of the Lord, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ,” singing His words now!

It was wicked powerful of course, as I fell in love again. I was in school again, on my bike, racing around my old playground. It was so funny because I knew where the secret doors were, and all the passageways and all the back entrances and they were still there. Everything was still there. It was like the twilight zone, a Completely New World again, and it was so intense since I knew it all already, been there, done that. At Home again in the same place, in Peace and Joy.

3:48 AM  It was so wicked cool to suddenly be excited in the physical Radical Love of a pretty lady! We were racing home on our bikes, and of course the lady that I’m with, is in skin tight bike cloths of pink and purple. I knew I had ridden past her house before, I went through her neighborhood that same morning, and I knew there was something in there, but I didn’t know what it was. I had to get to school and so I went by it and got to school quick wondering what I felt or saw as I passed. And Riding home together and she takes the turn to go down into her neighborhood and I was like, oh shit, I knew there was something there for me that is, and she’s like don’t worry about it. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And I see her smile as this divine form turns away, and I find my body all excited again in Radical Love.

I had to go a different direction to get to my neighborhood, and it was another blessing, because I knew where I was, and I knew who she was, and I knew where I was going. She knew who I was. It was like old friends, who just met again. The whole day was like, that so it was like my first day in school again, and as I woke up I’m ready to buy a beer but I’m on the wrong line, because I’m at the old line that I remember and needed to be in the new line as things have changed. I’ve been there before and I knew where everything was, or I thought I knew where everything was . . . Same place, Same lines, but things have shifted over time.

It was so funny, as this guy walks up to me and he’s like, “oh yeah you need this over here instead.” Like how did he know? And the whole day was so funny, because the people that I was meeting were relatives, like people I had known all my life or had known at different times and had experienced different things with. The whole experience was a procession of De-ja-vu. I realized that’s all I’m gonna be doing the rest of my life, stepping into places where I’ve already done it, and everybody I know is already there.

And of course, I know that that’s been my experience before. Like talking to this iPhone now and knowing that I’m sharing something that’s priceless, because that’s what I do. That’s what I’ve always done knowing this frequency vibrates throughout the whole universe. Nobody ever understood me and nobody will ever understand me without direct personal time in resonance and experience. So it’s like that very first spark all over again. The Very First Spark to hit Earth, and we were in it all together. We all decided it all together. We all want to do just this One Thing I’m in the middle of now. It’s still gonna work just as we planned it. I’ve said that a million times in my life. I’m gonna have so much editing to do with this iPhone gibberish, as usual. That happens when I scribble too, where I ask for things and intend things, but the printed words still need serious editing.

It is so funny after this guy bought me this beer in another line, I realized he was my Brother. My dear sweet bother watching over me, who I never knew before. We were in lines at the cafeteria and the second line he was in was where the keg was. So I was at the cash register ready to buy, and he is next to me in the next line over and stops me. “You need to come over here, let me show you, give me that.” And he was taking my supplies and paying for things setting it in with his own. I’m watching him and get embarrassed as the two cashiers are helping him along with people behind him in the line.  I pull out my wallet, this thin flimsy brown leather wallet. Nothing in it but two crusty old five dollar bills. The pale green against the untouched brown leather suede inside looked really pathetic.  He essentially ignored me, “I got this, no worries.”

And then I realized how behind him were the twins, other brothers who I knew. And it was like four of us, then started out from the line with me leading them, trying to help knowing we could sit together at this table under a big beautiful old oak tree right around the corner. Yes, we got lunch and I was in the wrong line and then he ends up buying me everything, and by the time he’s done that, there are four of us together. We wanna go sit outside and I know about this back door right around the corner. And they were just laughing because nobody’s supposed to know there’s a door there and it’s like the new guy is leading them to sneak around the back. It was really weird because the door was in the short little hallway, so I was up against it as the others were just turning down the hallway my way. And it’s hidden, like sealed up in white paper and cheap old plaster, that I brushed away in a second. 

