Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Prodigal who wouldn’t accept

I’m a Roman Catholic.

Wow, I didn’t realize that “Roman” Catholic was more specific than anything else. I’ve finally becoming what I decided my Mom really had intended for me. And as a major confirmation, I realized how I had completed my Mom’s Sermon. It was even on my dad’s birthday, when the actual last piece was in place, that it dawned on me how I’d finished. Of course, I sent it to my dad and still feel he never saw it or understood. . . Ok, I sent it to my Step Mom, who shares everything like this with my dad. .

Or she reads, understands, and explores likely before sharing, to get it into context so he actually learns and grows from it, instead of fighting or ignoring it.

Simultaneously to this, I have been through the Men’s Welcome Retreat with the church. This ended with an AWESOME Rosary and then we washed each others’ feet.  And finally went in for a confession. I realized that though being a Prodigal, I never had done the actual Sacrament of Reconciliation. GREAT FAITH is focused on the Father, Focused on the Nature of GOD, Father Focused, Seeking to Understand, Will endure NO MATTER WHAT.  Learning to endure, to see beyond the visible, to sense in Spirit what God’s is Saying, Focused on the Ways and Character of GOD. GREAT FAITH, I’m Trusting God NO matter what!

This is what Charles Stanley is saying on the podcast right now: Matthew 8:8 and it’s about GOD now. . . Yes, 8:8 is my Emily’s Birthday, so this is more present and powerful for me than ever. It’s almost like my Daughter came to me to teach me this lesson. And she fought for 6 years to get to me. I knew someone was coming when Maryanne told me in High School. 

Yes, again I’m back in High School, the Prodigal who wouldn’t accept of believe anything was from God, Even though I had already exploited everything I was ever given . . Wow.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

energy that we are evolving

Yes, I realize again how important it is for me to step into the place and power where I belong. My first experience this morning was with several Prayerline Callers who I’ve heard from before. I recognized a few stories of challenges people are facing. Then the computer suggests their name as I start, and I remember the last time we spoke. I am getting stronger and more focused, where the prayers just flow. I wonder what people think, always being insecure. But again I’ve had several people very specific about the word I used and the resonance they felt knowing when two or more come into Christ, He is with us. I am always reminded of Day Six in Genesis where God steps into the Garden with Adam and Eve and all things were good. That's where we all belong, at peace in Love and Beauty where things are very good!

This actually happens with every written word as well. The first podcast on TheJoyFM.com was specific about this power of the written word. Someone was speaking about three marriages and years of conflict and challenges. We all have periods of challenges and growth. That’s really what we are here for. It’s easy to get lost in the lies of the machine, that life is meaningless, or only about greed and selfish happiness. Course the very next podcast this morning with Charles Stanley was even more focused on how we are all challenged to grow, and step-out and take risks. 

Wow, that’s like my middle name, “Rafé Risks” is all that I do. Of course, then I remembered my presentation books, that I risked sharing with a stranger, exactly a week ago. Funny, as I type now 7:25am 10/18/2023, I realize that the last of the three books I assembled was exactly a week ago. I never considered her keeping and reading them in detail, but now remember the last minute additions and moving pages around to create the flow I needed in talking about things. So this morning I sent this podcast to her, and conveniently cut her name off of this text clip I made now.

What are you doing now, is wonderful! People only listen and follow when they want to. And the resonance and encouragement posted her really lasts for centuries and continues with the same messages to so many that read and find this. But some will always choose to “stay safe” with their heads in the sand. It’s really very easy there in Florida, the sand is so fine and nice. And you know, this sand is so fine and white because of age. Time breaks things down smaller and smaller, then it also clears out impurities and returns things to original structures. . . 
I Love you Jesus, and Yes I know that this idea and vibration have been coming through to me over and over again. Like the movie LUCY was on again last night. I thought it was a Spanish channel, but stopped to look anyway. Of course, the phrase that I heard was how electrons move all the time, so the knowledge and truth moves from cell to cell every second. We can really know all things at anytime we want to. #manofknowledge 

Yes, this is really the fundamental truth behind everything. That Love and Truth flow from cell to cell, and atom to atom . . . All of it is connected, exactly like Father Kevin said with “Each One Teach One” where ”each one teaching one was like an electric current passing through a wire until a whole community could be illuminated”. . . 
What are you doing now!
Yes, I know i am in the Love of Jesus, and I know this deepest truth about the energy that we are evolving through us is expanding our universe more and more every second.
Again what you said here is something that your scientists would be able to measure and understand. While doing it now and bringing it foreword creates a resonance that is more lasting and significant than you can understand!
I Love you Jesus, Yes you always love saying things like this. We walk in the abyss together wondering what it’s all about, while we shift and grow creating more knowledge, more understanding and More Love that is really the fuel for everything else. Just like satan was all excited to get men caught up into the oil and gas fuels that they created, or exploited from your Glory thinking it could every surpass all You have before us in Love.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

I woke up with dreams including very strong clear images. I had decided I needed someone else in my life. OR SOMETHING like that? And I ended up inviting all the young pretty ladies I knew at once. It was kinda weird as I already had someone in my house, who I knew and another lady showed up.  Both attractive women who I already knew! 

Then Kristen called too. "Sure I'm home, always love to talk" and then I saw her skipping down the road to my front door. It was so wonderful, as she looked like the petite little gymnast that I knew in High School. And as I opened the door, I was thinking how crazy is this to have three attractive pretty women coming up to me. . . and what the heck was I going to do about it?

As I woke up, seeing Kristen was so wonderful. She came to get me outside walking every day after my motorcycle accident in High School. . . tight, tiny, little short-shorts and roller skates, so she was just out of my reach, lol, which I thought was a brilliant way to get me out exercising again, as I never walked or ran at all.

