Now this next section focuses on the sin and consequences. I guess this is sorta fundamental to all of it. We all have to recognize that our sins can bring immediate responses beyond anything we would normally expect. I'm reminded of my TV loss. It really impacted me, kept me up all night and forced me into deeper prayers and explorations. But in truth it was really not a direct personal loss at all. It's really amazing how much I learned and grew with just witnessing the loss, and I realize we each have our own levels of learning and exposure to losses based on on own divinity, and commitments to Spirit. I mean, for example I can not count how many times I've been threatened or approached death by violence and the direct impact from others and from my own hand as well. I’ve come to recognize that I am protected . . .
Tampa Bay is a Love Vortex, like a spinning Hurricane . . . Spinning opposite to Hurricanes to bounce them off ;-)
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
107.1 the reality of sin
Now this next section focuses on the sin and consequences. I guess this is sorta fundamental to all of it. We all have to recognize that our sins can bring immediate responses beyond anything we would normally expect. I'm reminded of my TV loss. It really impacted me, kept me up all night and forced me into deeper prayers and explorations. But in truth it was really not a direct personal loss at all. It's really amazing how much I learned and grew with just witnessing the loss, and I realize we each have our own levels of learning and exposure to losses based on on own divinity, and commitments to Spirit. I mean, for example I can not count how many times I've been threatened or approached death by violence and the direct impact from others and from my own hand as well. I’ve come to recognize that I am protected . . .
Monday, January 20, 2025
107.2 more on sin!?!..
DAY4: Ask: When have I failed to notice or respond to the needs of others? When have I felt isolated from God or others by my own sin? I’m not sure if I can even understand this. Like recently talking with my son, he was very clear about not believing in God or accepting Jesus. However, during our discussion, he mentioned visiting with my father. When I asked for “his impression” of my father’s health and future, his insights and comments were in the Love of God. When I mentioned to him how I felt, and how he was raised in the Spirit of God, he understood his deeper resonance though he still would not acknowledge it as God. Seems to me that whether we accept or understand we are of the vine and have branches pruned or not, we still produce grapes to God's Glory.
What have I done for Christ?
What am I doing for Christ?
What ought I do for Christ?
Like Moses, we all have excuses. "I am weak, a sinner, an impure man. I'm too busy working hard to support my family. I have plans. I've been working hard at this for years and can't get distracted now." All these things may be true, but God is ready to intervene to fix the problems buried underneath the excuses. "I will be with you." This is God's response, giving us all we need to know to set out on our journey to freedom. He has heard the groans of our heart; he sees past our defenses to the source of the problem, and is waiting to act.DAY 6: Repetition of the parable of the prodigal son and his brother. Conclude with the colloquy from Day 5. My intimate conversations with spirit have become more focused and clear, as where my consecration to Mary, is allowing more from Saint Mary and Saint Joseph. The joyfull experience of the Trinity as Father, Son and Holy Ghost has become very present and clear. Again the prodigal story of my own needs to be brought out to a new place.
Will we come along in the unfolding of his plan? This can become the appointed time for our deliverance if we cooperate with God and allow him to act, opening our hearts in prayer and in honesty to our fraternity brothers. Pray today about any excuses you are making and how God can overcome them if you allow him space to act in your heart.
DAY 7: Review the week as a whole and savor the graces. Conclude with the colloquy from Day 5. This week has been a challenge to write about. I have been busy with my classes, and realize I still have a lot to do. Wow, and family focus going now this morning is speaking about how important it is to have family meals together. Last week I invited two couples over and have still never followed up on it. It's really insecurity as I pay my bills and wonder if I will any income to cover even my basic expenses.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
106 SEEL Ask and Receive
Time for SEEL again, week 6 is where we reflect on the calls we hear from Jesus. And we can all hear His voice coming through over and over again, and I guess more and more so, all the time. Or maybe I should say we can “choose to hear,” and then there’s another choice to listen!
I guess, this is really my whole point and purpose in writing. If I have been able to hear and share in the life and love of Jesus, then it would show up throughout my life. And I see how this is my experience over and over again, as each day I experience and share more and more of this sense of Peace and Joy that I have so much of the time. This ability to share and experience so much Joy (AND/or ANXIETY!) each day is now here for all to see.Like again now, to understand and accept the many ways that God calls me. With the first reading, what more could I possibly ask for from Jesus? I guess I would like to have this time before me, to be more specific and more defined. Yea, I can write and share more and more each day and I know there is a lot here for me still to write and share! But to have little, or no other tasks seems odd. Yes, I know there is so much for me to do every day, and I must be patient and listen, as Directions are always coming.