Then I see they’re doing all this military training or something out back.  The perfect pretty old oak tree, was punished over to one side. The back door where we were outside and they were testing some equipment or something like that.  Nobody wanted anyone to see us going out the back door so they were trying to make sure that nobody saw me opening the back door.  Every time they started heading my way somebody else would see us and they’d have to turn in and do something different so they always ended up playing around with somebody before they got to the back door. One of them went around to the front and found out how to get to it from the front, it was like, hey you know I’m over here. 

It was funny seeing him wave at me and I was like; “oh you got to the Front.” And he was like yeah we can get in from the front way too. It’s just so funny because it was like me back in the UC (University Center) back in that old campus community center we called the UC, a university center where all the students organizations met, and all the ROTC, and other stuff. Everything happened right there of course, that’s where they sell the beer, that’s where they sell the food, that’s where they sell school stuff, and the campus restaurant is there too.

It’s funny because when I was going home, I was following the road that I know as I ride my bike down this road many times and I knew that there was a trail through the woods at the end. And of course you know somebody was there, like just another pedestrian passing by, and he knew where I was going. Yeah, there’s a way through, but when I got to the end of the trail and there was all this concrete and the path was all blocked off and he came down to show me there was a hatch. 

Yes, once again the old path was still there as I remembered, but there was a doorway through it. It was incredible to see so much detail. I’m certain it was so specific for a reason. It was so funny because he saw me biking up and showed me the way through, like he knew me too. I went back home and he lived just around the corner or something and just recognized it all, but I was gonna be lost even if I’ve been there before because I didn’t exactly know how things had changed. And it was so remarkable because he led me in and opened-up the hatch and I went through. It was like this little room that you could put on a suit or uniform on or something to get through to the next section.  

Whatever it was, I don’t know, it was like weird and then someone else popped in and I was like oh OK? And he put on this uniform, when he did whatever he was supposed to do, and he went on and I was like; “oh get it, I just saw it” and it was just so common and anyone could do it. I mean it’s just so funny to have this clear specific dream that is so real and you know you get all the colors as you get all the details (wow, some red uniform . . . lol…).  I got to duck under this edge through the hatch you know, and it was all just such a trip to experience. It was so funny because it was a little Chinese kid and he didn’t know exactly where he had to go or exactly what to do when he got there. But there was somebody waiting with money and direction on the other side already, and I was like, oh OK. I gotta do this too, just like the first time the guy was laughing at me on the line in the cafeteria. 

You know it was just such a fast powerful dream and as I stopped to think now recording it, because you know whenever I have a dream that’s so powerful like this, I try to get as much detail written down as I can.  I mean I’ve had some whoppers that changed lives that I only discovered decades later: I don’t know about you, but you know when you only remember little fragments, and you write it out, then you start to remember more little details. And as you write more, you know more and remember, like I kept going back to the cash register at the very beginning, and it wasn’t really a cash register. Something more automatic and digital I’m sure, instead of the cash register I remember from an earlier time I was there. It was just like a funny aspect because I remembered the room. I remember the person there and I remember asking her for what I wanted. She just laughed because she could tell I was in the wrong place looking for the wrong thing, and that was that. 

It was my first time there and she was laughing at me because she was like, oh that was here 1000 years ago. You need something else now, and it was just like she already knew my challenges. And then I saw my buddy, whomever from wherever, that was there in the next line and knew me ready. “Oh you need to come over here” and he’s already on the next line helping me over just like she said. So he’s like, you know these people behind me, whatever it was and they’re like you know you need to get in front of us and I was like yeah of course I’m coming over to go along with them . . . 

Friday, July 12, 2024

seemed kind of weird that talking

After my last post, I commented on it about the tears that jumped out at me. In 2008 or so, Kimberly taught me how to cry again. I didn’t realize how significant that was until I was watching The Chosen this week. Yes, I watched from season two through to four. I noticed that whenever there was a piece where the words came right out of the Bible, it put me into tears.

Yes, my body would naturally break down into tears when I heard versus directly from the Bible. Of course, the whole series put The Bible into the context that I’ve never experienced before, but to have that intimate connection with the actual Words was incredible.

I Recognized this deeper connection, that I never understood before. I’m not sure if I understand it yet. But I certainly understand there’s a very deep intimacy between me and Jesus.