When I woke-up today, I started this Exodus reading. Here it is, to the right, talking about how important family is. Yes, that’s what I’m returning to the Catholic Church for, to reconnect to my family of God. I must become part of this community in church and in St. Pete where I am now. Family of God, for me, not for my children, or for my wife, or my mom, but for me.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What are you getting ready for now?
I really have seen so many visions, dreams, insights, and FLASH into more each day, and I know it's about inviting my own passions forward. I mean, I’m seeing images of Gardens and teaching children, then images of women and healing them, and changing the city and systems of people to make schools more experiential and food more healthy for everyone, not just greed and selfishness. 
What did you see and feel now?
I was thinking about my SEEL class today. Its starts at 9am, so I have time for everything before it. I can do all my exercises, bike out to do my Yoga. Catch the sunrise and swim, before my 8am MASS. I've done this already this weekend. It was really my first time doing everything as i had learned. I was so happy to be able to get back into my routine. Or step into my new routine, my new life, my new experience.
What about today? 9:33am Friday October 13. . .
It’s funny December Friday the 13th, I moved into this house. March Friday the 13th, Covid sent me home. And now I was ready to bike and exercise at 7am, and I could have made it out, and done everything. And now I remember what we agreed!
What is important is to get back into the regular schedule you have created for yourself. You now have a great job that allows you to arrive at work when you want to.
I know it’s a very specific schedule. Prayerline, Podcasts, Prayers, Exercises, bike ride, Sunrise, Mass, and another ride home. I know I can do this every day. And I know we agreed to only a few days for Mass, and then more time and efforts at the beach with the mangroves. And I realize now, I can do it with my new job and I can get out there and do so much more for getting back into my health and power. It’s really about me stepping into the new life that I needed and wanted all along. It’s really about me this time, stepping into the Love that I am.
What about the Proverbs 20:7 posted here, that you heard on the radio as you were writing here before you. 
I recognize how my new walk in prayer, meditation and work are about bringing me into this new life. And again it talks about children and a new life with children. I wonder if I’ll be a parent again!
What you need to focus on is the health routines again. Make this a priority and to follow through with whatever opens to you. Like your meeting Thursday, you trusted and stepped into it at the level that you needed to make it work exactly like you needed. You never could imagine having someone so skilled and focused reviewing your books.  You might be really surprised at what results.
I am always surprised by what you do for me. Everyday I try to get more focused and specific on what you have placed before me. And each day I recognize that there is really so much more than I could understand happening in this moment and this time.
We are shifting more out and about that needs to be cleared and reset. Earth is hungry to reset and restore the beauty and blessing it is made of. So much will be changing everywhere and it’s important to avoid the stories and chaos that are beyond your reach. You have a lot to do here, and will be doing more and more as you go along. It’s important that you get back to your actions and motions of peace and love. Fearlessly step into more of who you are and just ignore all the rest.
I know, it’s about staying with you, and what you have given to me, and the priorities I can feel in Love with you.
We are making this easier for you. Getting your fruit and vegetables together again will bring you greater clarity and comfort. Having the strong clear mind will open more for you all around you. This clear strong focus will make everything else move easier. Again you will be shifting things that no one else can understand.
I get it. I’ve started my day with you, reading your word and setting myself into a space with you. I know this is where i belong all the time, and it is clear i need to do another confession with Father Kevin. He went out of town on another retreat, where he fell and broke his nose. I fell too, cracked ribs that are still sore now.
We got you to slow down now. That was important. You live in a beautiful city filled with love and blessings all around you. You are going to protect it and make it safer for the future generations. And it’s really wonderful before you as you are becoming more focused and dedicated in this space than ever before. 
I know, I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to help us all step into this deeper stronger space you have created before us. In the name and Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghosts . . .

Friday, October 6, 2023

ONE at the top of the page

Okay first week with SEEL. I opened the book and have been praying and focused on the DAY ONE, Psalm 8, and WHO has helped me get to this moment now! And it’s always about Jesus who I se and feel coming through me in everything. IN the Air and the winds, in the rain and the mist, and in Earth and the dirt. . . All life has spoken to me. And it’s really my Church, St Raphael’s who has helped. “There’s my promised land” (song on the radio I hear now with TobyMac on TheJoyFM.com) . . . As “this whole life is part of a PLAN” . . . 

Yes these versus feels like the Contemplative Prayer book our Men’s Fraternity just finished, which is really the Grade Nine Prayer we did in the very first Class that Bonnie told me about when I was lost at St Pauls.

OF COURSE, then I see this morning, ready to read the next day in the Ignatian Adventure that I started with day ONE at the top of the page, but it was week two instead of week one! Opps, so today’s prayer and dedication needs to start at day one, in week one. Isaiah:1-7, and I can’t read more than the first verse and im in tears. For I’ve been called by name, Called by my Mom’s Name, Called as Rafé (aka . . . Raffie) that nickname of Her Father. As I am called forth into a New Life, and a New Community, and New Family and Church as my Catholic Mom KNEW. . . As she KNEW in naming me for Her Father. 

As the river and waters flow . . . Brings me to know that by my Baptism I and cleaned into the Grace of God. And my whole life has been the river. First the one behind my house in the woods of New Jersey, and as my professional career, modeling Rivers as and Engineer, and again now as we address these waters before us dealing in my newest career focused on saving lives as the waters rise around us.

Now today,…lol…I know again how I need to begin with the reading which Harriet provide on the first day. I was missing some when I  went to the meeting and had only printed the DOC files to convert into PDF to create my notes files. But had never included the PDFs she sent that I needed to include as well:  

"have as their purpose the conquest of self and the regulation of one's life in such a way that no decision is made under the influence of any inordinate attachment."

And I realize as I read this line that since 2017, my last SLAM was about this same things too. Lost Wife, Job and Home, BOOM! And it was all about getting more clear and focused on my love and growth with Jesus. This is when I moved my dad out of my Mom’s house. We never sorted or organized, but only did the most basic repairs and cleaning out the Garage again as I did in NJ after high school. But this time, I got my dad to pray with me each morning before doing anything. We would have the direct experience of ease and comfort moving and doing our chores whenever we prayed first. Several times we forgot to pray and would get hurt, struggle and encounter conflict. 

I would stop him and reach out my hands to hold his in prayer. Of course, this happened several times during the few weeks we moved and cleaned everything out. As crazy as it seems the old plastic bins full of screws and nails I organized in NJ were multiplied into many now, which he didn’t want anymore. So now I have 5-6 plastic drawer boxes filled with screws and nails in my garage. 

Yes, this has evolved for me into chanting: “Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,” just to get the WORD, feeling and Love of Jesus in my mind and heart. 

As I read this, I started to cry. My mom had named me at conception. it was her promise and commitment with the marriage. I was the only child “planned” in the family. The wedding commitment included a child named for her Father. As I cried reading this prayer i stopped to write my Step-Mom. This last week she took my dad to the hospital. . . 
You Have Called Me by Name Oh, Lord my God, You have called from the sleep of nothingness merely because in your tremendous love you want to make good and beautiful beings. You have called me by my name in my mother's womb. You have given me breath and light and movement and walked with me every moment of my existence. I am amazed, Lord God of the universe, that you attend to me and, more, cherish me. Create in me the faithfulness that moves you, and I will trust you and yearn for you all my days. Amen. -Joseph Tetlow, SJ
“In the world, greater is the One Living inside of me, , , , every day I loss the battle . . . I hear a voice, and he calls me redeemed…” TheJoyFM.com Greater by MercyMe…. 6:26am

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Morning men’s fraternity

 The men’s group this morning started a new series, called “Into the Breach.” This video is specifically talking about what it means to be a man, and what it means to be masculine. Wow, speaking about the “fatherless culture,” where so many never had a father figure, not just me. What was interesting about it was that the first video had us all talking about when we personally had the experience and the thought of becoming a man.