DAY 1: Mark 10;46-52. Hear Jesus say to the blind man: "What do want me to do for you?" Hear Jesus say the same to you. What is your heartfelt response? Yes, what could I ask Jesus for, is also part of the communication. I know I'm not blind, nor do I have any physical or mental ailment that I need to request healing for. I know my professional world and business is sorta out in space still, but I kinda feel it always has been. I have randomly gone from job to job, careers and places never seemed to make much difference to me, I have always accepted what shows up. And whenever I consider questioning what shows up, then I seem to get lost or confused. Yes, TRUST is good, and has always worked for me. And so I continue here and move along with peace and ease. . .
UHG and then ANXIETY hits seeing a LOSS in LIFE! And I called the Prayerline to Pray . . . for my Son and a USF Job!
12:18:50pm 12/31/2024 Of course, now as I see and read these words again I realize how my world is shifting again. What do I ask of Jesus now? I’m seeking for help and insight to adjust my prayers to begin with Saint Mary and Saint Joseph to enable greater love and devotion to this family created by the Trinity. Jesus born to Mary and Joseph representing and modeling the ideal family. Consecration to Mary tomorrow is about focus on the grace that we have when Jesus gave His Mother to help, lead, and guide us all back into the Love of beauty of Her Son Jesus. There is so much here that is powerful and awe inspiring for me, as I review what I’ve been studying and exploring. Over Christmas and Thanksgiving, I’ve watched all of Season 2 and 3 from The Chosen. . . and I grieve with Jesus knowing that no one listens and understands. . .
Yes, last night I was starting Season 4 again. Then I have also found Bishop Barron on my MacBook over and over again, whenever I stop for lunch. My Mac is on my dining table, so it's easy to start, when I sit to eat. Now again, with his story about Saint Thomas Aquinas, “who’s purpose was to set our lives on Christ.”
This next Verse Jeremiah 1:4-10 (call of Jeremiah). Ask: How do I react to God's call in my life? This is kinda neat for me as I’ve learned about my time in the womb, as I’d been through so much before finding Christ with the Roman Catholic Church from my mom. I almost never survived the womb, and later had my mother struggle over and over to keep me alive and avoiding conflict and trouble. She really did a lot to keep me safe; Teaching me the Prayers of Saint Michael in elementary school when I was getting bullied . . . then again a prayer I repeated walking to my county office from the city parking garage, where I had to park the state truck I had going to school again.
Beyond this experience with the Lord from within the Womb, I get the sense I may need to ask God’s “hand to touch my mouth” as I get the sense I will have this experience needing to speak more about planting, as I am already busy with building gardens again. Course, I’ve been doing more and more with Church too. As Fr. Curtis asked me to help get a 4H club going with the school at church.
Read Jeremiah 29:11-14 ("I know the plans I have for you"). As you consider the retreat ahead, or your life ahead, rest in the assurance of God's faithful presence. I kinda have always been in the stage of expressing God’s Plans. I really never seen to understand then "fully" and then I step into things only to find I have to be teaching or sharing something else. I have accepted that He guides and protects me, so I'm always seeing the events in my life as a means to His Ends. Seeking with "all" my heart has become a very strong conscious prayer, where I'm specific about people and places. I am often challenged to do random things that Jesus calls me to.
Here I Am 1 Samuel 3:1–14 Reflection: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel’s words embody the perfect response to God’s voice as he calls out to each one of us. He does not often speak in audible words like Samuel received, but he beckons to us in our hearts. It’s hard to listen, which is why Samuel even mistakes his voice initially. We must become silent within to attend to his still voice, which moves us without words but with a conviction that surpasses them. . . .
DAY 5 Luke 5:1-11 (call of the disciples by the shore). Listen to Jesus telling Simon Peter, and you, "Do not be afraid." Where do I experience God calling me in the midst of my daily life? I guess this one makes me laugh as I've lost track of how many times I've done that, “because you say so” and gone along with whatever guidance I get. . . I know I've even complained about getting so much to do all the time. It's gotten more stable. Like even with the Prayerline call this morning, the sense of more coming together and making sense to me was very present.
DAY 6 John 1:35-39. Listen to Jesus say to the disciples, and to you: "What are you looking for?" How do you respond? I guess I just wrote this. I called the Prayerline to ask that my son get some guidance and during conversation I mentioned my first Prayline call, when I asked for “job” and started working within a week. So now again, I've also asked to work again specifically at USF. So I was thinking specificly about one job I'm listed for at the Flood Hub, and real about what I'm looking for. And it feels like I will be doing Lent Alms on the Prayerline again, mass every morning, Exodus Exercises . . . uhg cold showers . . .