I never realized that it was something so special. Or I guess I never realized exactly who I shared my space with. I’ve always been in the same place.  And I’ve always known I was sharing, But I’m getting deeper and stronger realizations all the time.

I also recognize that there’s some level of responsibility and accepting some ability.  Which I know includes the writing and editing that I seem to do daily now. I’ve always known I could make things happen, and understanding what that means and why it Is something new?

As weird as it seems, last week I met Paster John for breakfast again. His YouTube videos are in the hundreds now,I since Covid and our first conversation over breakfast. I told him he needed to expand it now and start blogging or linking the videos to more of the written work he’s done. He clearly loved the idea and began explaining many pages of research and details he’s developed teaching Bible parables and other scenarios over his 30 years of preaching.

As weird as it sounds, he even started in Smithtown Long Island, where my cousins live. Of course, then I told him of other videos and preachers that I’ve recorded over the years too. I’ve got hundreds of hours of video that I’ve not even posted yet. I told him my first journal page was dated 1977 and publishing with advertisements and marketing was something I needed to start doing. Helping him with these things I’ve already done seemed great for both of us.

Last night, I had this powerful dream of being with somebody again. Yes, An intimate relationship with another woman. I was scheduled to go see Cathy today so I’m sure that’s what inspired it. What was weird about it was that I had been watching The Chosen all week so it was like I had been there with Mary or Martha who are Lazarus sisters in The Chosen, that look like Kathy and Marianne. Of course, having a Fat Ram again, wouldn’t surprise me at all. But to see this so vividly like being there in The Chosen was kinda weird. Uhg, I noticed I always say “weird” and it’s really “Incredible” or “Wonderful,” and it’s just happens so much I felt weird saying wonderful, super, great, and such all the time. . .  lol. . .  Yes, I’m literally “laughing out loud” to myself. 

I was so happy to see Cathy today, and we talked about how she’s finally retired and was cleaning things out getting ready to move on. I told her I was surprised we hadn’t gotten married because she was so wonderful with my children. She didn’t want to talk about my kids. I told her how all the pictures I had of the awesome experiences we had were pictures that she took… Cathy just laughed. She never knew my mother, but she wanted to take me to the Latin Mass. Evidently, the pope in Rome wants to prevent Latin mass at Catholic churches, and there’s only a few places that still do it. 

As incredible as it was, the place she took me to, to watch the Latin mass was within a mile of my old house in Seminole Heights, where we had raised my kids and lived for over 30 years.  She is still struggling to clear her karma and get healthy and strong, but told me talking about the children was reliving the past, that was done and gone now. That seemed kind of weird that talking about something wonderful and joyful wasn’t as important as resolving pains and suffering still trapped inside of her…. Yeah, that seems totally backwards to me!

We had breakfast and she told me about another church filled with over 700 Saint artifacts or “relics”… Course I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded neat so we went to see that too. .

following Jesus on His terms

I love my routine that I started with Exodus 90 and the Catholic Church. I actually started with going to different services, but now I have some real habits starting every morning with the Exodus readings and these podcasts is awesome.

Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God. Follow him in truth today. Take one minute of silencenow, praying for God’s blessing on you, your family, fraternity, and all Exodus Men.

Today on Exodus Judas shows us at least three ways in which we can make the mistake of fallowing a snake instead of Jesus.

First, by picking and choosing what we believe. Judas was following Jesus on his own terms. Judas did not trust in Jesus and his authority but instead considered his own opinions, and perhaps his feelings, as the measure of truth.

Second, by bringing about change according to our own plans and ideas instead of God’s. Some have speculated that Judas betrayed Jesus because he had a different view of what the Messiah was supposed to be. In other words, he believed Jesus was the Messiah but that his teachings were not what the people needed, so he accepted only what aligned with the plan he tried to force by his own hand. If we do not first let our minds and hearts be formed by God’s revelation, we are doomed to do the devil’s work.

Third, by seeking ourselves instead of God. St. John tells us that Judas, who kept the disciples’ money box, was a “thief” (John 12:6). Judas was seeking his own benefit even as he followed God. The root of the problem is that we are often ignorant of God’s Word and the Church’s teaching as it has been handed down to us. But also that we do not have an interior life. Without a life of prayer, our hearts and minds remain trapped in a worldly view based on the snake.