I hadn’t ever really thought about it, but what was interesting is that when it was my turn to speak, what came to mind was when my dad first punched me and I left home.  I was feeling his fist on my cheek, and not flinching, and recognizing that I didn’t have to hit him back! He hit me and I was still standing, and he couldn’t believe that and I recognize that I had beaten him at his own game and it was incredible. 

What came from that? I was the second man to speak in the men’s group, so I didn’t have any anything else to go on but my own personal experience. When everyone else had spoken and we had gone around the circle, one of the guys talked about how he had been involved with the men’s group and also with the teen group. He said how there was this great big gap between the men’s group and the teen group, and that step into manhood was missing! And for me what popped into my head was how I had done it with my son and the step that’s missing is called BoyScouts. No scouts today, so no stepping into manhood. 

And it remarkable for me to consider how the male transition came in scouts. And I remember leaving the home as a kids a dozen times, and always getting pulled back in. Except that last time when I got punched. And what comes to mind is teaching my son to swing an ax to chop wood and build a fire. Yes, that power in scouts made him strong. Oh yes, “steal sharpens steal,” so no brothers and no men supporting me but always competing and confronting me. As the next “Into the Breach” Episode started about the brotherhood of men that’s so powerful.

Then of course I also had the Men’s Group over for a Bonfire last night. Of course, the day started with the first SEEL class. And what was really amazing was getting to the SEEL class and seeing Bonnie walk into the class too. I told Harriet how my application started with saying how a wonderful lady at St Paul’s offered to help and recommended Saint Raphael’s where I stepped int the “nine Grade of Prayers” with Theresa of Avila. 

Of course, Harriet was totally fascinated by it since she had introduce me to Bill, who was also in the class. Bill hired me to my new job and Bonnie got me to this church in the first place. Clearly to all, God Hand was so very strong and focused in this experience before me. When we started the first class lessons, the one question for the introduction that was too powerful for me was about how “at this time in my journey” I am starting over, and I knew it will be wonderful beyond anything I could imagine.

And as it turned out that was exactly what I was doing today. I went out to lunch with my BOSS, and I told him how I went back to school and had not done engineering for ten years. Then lost my job, my wife and my home. And ended up homeless hanging at my dad’s snow-bird house, as he raced across the country in his RV. Yes, getting bored and suicidal, I finally called Bruce and asked for work. ANYTHING! And then started with his latest company as an engineering intern learning FDOT work with three other interns.

I really had started over, and what was remarkable was how I felt deep inside that I came to Tampa for Jesus and Emily. I Did my best following Jesus, to raise my daughter in his light and then was done, ready to leave. But now I’m starting over again and it’s something more for me. And this really means a deeper more personal experience with Jesus. Wow, how could that get any Stronger!

WOW, and HOW!

I opened my book and was focused all day on the ideas of God All around us. God IS LOVE, God is Nature, God is everything. Course, I’ve always known this, and so I had highlighted how “Ignatius encountered God in nature” and recognizing the gift and blessings of this ongoing creation, and having gratitude for God’s creations Of course, this was at 4am on the Prayerline as well, since I’m always reminding people about day six in Genesis, where all was done, and God, Adam and Eve were in the Garden and all things were good before the snake showed up.

Wowsy, wow, wow, as it’s all exactly like another book in the men’s group: Franz Jalics CONTEMPLATIVE RETREAT, where the first week was about awareness, and recognizing God in Nature and alive in the Oneness of all things. Which again is really about bringing me back to myself. Recognizing that the one experience is about the oneness I had being lost in the woods of New Jersey alone with God.

Then of course I could see this all around me, and then read a passage in my journals about it as well. 

10/6/2023 twice I’ve expanded and added stories above here. And twice Chrome has crashed. So twice the paragraphs have vanished completely!  The first, I rewrote ideas from my journal about “starting over” doing real regular exercises, like I never have before. And then second about when I DID Restart with the birth of my Granddaughter who came 4/4 with Michelle’s TheJoyFM.com donation of $444.44 and making my Mom’s Chicken and Rice to fill my daughters freezer! New Breath, New Life, and start over means a job, starting Fresh, as a new intern fresh out of college. . . . WOW!  

Friday, September 29, 2023

The concept that”responsibility” vs. the love

OK, so I recognize the need to be writing a lot more than I understand, and I need to step into this at a higher level. That means recognizing that I can just talk to my iPhone, and let my blog to create from there. So now I’m starting the Ignatian Adventure, this book has been really strong for me already. The first day I got it was the day I had a meeting with my Spiritual Director.

The Spiritual Director (Rick) started the meeting with me and I had just opened the package from Amazon.  He Said it was a crisp new book, where I hadn’t turned the cover yet, and it was really strong for me already. That first day I read it after our call and the thing that jumped out at me was on page 2, the Gospel truth became a part of me, “to whom much is given, much as expected.” 

This was all I could read. It followed from our discussions so strongly. The concept that I was challenged with, was how “expectation creates a responsibility,” versus the love affair. And Rick said to me, it’s doing for “love” not “responsibility,” and suddenly I understood him and I could feel the difference in my body so clear and powerful. What it really means in Love with Jesus. Responsibility in raising my kids was really a love affair with Jesus, as I could see how strongly this child was with me. And it was a lot more than love, more than responsibility, more than knowing it is all here now for me to love share and experience. Not for later, not for less, but clear and strong for this moment where we could share and be at a better space, a better love, a better power and focus.

Yes, it was a responsibility or was it the love. As he said this to me, I realized it was more about love, and what the love is to be shared with others . . . . and again I needed to step into that higher place in my heart, to know and share this Love so clear and obvious to me. Like this now, today I received another beautiful movie about my childhood trauma, that all know and speak about in the world, but none really understands or takes seriously.

The experience of God is about this love affair. The experience of God is about a love affair that I must write about in a new way, beyond my own imagination. The experience of God is about this love affair from all my life, writing and knowing that so much is shifting, shifting in such a powerful clear manner that it makes me feel so happy to be able to share it with others who have found this word now. And I prayed how I wanted us all to survive, not just the few, but He created all of us, and we all have a place, so why not find a way for us all to survive?