Monday, December 16, 2024
105 SEEL Greater Service to God! 💕💖💗💕💕💖💕
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
DAY 1: Prayerfully read the traditional translation of the Principle and Foundation that follows. Ask: How do I concretely praise, love, and serve God? What activities, people, or material things help me achieve this end?I see my primary task now in serving God is to write and share as much as possible. I have recognized this task before me for a really long time. It's interesting as it has come and gone as a priority. Children, wife and work have taken their place here over and over again. Now in my silence and privacy I have witnessed how much more important it has become for me to write and share. The discourse about Principle and Foundation speaks of "indifference" to health & sickness, wealth & poverty. I agree to being indifferent to the events of life, while being responsible for the gifts I have from God. This responsibility really must include conscious choices to eat and work as necessary to sustain my good health and wealth. It would be disrespectful and disingenuous to become a glutton exploiting my health and wealth.
What we are waiting for is the power and focus you are really capable of. You act and feel as a child so easily and have the ability to play into that. This truth and experience you carry and share is important.I get it and I stay in Your Word throughout my day! 5:57:57 12/14/2024 Like today the Exodus reading was clear and focused:
During his time among us, Jesus was very active and involved, full of wise words and good works, healing, initiating apostolic action, and carefully training his disciples. He loved the world deeply despite its corruption. However, he always viewed this world in light of where it was heading; his gaze was set on, “the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his glorious throne” (Matthew 19:28). The throne Jesus speaks about is a symbol for the divine rule of God, that blessed time when everything on earth will conform to God’s will, and all death, sin, fear, and injustice will be banished.
Let us remember our true hope in God’s coming kingdom and ask God for a full measure of the joy that filled the heart of Christ, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2).
God is coming to save you, renewing the wilderness of your heart.
DAY 2: How have I been a good steward of the gifts God has given me, including created things, my talents, and my abilities? From my own experience, what gets in the way of my praising, loving, and serving God? How do the following influence my choices and actions: titles, honors, possessions, career, opinion of others, lifestyle? Be as concrete as possible.I get it, as I follow your Word! Each day my talents and abilities are expressed to honor God even to my own embarrassment. A few weeks ago when the crew were picking up all the brush outside from the hurricanes, I went and pulled out a big steel BBQ pit that my neighbor had out in his pile. Yes, that couldn't go with all the brush. It’s been out at the curb ever since. So today I went and measured it and then moved it to my tent space by my container. It was the right size to rebuild my composting corner to allow my mixer and all to work with the big old bath tub I had there.
We have been doing this with you for a long time. Your ability to listen and follow is very significant. As you never required an angel or a burning bush. You have stepped into so much just naturally, trusting what was before you and allowing things that happen fearlessly. .
DAY 3: Read Exodus 3:1-15. Consider how God calls Moses to partner with God in the work of liberation: "I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt." Reflect on your own life: How have I partnered with God to help people, to build a more just and gentle world, to care for creation?I See how I have followed the Word most of my life! And of course I've been districted and confused plenty of times too. But I've seen over and over again that I always end up in the right place at the right time. It often happens that I'm totally clueless, and even scared or insecure about my next steps or place in the mix. But somehow I'm always getting ahead or doing something that seemingly no one else can do?!?
DAY 4: Repetition. As you consider again Ignatius's Principle and Foundation, recall moments in your life when you felt in balance and times when you felt out of balance. In other words, recall times of great spiritual freedom and moments of spiritual chaos. Whom do you look up to as people living in spiritual freedom?I really have only met some women who seem spiritually free, like my mom and Joyce. Joyce was really a second mom for me. . . And they both recognized something in me, that I 'm still tying to understand. Then no one I ever met seemed to have more spiritual freedom than I do. It doesn't always feel like a gift as I've been in St. Pete for 5 full years, and I still wonder what I'm here for. It seems clear I belong here, as I've been gifted and graced all that I need, whenever I need it, and so very much beyond what I could want on need. And the real chaos has only been a concern when I tried to do something or plan something on my own. I am in chaos whenever I get impatient and anxious about where I am and what I need to do or not do, and my trying to be, or do instead of just allowing and staying in my flow.