This is so powerful, and I know God only sends me Angels, and sometimes no one understands, except if they listen and worship in Spirit and Truth! lol, or do like Judas selectively reading, selectively listening, selectively choosing what’s easy to accept. 

The next morning podcast that came through began with Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me.” He- he’s not saying you’re going to seek me and I’m going to hide from you. When you seek me, you’re going to find me when you seek me with ALL your whole heart. 

Like Romans chapter 1, where it says that God has made within the heart of every man the desire to know Him. And it doesn’t matter how you were raised or what culture you’re from or what you were taught to believe. When our heart is being crushed, we know intuitively to turn to the One who made that heart, because we know, somehow, through the power of His spirit, that He’s the only One Who can heal it and redeem it . . . Beyond fear, beyond pain, beyond karma and the snake. Romans 10:13 that says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Everyone. A few verses higher it says that salvation is as near as your lips and your heart, and “if you profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that He’s God, you will be saved.”

God is always painting a masterpiece, as referred to in Ephesians 2:10. And when we don’t like the current picture, all it means, and my wise sister tells me this, all it means is that, Kim, he’s not done yet. And so, in practicing pray, listen, do, I was working on a project. “Lord, I need frames. Where would you like me to go?” I’m just asking Him in. I’ve lived so much of my life on autopilot. “I know how to do this. I know how to do that. I know how to run this ranch and go grocery shopping, get fuel, buy coffee. Oh, but God, here is a spiritual part. I better ask You. I better pray.”

If you want to know the simplicity of the wild love and redemption of our God, it really is as simple as we pray, and we listen, and we do, and we just follow His spirit where His spirit wants to go. Jesus said Himself in John 4:23 and 24 that God is spirit. He’s looking for anybody, anybody who will worship Him in spirit and in truth!

feel the fire of the presence of the living God descending on them. “Don’t you know I love you? You’re My son. You’re My daughter. And if you were the only one, I’m coming for you, and I’m here right now reaching for you, My beloved. Will you reach back and take Me by the hand? I’ve got you. I’ve got you. And you are gonna make it. Will you call on My name and invite Me into your heart and your life to lead you through this time? I’ve got a plan. I’ve got a purpose, and it’s good because I am good. Can you feel My arms around you now? I love you so much. Let’s walk out these days together. And I will show you, side by side, My goodness and My wild love for you, My beloved.” Thank You, Jesus. Thank You that Your redemptive love knows no boundaries of men.

Jesus Himself says, “My greatest commandment is to love God first and love each other and then share that love. That’s my greatest commandment.” He said it all through the gospels over and over and over. How can we cherry-pick around that? And I think that He calls us to come to Him as a child, in childlike faith.

Senseless pain only happens on this side of Heaven. Before our God, every pain has sense. He doesn’t ask us to understand the why. He only asks us to trust Him for it. And in the aftermath of that night, as I waved at her and her tail lights went down the driveway, the Lord allowed me to see His perspective, that my tragedy was needed to stop her tragedy. This is the wild perspective of our God. “I’m your light in the tunnel with you. Beloved, walk with me. I’ve got this. There’s always been a plan. Trust me for it.”


Help me to pursue you!

Of course then I heard more more more insight into the Deep Truth of God and Love. Beyond the lies of the snake filled with deceptions. Living in the Will of God: 

This started with Luke 15:11-24 God will allow you to get stuff, and acquire things beyond His Will. This is Gods Gift for you to Choose, a freedom that was given to us. YOU CHOOSE LOVE then it is real and valid. God gave us all a choice! Even if He knows you will make a wrong choice . . . You can have it now, no need to be patient and wait for God. All consequences are based on God, not man and not our interpretations. Satan is everything away from God . . . Fast easy is satan’s lies, that all turn into dust. 

Oh course then I heard more about God on where David Reads Psalm 31: in you oh Lord I put my trust…

Psalm 8 what is man, that God is mindful of us… we are His Image, His children . . . Everything leading us into a fuller, truer, more real relationship and love with Jesus Christ!  

There is nothing else needed or required, just Love!

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...