I need to get all my highlights from this book, into this blog. This seemed like such an arduous chore, but then I remembered how easy I could read it into my iPhone. And pop it opens in my blog! Here we go:

Page 2 starts it all, where the yellow highlight shows to whom much is given much as expected. God broke through my cluttered thinking and Clearly got my attention. Tell me who is God for you.

Then i go to Page 3, whenever I thought about teaching, I experience the deep-seated enthusiasm. Page 4 God has guided me in the past, how God labors in my life in the present, and calls me in the future. Page eight was next where I got this in the first of several mystical visions: enlightenment that allowed him to see the world with new eyes, and to find God in all things. And to make notes of his spiritual insights. Page 14 emphasizes experiential, and the practical and life of prayer. . Page 17 in discernment of spirits, we noticed the interior movements of our hearts. The key is being open to the spirit. Which brought me back to the questions from Rick, discerning Love beyond responsibility and knowing this feeling I have to do more spiritually, is really who I have always been. Jobs and working  just bring me the confidence and support I need to step into who I really am and what I really need to do.

Then on page 19, God works with each person uniquely. Page 20 room for adaptation, => creative adapting the exercises to be experienced not read that invites prayers to encounter the living God, Spiritual Director, who serves as a guide for the journey is central to the exercises offered in this format. BE Directed by God; page 23 first commit to spending 30 to 45 minutes per day. Find a prayer space! page 24. Look over these materials before you formally begin your prayer.  Either the evening or the morning before. Page 25. Imagine how God looks upon you with great joy and gratitude for your offering of time. Ask in Him in Gratitude: “God be with me in prayer, the body and spirit work together.” 

Find a posture conducive to prayer ask God to be with you in this time of prayer. Page 26 we pray for a certain grace or gift from God! Ask God our Lord for what I want and desire! Imagine God asking you what do you want me to do? Now for your Grace above all else is God‘s presence in your life. Page 27 you should formally bring your prayer to a close. 

Ah, yes the key here … Page 28 journaling:

  • What were the significant interior moments? 
  • What was the prevailing mood of my prayer?  
  • Was my prayer more about the head or the heart? 
  • What word, phrase, image or memory meant the most to me during prayer? 
  • Is there some unfinished business?  
  • Do I feel moved to do something concrete in my life? 

Am I making a necessary preparations for my prayer, considering journaling, as another way of praying, feel free to write directly to God the father. . . lol 😝 and 😂 yes I’ve done this since death at 16 and know it’s all exactly where it needs to be. Like the Calligraphy pen apple added to the app now. I never even wrote them about it. I would use the highlighter since it was cut in the same shape. lol, I was always annoyed it wouldn’t work right, and tried to make it work, still drawing in the prayers myself for the letters of love carried more style than anything else.. . . lol. . . I wonder if they added som calligraphic options to type her too: I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom dearest Saint Mary and Saint Joseph that I may be as your SON! 

And so then I get this movie invite, https://link.angel.com/SM6CON3jvDb, and it’s telling my same story again, old news for me, but so important to those who choose to deceive and lie. . . As the truth will always come out! The next spiritual exercise is the Battle in Autumn Exodus: When you do your nightly examine, ask God to reveal to you any ways in which you have been cutting corners on your Faith!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Now record encounter after encounter with God

My very next phrase to read in my Catholic Studies was: In writing down Israel's history in Scripture, the sacred authors record encounter after encounter between God and those he has chosen from Adam and Eve in the garden to Noah on the ark . . . 

Actually I even copied this phrase too, but then decide to post this picture and copy the next phrase to write about. So I’ve really honored my moments in Christ, since 1980 when I got into my motorcycle accident. Again now after I SLAMMED into a car on Labor Day 9/4/2023 before 8am I need to get more deeply into these studies.

Yes I’m essentially doing the same thing I did after my motorcycle accident. “OH GOD,” what have I done?  I’ve always been protected, walked through walls, and invisible to my adversaries . . . Never even stubbed my toe, most of the time. BUT THEN, SLAM! Clearly, I’m not listening or discerning, or most likely intentionally ignoring the obvious and clear direction that I get. Again a wake-up of pain, that carries with me for days for me to get more serious.

But to be SLAMMED 9/4 when I’m clear and intentional about stepping into my “new routine” and schedule of work, as it suddenly appears before me. Yes, I know I got a notice about being “short-listed” at USF the same day I accepted an offer. Then 9/5 at 5:16pm I get a St Pete note about an interview?  SO I was SLAMMED and stayed home another week before starting the new job on 9/11. Oh my GOD, starting a new job on 9/11/23, while left me 9/11/17 when the Hurricane hit me. YES, 30 years in Tampa, and never nothing, I mean I barely lost power in 30 years of Hurricanes, but then 9/11 and I’m out of power for a few days. . . All alone, no wife, no dog, no job, no power, nothing another wake-up call. I seem to get really strong messages and very many benefits.

So to start again a new gig on 9/11 sounds so ominous. Yes, I’m fearless and can always step into whatever God places before me. But getting SLAMMED the day before, the scheduled start date and then two other opportunities appear, seems like a very clear sign i need to get moving into another direction. And to still start anyway, brings an ominous warning of 9/11 in my face.  What can I learn, or is it really about being clear and conscious through out my work and steps forward.

I am back to my reading in Lectio Divina Prayer . . . Your WAYS are Holy oh Lord with Psalms 77 remembering all your Mighty Works. Mighty is your hand Dear God. And each day I see your works before me, sending insights and guidance. . . Carefully I step, and carefully I discern. Yes, I know this is my lesson here again. SLAMMED again, I hobble about in pain and recognize I must stay slow and at ease. Not pushing through the pain, but acknowledging your guidance and rebukes of my pride. Remember, yes remember the guidance and understanding we’ve been given these last four years.

Now again in my studies we jump to Psalms 105:1-6. And the Joy of the Lord comes through to me stronger than anything here. I remember when chuck called me about moving back to Tampa. We had graduated from College on the same day. He had returned to NJ, and redid the basement in his parent’s house as his own apartment. I had already married, had my Seminole Heights house and Emily playing with me that moment. He asked if he should come back to Tampa. I laughed sipping a Heineken as I watched the children playing in the grass before the Florida Orchestra. 

It must have been another Art Festival or just the Orchestra in the park day. Relaxing in the grass and seeing the sunshine glimmering off the Tampa University Minarets and chuck wanted to know if he would be better off in Tampa. I thought it was so obvious? But still he asked me to get out my journal and copy some pages that ended with my Prayers to Jesus. He had seen these pages before. Whenever I received such clear strong guidance from God, I would always end with a big graphic in love and thanks to God.