Maybe this is all about teaching you to wait and be patient: What do you think of that??I don’t know? I trust you Jesus, say what you would have me do, guide me and direct me to achieve as you require of me. . . . I’m ready!
DAY 5: In the light of your prayer over the past three days, write out the Principle and Foundation in your own words-that is, write out the mission statement that you want to govern your life. Or create an image reflecting your Principle and Foundation (see, for example, Jeremiah 17:5-11).I do have my Exodus 90 Why Statement that I've updated and see most every day: To slowly listen and love God in joy, gratitude and Peace! Then I reread Jeremiah as posted here, I get a deep sense of being blessed again, as the tree in the woods next to the River. Over and over again I've seen the waters come upon me and felt the Blessing that has always come with this. It's really something very powerful in my actual experiences, where that love of the wild and experiences of knowing God through the plants, animals and waters of the Earth.
DAY 6: Read Philippians 4:11-13 ("I can do all things through him who strengthens me"). Continue working on your own Principle and Foundation . . .Yes, I know! This is why I have such a strong and specific Exodus 90 Way Statement. Which brings me back to my prayer that I‘ve repeated since high school. Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to . . .
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
104.1 SEEL Spiritual Freedom
104.1 SEEL
The InTouch podcast, focused on how "humility" should be our goal .., I am outside with my iPad on my hammock. This old dirty hammock has been ripped up a bit. I put it into the washing machine, it didn't really get any clearer but the tears got worse.
I have not written much lately, and I realize my personal journalling should really be separated from the SEEL work that I need to do. It's weird writing now outside in the sunshine. Sometimes my scribbles are typed perfectly and then the very next line nothing comes out even close.
This Peace with Jesus is about being undisturbed, real and genuine; unanxious with the crazy events of my life. Content in all life, with Trusting Jesus in all things. Sustaining peace has been consistent, and I really feel lucky, as I've learned to just smile and go along.
Charles Stanley is talking about people being "Exalted" for service or something. I guess this really brings me back to where I started: “those who are given much, much is expected." attention… “To whom much is given, much is expected” . . . I went back to SEEL 101 to find this bold text I posted above, and so I decided to keep them both. I noticed I have the same words, but it’s slightly different. It feels like something I need to explore deeper. I guess it’s an added pronoun for “those.” Now, I struggle and fight with my tasks and responsibly. Now we read and study about mother Mary who completely submitted herself to God.
And I guess this brings me back to my prodigal son story. Submitting my life to Jesus where all my will and expertise were given to Spirit. As weird as it seems I've already written about how I needed to find my old Journals so I can better understand how I had done this. What is strange now is that I scanned all the pages when the house sold in Seminole Heights. I did look through all my digital records and never found any of it. Then I was cleaning off my back porch and found a big wooden box that would work great to store the Journal pages. Yes, guided to do the same thing again. It’s obvious to me how much U get guided all the time, but I guess it’s important to share and explain these moments. Yes, when I moved in here, I found all my old Journals still in boxes that I had. Course I piled them all in the garage and never opened one.
I know l had to revise some of my commitments when l came home from the hospital in 1980. I'm not sure how successful I have been. I remember telling Jesus that He brought me back to do something here and now, so I didn't want any airy-fairy stuff coming through to me. With all that I've been through and seen before me, seeing Angels and Spirits seems like it would have helped instead of hurt. So I have kinda asked to revise our commitments, though I'm not entirely sure I was successful. I mean my discernment might have been clearer and stronger with wings and halos. I tend to trust everyone too easily and accept what shows up as my next responsibility in Christ.
I guess that is why I need to stay alone at home now. I have nothing to do but write and share in Christ Jesus. I try to clean and stay focused about my place and responsibility. And it's never really clear to me. The been doing a lot of reading and not much else.
3:58:49pm. 12/9/2024 I finished my classes on Friday. I didn't know my grades were due but luckily I was almost done with everything when I got a call from the office. I asked Lynn to help and it was all done in no time. I have done more since then, but I don't know what to do next.
2:05:53 pm 12/10/2024 Keeping peace with us always Ephesians 4, rejoice in the Lord always. I never felt trapped by my materialism. I always feel so much responsibility to be productive with all I am given. I see my time now as a way of escaping all my chores, writing, and learning instead of redoing my compost, plants, and gardens.. I still feel like I have so much to do. And I know I have to do these lessons. I know I am rich and I wonder if it will be gone next month. I have a hearing date February 20th about the house. Yes, 1420 on 20th Ave will be in court which all full like it's done already when I see these numbers all line up. Like peace is a gift from God to is my home and all God has given to me. So in peace I can accept all that GOD has given to me and know my work here will never finish through This freedom I have been granted.