It’s funny now as I remember this, and realize that the inspiration came from the Psalms remembering the joy and wonderful works of God and sharing this joy and blessing so others can see, learn and understand. SO this is the Lectio that jumps out to me, “remembering the Joy in God!” And to meditate on this, or reflect on this meaning. . . . Hum what comes to mind is how Jesus was always asking me to write, record, and share all that I could. And I remember saying to him how I was here to act and change things, not just write about it. Like all the writing I did after my accident, getting the Dreamers and Doers Award for Disney, never seem to chang anything. Countless people read and even studied that essay. Like the retired dude from NASA who volunteered with us and said he’d seen and helped build some of that story. Wow, so I guess my written words had significant impacts. I remember him telling me the solar defense system I described would never work, and they tried several scenarios and never go it working.

Yes “ME WRITE?” why me, Jesus you need to get a regular Journalist. Course, that’s when conversations with god showed up. And then I got a free pass to their first conference in Asheville, NC; where I gave them the copies that chuck returned to me after he moved back to Tampa. Funny, chuck and neil never asked for anything more, and they both went off thinking they knew it all already. Yes, so be it. . . Not my problem any more. So now I guess the fun part starts. . . Ah yes, i get it, i go find a random old journal page and cut out the text and format that we created to share in the Holy GHOST.

What we have been doing is preparing you for the changes before all the race and Earth.
I have been listening and living with the Holy GHOSTS forever I guess? I know them as Angels, Ancestors, Guides and Brothers here before me, and sent to me by Jesus. All come only in the name and WORD of Jesus Christ, and all must use the Name of Jesus, before I listen, share, and write anything. Yes, one of the tricks of the devil is to pretend to be whatever voice you are accustomed to hearing. And he will sneak in any chance that he can.
Ah yes, u get it, so now respond to this phrase as well “What we have been doing is preparing you for the changes before all the race and Earth shift”
I have the Holy GHOSTS here again making demands of me. And it’s always an easy conversation, if I accept that YOUR WILL and desire, for my moment here with you, is always the priority. So again, I realize this is about sharing what you have opened for me now. And again it’s the very present moment we are stepping into the time of change. The love and power of God is powerful and approaches more and more each day.  We have all heard this before and recognize the story of the Jehovah’s Witness warning that the end times are near at hand. But we have all heard this for years and see catastrophe after catastrophe wanting it simply to be over, for God to reclaim his kingdom, and the city of Jerusalem to be restored with the temple.
Yes, What changes before all the races of Earth?
I know my dear Holy GHOSTS, guiding me this moment again. The temple and the city is but a symbol and a metaphor of what is to come and where we will build and survive. The shifting of the earth and all life is happening faster and faster as each place is growing to be in love and support more love. Those in greed and selfishness serving the snake and his desires will all fall away and then the righteous will arise to support and share in the blessings to come.
We have already been changing the races and Earth preparing to restore the gardens and flows of life that once covered the earth. Those in greed will be running out. Areas of plenty will become destitute and the greedy will starve and die.
Ok, I know I’ve heard this before and even written it before. Like the story of chuck and neil, I’m sure I've written these stories a dozen times before. And yes, i also realize this was about my lessons today where i needed to catch up on all the reading i need. And its something Holy changing as I speak.
We have always been very clear with you. This passion you have for transparency is why you have always been so strong and so alone. You scare people all the time, as no one wants to accept that your conversations can be so clear and so strong. You have noticed that those who have witnessed these challenges you walk through and the blessings that come your way so easily are more able to walk with you. Further, you have noticed that there are more and more people who show up in your space who are ready to read and understand. This is what we have been preparing you for. You have always led others, and you have always wanted to do so much more than this. The changes before you are about bringing the entire human race to share and listen more deeply to the Earth and Love of God that is all around them. 
I get it. Talking more about listening to you everywhere and understanding this will be easy to share and teach others. I’m not worried about it, and I’m sure the opportunities and responsibilities will become very clear and apparent before me. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to us all for your Glory!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

SEEL - being more intentional with relationship with Jesus.

SEEL - is about being more intentional with our relationship with Jesus. WHY? Why is this important to me, as I grew up in the woods avoiding others who seemed too exploitive and selfish. . . 

My WHY, was about seeking to help "Fulfill God's Promise." Because God Created so much beauty and blessing in the animals, plants, and Earth all around us to share in Joy and Peace.  I believe there must be an EASY WAY for mankind to Be and Share all this beauty, and I know I can help bring it out in everyone I meet . . . And there is enough for us all, contrary to the selfish greed programs trying to take it all now!

SEEL - Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life.

Review book introduction for the process used for all the exercises. Yes, Harriet’s instructions are to read through page 37, before the first group meeting on Wednesday Oct 4 from 9-10:30am. There is five steps for the 32 weekly themes that are reviewed in this Book:

  1. Reading - read and deeply pray within each specific theme. Find a scripture to read supporting the weekly theme in the Lectio Divino Style. The book has specific readings and other recommended within the same theme.
  2. Contemplation - contemplation is a long loving look into the reading - savoring the experiences to develop the ideas in a "sift and sort through data" method - - - distilling what stood-out, down to its fundamental essence that resonates the most.
  3. Meditation - sit with this essence you found and resonate with it to explore more deeply.
  4. Prayers - have a conversation with God about the experience of this essence - - what have you learned to enhance your relationship with God.
  5. Journaling - write capturing these experiences as quickly as possible. It appears that I tend to write ideas and fragments quickly, and then I return to edit, and expand these with deeper clarity and understanding as I review and reread the ideas presented over and over again.
  6. Examine (Starts Week 6) - prayer of reflection before sleeping for each day and what we learned and shared through the day.
Spending quality time with god with these methods is key.
Weekly share the hi-point and low-point at the groups for five minutes.
Biweekly sharing these themes - flag items to explore with Dick - troubles, greatest blessing, deeper explorations.

Exercise for next time: contemplate the best relationships I’ve experienced in my life: names, times, attributes of relationships that were so special and important - - what do healthy loving committed relationships include and transfer these attributes to God.
  1. My mom, Ely Maria Rivera Emmanuelli protected, taught, and guided me as best as she could, even while accepting and allowing my dad’s traditions and leadership. Love, honor, dedication, understanding we’re key aspects.
  2. Joyce Spielberger, my second mom who “adopted” me in high school honoring and respecting who I was and guiding me to share more of my skills and blessings. Love, Honor, RESPECT . . . She was great at listening and accepting me for who I was, intuitively leading me to Christ.
  3. STARS friends Trace, Chuck, Jack and Keith who relied on my dedication and commitment to follow through, giving me guidance and respect, somehow knowing I was “on a mission!”
  4. Emily Maria, my daughter taught and shared so much with me. I did my best to keep her in the love and spirit of God, listening and following her intuition often more than my own. Love, respect, assertiveness, spiritual intelligence were key aspects with her.
  5. Professor John, my friend and major professor through my PhD. Though I called him the father I never had, he only admitted to being my big brother, guiding and leading me into more than i knew i was capable of. Love, deep attunement, respect and insight into my future.
  6. Christopher Allen, my son who accepted my insight and guidance to grow into a strong clear man. Loved, honored, and respected me through some of his greatest challenges.
  7. Now the best friendships I’ve had for most of my life have been surpassed in the last three years including Carol, Judy, Leslie, & Pastor John who love, support me in St Pete; Kevin & John at the men’s fraternity who have encouraged, understood and supported; Johnny, Gina and Larry who rent my rooms keeping me safe, and secure at home.
Why am I doing these exercises. What do you need to change and why.
Ted-Talk Simon Synic “know your why”: https://youtu.be/u4ZoJKF_VuA?si=Oc0clH418RcG5khK
lol . . .  why is Apple so innovative, because they recruit Beta People, and listen to them. Like now having the best feedback app possible, catching all the equipment details and allowing me to attach files, images, data. WHY because making easy expression and recording live experiences creates an ideal testimony to Jesus. . . I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ!
SEEL is about a deeper relationship with God, stepping more deeply into this responsibility is my biggest challenge. The relationship and love of Jesus has become very clear and focused bringing in consecration to Saint Mary and Saint Joseph . . . . Now stepping into greater responsibility and focus with the church community and family at Saint Raphael’s is critical!

Next meeting Monday: 7pm 9/25/2023 is 6pm for Dick in Ohio. Every other week.
Emphasis and trust, head-knowledge vs. heart-knowledge … to experience God, experiencing the love grace, accepted, trusted, reciprocal,
1JOHN GOD is love, the more I know about love the more I know god, love God with my whole heart, mind and soul, love your neighbor as yourself. . . . Love and relationships. Thomas Aquanous willing the good of other as other, relationship with god, self, others, 

The next assignment, read the Fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23 … create three columns and list each fruit down left, add synonym and then add antonyms  . . . . Fruit manifests with synonyms while where we miss on them is the antonyms. The four great distractions - wealth, pleasure, power and honor = four false gods according toThomas Aquanous — are opposite to fruit of the spirit, , ,  Read 1-37 prayerfully, deep dive on the distinction.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

each new experience and challenge

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

What is next?
I was writing with my pens, and I realized that I had the new red one and the blue one with my book. Then I accepted that I needed to get more serious again. This means writing in this blog, since I’m talking to it now. I know I can do this anytime I want with my iphone, as well as talking these sentences very clearly is so important. My Bible studies are now with a new app, where I can click to see the words and hear the words at the same time. This new app works really well and each Bible lesson has verses in chapters for me to read. Using this app where I hear and see the words, I realized that I needed to do that with my journal too, yes writing here and reading here is fundamental.

I know this is about stepping up, into the power that we created here. Like I keep flashing into the same vision I saw after my accident. No cars, only moving sidewalks. It’s like a complete community, where people are just walking, and sharing, and talking all the time, instead of fighting over who’s faster, or better. Building gardens and sharing food and always loving each other. I always seem to see the same thing and it changes and evolves overtime. It’s like each new experience and challenge that I have adds to this One Flash that I see!
What about speaking for us too? Do you think you can handle it yet? Yes, you know you can. It’s a different level of vibration isn’t it? You’re doing really well with it too!
It is your Word! Inside of me now.
We have always been here. We are inside everyone. Some prefer a single voice, which is where the trouble starts. Anyone can pretend to be any voice, and if you do not ASK, specifically by Name, then you get whatever is next?
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for sharing Your Word!
What is next?
I was trying to do the Lectio Divina Prayer lessons with Tim Gray. I’m finishing a lesson for my meeting today, and I flip back to see the different questions. And I realize that what’s next really for me now, is getting up out of bed and moving forward with my exercises and going to church!
What is next?
Now, I was reading the next Word in Exodus 90! Those who are chaste are marked by the truth, with no lie in their mouth. The basic definition of truth is “the conformity of the mind to reality,” or grasping things correctly. Jesus is the Word by which everything is created. He contains the full truth of God and all of creation in himself. Christians never fear the truth because truth flows from God and leads to him . . . Today, we must follow Peter’s example and boldly cast out into the deep. As you begin your silent prayer, ask the Lord to show you how he wants you to serve the Church—where he wants you to cast your nets to win men and women over to the Gospel.
What is next?
Matthew 25:14-30 Just as in life today, different people receive different blessings and unearned gifts. In the parable, three servants are entrusted with three different sums of money: five talents, two talents, and one talent. Immediately, we may wonder why everyone does not receive the same amount. We might think that justice demands strict equality. But who are we to dictate what other people do with their wealth? Just as who are we to question God regarding the various blessings he bestows? St. Paul ponders: “For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor? Or who has given him anything that he may be repaid?” (Romans 11:34-35). So, the first point is that God’s ways are inscrutable. Then, there is the foolish servant who does not invest anything and, therefore, receives the titles “wicked” and “lazy.” The master is angry because the talent was “entrusted” to the servant with a purpose. Not only did he not do his master’s will, but he also refused to cooperate with the master, showing himself unwilling to share in his purposes and goals. Ultimately, he refuses the gift of the master's life.

We could view our own lives as a talent, having received them “on loan.” We receive different blessings and unearned gifts to do God’s work. Everything we have belongs to God and has been entrusted to us. If we use all we are and all we have for God’s greater glory, we increase his blessings upon others. But, if we are wicked and lazy, and see our lives and our possessions as our own, then we are ironically in danger of losing everything.

I guess, this passage applies to me more than ever. I’ve publicly acknowledged the extreme gifts I’ve received in this home and city. I’ve recognized the blessings from my mother or step-mother and all the gifts and freedoms I’ve received beyond my understanding. I’ve also questioned and challenged myself to share and be generous with all these gifts, knowing full well that all of it was specifically allowing me to do and share more love and grace with others. I’ve even challenged myself to step into more creation, gardens, schools, lessons, and gifts to others, my neighbors and community. Then also questioned myself for not doing more with it, or not being really successful.
What is next? Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life? For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay all according to his conduct.”