Now, I need to repeat this last reading again. And as I read this over again I wondered how to apply it more to myself. Course I've never really "trusted" in riches beyond anything else, but have trusted God to bring me through. The riches have helped, and really have always just shown up as needed. But it's never been a priority, or even something that I really pursued. Funny, what comes to mind was when I first started working. Like when I come to St. Pete I was in a house in no time. I don't think I was in my new job for a full month and I was moving into a house. And then every time Colleen got pregnant I lost a job, where the new job was set within the week. Business just came so easy for me. Like, I remember how many times I've just told people how to do things, and solved all their problems with No invoice, no consulting or anything. Of course, what comes to mind now was when the county engineer asked me to this meeting with a bunch of developers, engineers, and attorneys. “What’s the model going to do here” . . . Easy peezy for me, but I could see that blew the place to pieces.
Philippians 3:7-16. Pray for St. Paul's single-minded and single-hearted focus on Christ. Ask: When have I experienced or witnessed such focus, such freedom in my life? When have I experienced or witnessed such focus, such freedom in my life? LOL, When have I NOT witnessed such focus, such freedom in my life? Seems like once again getting new words and definitions for things I’ve always known and always done.
I had a visit with Kay, and then Kevin called almost to confirm the joy of helping his wife on Monday. We spoke a lot, or I was able to speak with them both a lot. It brought me back to my Welcome witnessing and I had to find my blog posting about it which was really wicked kewl. I found it and discovered it was the transcripts from my conversation explaining it all to my Spiritual Director.
It was a great blissing to read though it all again. And to see or realize how much has come from it, or how for I've gone since then. I feel like I've done a lot to prepare and step into something more and new and stronger than ever
Read John 3:22-30. Reflect on John the Baptist's freedom: "He must increase, but I must decrease." How have I demonstrated such freedom and other-centeredness? Where in my life do I still need to let go of excessive self-preoccupation and control?
I’m not sure if I have done this much at all. I know I've been inspired and dive into things with great focus and ambition. And I've seen and learned as necessary and then move on as necessary easily too. I've been perplexed lately as l have so many great opportunities, and have so many resources beyond my understanding. I've lost control of most all things. And recognize how much I still need to do.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
103.2 SEEL: asked for strength, love and wisdom
Read Romans 8:26-27. Prayer can be a struggle sometimes, but find consolation in the assurance that the Spirit helps us pray in our weakness. Where do you feel weak in your life now?
Read Ephesians 3:14-21 (The power of Christ at work within us is able to accomplish more than we can ask or imagine). Where do you find that awesome power at work in your life? Where do you need such a divine, dynamic Presence?
Review the week; savor the graces or return to a passage that was particularly meaningful for you. Recognize the Graces that God shares each moment, and I realize it is really beyond comprehension sometimes. So I met with the Lead Service Tech at St Pete College and he owns the same machines I have at home to well. Of course, he was really happy to help, and spent a few hours with me playing with my machines. It was really cool because he was able to get things working and show me other things. Like my MacBook actually had two operating systems or three operating system systems, including widows, that I could switch through. So they have the original that came with it and that has the Adobe Suite 6, which is just perfect anyway. Then I’ve got the latest and greatest operating system that I can use the new Adobe suite with the school. And of course, he set up the new Adobe suite on my iPad Pro too. So now I’m finally learning Photoshop. It was almost funny how easy it was for him.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
103.1 Wow Jesus has bike again for my real work here in Exodus
Now random beta feedback to apple: having the space to write makes everything easier, make everything work right and I forget that I can talk to it too. It is really cool if I get the music going as well, but then to be able to do everything together. Explaining what is not working just right yet. I know talking to the machine such a blessing. Everything is such a blessing. So if I can explain it with my voice, while you see the scribbles on the screen. What use is video without the sound… my words got stuck here a dozen times in this last paragraph
Psalm 63:1-8 ("My soul thirsts for you"). What do you thirst for? How do you experience God's "steadfast love"?
strategic platform selection with a step-by-step approach
Welcome to an introduction to real prayer - - - book: prayer work, I CAN through Christ! CC 2650: prayer must start with the will to pray...
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This idea has followed me all my life. Wanting mankind to return to the Garden listening to the Lord, like Isaiah did to step into action as...
Within a week I had a strong focused schedule, prayer, exercise, bike, yoga, mass, and class. It was a busy morning, but it was effective in...