Then again, I’ve questioned and challenged myself to “take up my cross,” again feeling that the gardens and the churches were about abandoning myself and stepping into the place and responsibilities that God had placed before me.  And now three years later, none of this has moved very much at all. Now, over 4 years since covid, I’ve had five interviews and have a new job offer. Work that places me back into my profession and allows me to return to the work I've been very skilled at. 

I realize my work opportunity at hand, is back to where I’ve been for over 30 years. And the only thing that has changed, is my shift in my deepest-self from the Eric-Methodist-greed-driven-whiteman to the Rafé-Catholic-Native-generous-Taino-Mom. Now, I notice this major change since Covid was shifting from my Dad’s Control to my Mom’s Love. Back in the same profession makes me feel like I need to seriously consider what this change means to me intimately.

Then the same day I received notice of the professional job offer, I received notice of being listed for the Bishop Ethics Leadership Center at the Business School in St Pete. Yes, being the Assistant Director to the Dean of the College, running an ethics center, seems surprisingly appropriate for me. And almost “too good” to be true. So I went and visited, just to see what I could find out about the center. It had been moved from the education college to the business college, so I wanted to see all the college had now. I essentially walked through the whole building exploring and visiting all the offices and suites. I walked into the Dean’s suite and met a rude arrogant assistant who answered a few questions but then chastised me, saying that if I had applied to the position, then I should not be talking to anyone there outside of the standard review processes.

Of course, then I stopped at the library and spoke to some staff there who also might see another application from me in the days to come. Then I visited the Marine Science Center where the Dean remembered my name from the Patel College and came out to speak with me. I admitted I had several applications in to his college and would be delighted to help out with the state funded Flood Hub. He was more interested in speaking about the ASCHEE STARS report, as he had just sent an email to Suchi about paying the membership dues again for the new report. I told him how I had done the previous three gold reports and had seen his name on the current silver report. He wasn’t sure about the next report or what was happening to the Office of Sustainability or any efforts along these lines. Even going as far as saying the new Chancellor might know more.

So then I visited the Chancellor again, and got on her schedule finally. As it turned out, I was scheduled to see her one week before my new job. But then this was the week the hurricane came by us and all the schools were closed, rescheduling for the next week after my new job starts. And then I wiped-out on my bike Monday so my new job start was delayed another week as well. And then I got a notice from the City yesterday about being their Transportation Coordinator. Wow? Engineering again rebuilding cities, or Ethics Center, or Sustainability Center, or City Transportation Coordinator . . . Each easily paying me the same or similarly to my VP position and each opening up a slew of new opportunities for growth and expression simply beyond my dreams. . . 

Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy Name, I ask Thee to bind and silence all powers and forces that do not accept Thee as Lord and King, in the air, in the water, in the ground, the netherworld and nature and the spiritual world. I ask Thee to bind all demonic action and demonic communication. Lord seal this whole place, all of us here and all our intentions in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Mary, we ask thee to surround us with thy mantel of protection and crush Satan’s power in our lives. Saint Michael the Archangel, we ask thee and all our Guardian Angels to defend us in battle against Satan and the powers of darkness.Amen (expert from Fr. Chad Ripperger, Deliverance Prayer For Use by the Laity)

"Indigenous indignation" a demand to reckon with eviction from ancestral lands-while others translate varied inflections of gender and language. "The ultimate form of decolonization is through how Native languages form a view of the world,"

Wow so much to learn still 9:07 9/11/2023. We see, however, that at the heart of the rebellion is the refusal to give God what he is due. First, he wants us to seek him out in love and gratitude. When we refuse, he teaches us through his justice, still seeking to bring us back. The rebellious, however, refuse both love and justice, preferring to blame God rather than acknowledge their guilt.

9/13/23 7:08:03 A new day and a new job. I slept like a baby last night. Then when I woke up, it was this strong clear dream. I was busy cleaning some pots for preparing some meal. I had done this before and needed to clean and arrange them. I remember seeing a collection of different sizes. And then I had a separate group as well.

Every day I’m more perplexed. It’s dumbfounding how I have these strange experiences. I stop and consider how things happen and it’s always so bizarre. Now again, my truck won’t start. The first day I was here it wouldn’t start and the owner called me on the phone. I was parked right outside his office window, so I wasn’t surprised when he called. I admitted that I needed to pray and thank God and thank my Truck for being so good for me and he laughed of course, but then it started right up now again, my truck won’t start. Please dear God, let me start my truck and get out of here. I need to go home and sleep .

"The Church an8the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith …"—Pope St. John Paul II (Dominicae Cenae, 3)

Sunday, September 3, 2023

taking responsibility for stepping forward

OK so my next lesson in the Lectio Divina starts, with the goal ORATIO is an honest, heartfelt conversation with God over the subject matter discovered in LECTIO, and reflected upon in the MEDITATIO . . . This is the time to pour out our thoughts in response to what God has said in his Word, as we noted that there is often an ebb and flow in prayer. This back-and-forth includes Oratio.

Wow, this is really powerful for me now.  I had this experience of going to an Art Show at USF and meeting a physics professor. I mean, all the years I came and went there, hungry and anxious to meet and understand some basic physics. Suddenly, there was this small boy walking his dad right up to me. 

I always wanted to ask a physics professor this question: 

And more remarkable than anything was the space was filled with these beautiful big old Oak Trees, all just begging me to visit them. Of course, I walked over to the awesome Oak with the big branches laying in the grass and climbed up onto it.

What could I possible say or share with this tree that could be anything significant of suitable to follow such an awesome experience. . .

Wow was I in for a surprise. I got home and everything lined up for me. I was preparing for a meeting and started to read through a list of articles I found on a new leader at USF. Then I noticed she arrived just after my birthday. HUM? I wondered what I had written about on the day she arrived. Wow, it was back in the same place again. Always about accepting who I am and taking responsibility for stepping into the changes we are all seeking and desiring.

Monday, August 28, 2023

experience with God

Monday August 28th 6:07pm and I’m writing these words into my iPad with a pen, but it didn’t work, past the date. So now I’m using a keyboard instead since i have no patience for technology, sorry Steve. I still love your auto spellers, but not the pens yet. There is always a desert to cross in the spiritual world. The dark night of the soul always must be passed first. These trials and desolations are written over and over in the experiences shared in the Bible. Remembering something written in an experience with God is a strong vibrational experience, which helps us to remember God’s Love. 

Recording events, anniversaries, birthday, events with pictures and memorials is an ongoing tradition to help us to remember the love of a moment shared. Contemplation in prayer with God is important to know and experience HIS love and recognizing this focus and power. Even though we are unworthy, we have God’s Love by Grace, even the prodigal’s son.

Like the Samaritan women at the well who Jesus sought out to meet and love. Seeking the face of God, where we seek to act and do good works to bring love to God. Love all those impacted and available.

Psalm 27:8 New International Version
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.

These methods are effective to choose a key word, or a key image, and reflect on it. Select a word, like a grape and hold it dear. Meditate on this word and squeeze all the juice out of it. And as we read and study this key image and allow it to ferment inside of us through meditation on it. “Be still and Know God” gets us into contemplation to taste and see the goodness of the Lord by getting deeper into this image and word. To love the Lord. 

This is my reading and studying the Lectio , where I need to now commit to a resolution to DO something in Love for God. Hearing, listening, meditating, contemplating and now resolve to do something. Be sure to step into this. A real practical resolution to act and step into something new as we are inspired. A very practical sensible act that is simple and easily to express something specific. I will give to the poor, is not enough. . . I will give an apple or a dollar to each homeless person I see.. . Is a simple practical act that Loves god.

Verbum Domini 87, Prayer is about knowing and loving God! What do we do with our love, who do we love, who do we help. Who are we sharing with. What are our resolutions to step into more love and joy with others. Mark 12:30-31 ==> 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.” 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

ready to do something new

This is wicked cool. As i read this next section in the Contemplative Retreat I remembered my experience with my children and Reiki. Yea, Reiki is the energy healing methods using your hands. Of course, it has some funny name and tradition where someone tried to create a new religion or sect with it. But energy healing, reiki or whatever is all the same things. If you love and focus you can do anything as we area all in the image of God.

With a little exercise and patient listening we gradually become aware of them. But it takes time. And it isn't the same for every person. Some feel the movements spontaneously and at once; others take longer. To become aware of these energy movements, it's very helpful to direct attention to the outgoing breath. The center of the palms is also a privileged place where they can be especially felt. As soon as you sense an indication of awareness, add Yes to intensify the transmission of power.
What I really liked was when my kids were Attuned in Rieki they could really feel it. My son came home one day and said how he was healing his mom’s skin cancer. He knew it and could feel it, but his mom didn’t believe him. Here he was telling me about the heat in his hands and how powerful he could get, but his mom. . . . Wow as I remember this, I start to cry. Thanks you Kimberly Finn for teaching me to cry again! Now to think and remember my son. He’s 10 years old and his own mother doesn’t believe him. I mean, she’s calling him a liar!?!?! Holy shit! I guess my dad and siblings always called me a liar, but never my mom. Course I never would have survived at all without my mom. It still makes me cry when I think of my awesome son who was such a powerful loving child. 

My other church lessons are Lectio divina, which begins by giving God the first word and listening to his voice speaking to us as we read Scripture. This is followed by meditation, our reception of the Word through our thoughts, and the application of what we’re reading to our lives. We then move to our own prayer: our response to God based on our meditation, sharing with him what is on our minds and hearts. Finally, we are drawn into the gift of a silent encounter with God in contemplation, a meeting and embrace of God in love.

This must be our model for prayer. When you ask the Lord for help, you must remain persistent in your pleading, and you must not waver in your faith. At times, you will not hear God’s response to your prayer. Men may dismiss you and attempt to dissuade you. God may even say that your favor should not be granted at this time or he may have something else in mind that is even better. But whenever you pray, you must follow the example of the woman in today’s Gospel and be persistent in your intercession and constant in your faith.

You are Jesus…. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, again I see how faithful God is for me. Opening and sharing as best as I can. You are the god who fights for me hallelujah hallelujah. . I can talk again.

OK, so now I’m ready to do something new. OK now I’m ready to do something now. OK I am ready.

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Next Exodus 90 Book Lessons

contemplative prayer

Pay attention to the nostrils through which the air enters and try to feel the movement of the air along the inside passages of the nose. Don't breathe more heavily in order to feel more; instead, cause your inner ears to perceive what is happening in the nose. Remain for half a minute with this awareness. 

Now you can move on. Ask or remind yourself:  
  • How do I feel the inside surfaces in this lower part of the nose? 
  • Move a little higher: how do I feel them in the middle section?  
  • The air that comes in is cooler, the air that goes out is warmer: am I aware of this difference in temperature?  
  • How do I feel the movement of the air in the upper part of the nose?  
  • Follow the breathing tract. First it goes up, and then almost between the eyes the path turns to the back. Can I feel this?
This is the same work that DawnXena taught to her students. 

This was wicked cool for me as I read this section. I suddenly FLASHED to the little oxygen molecules getting absorbed into my body. It was like seeing the happy blood picking up oxygen to carry away.  And my presence in there, was almost like God had showed up to inspect the operations of my body. Yes, I was seeing and checking in on myself and knowing and seeing how everything worked and they were all excited to see my inquiry and know that they were all healthy and happy moving forward as they were all designed and set into motion. 

It is remarkable as I recognize the spirals of consciousness moving and evolving inside of me. Than these blood cells filled with oxygen and joy at my own experience seeing and sharing this moment with them, brings them to my heart, where this higher joy and bliss brings more health and youth to my heart.

And it all happens instantly, as I feel these vibrations inside of me. Then I realize how writing these words and sharing these ideas is so important for everyone now, because so many of us have been listening and believing the lies of the machine. So again, now I step in to this Power, where I realize I can speak to this blog to share these Words and Insights Before you. It’s an incredible experience to realize how important it is to share these Words, knowing that Jesus is with me, guiding me through everything. 

In the contemplative phase our sole endeavor is directed to our relationship with God. Everything else happens by itself, occurs, is given. We no longer worry about the course of things on earth.

It’s all about forgetting the mortgage again!
I’m spinning around my own selfishness again, of course I’m concerned about it, John left, no new renters and no regular payments. And again now I hear about calling the prayer line 877-800-7729

Since, “Humility is nothing other than the truth,” take twenty minutes in silence today to ponder with God the “truth” about yourself.

Now place yourself before God, and converse with him.

It’s the first time in months that I did my exercises. I always make my bed, but cutting my hand is the latest excuse to avoid the weights. Getting pulled out of my house, and through everything else where i commit to helping people. And I’m still spinning. Helped Judy out of Unity now too. Yesterday was her last day there. And my truck is still filled to the top right now. I guess, I was hoping to get help emptying it. But again it’s weird how I feel I’m just collecting more crap. I talked to Judy and Leslie about restaurants and businesses but really can do it all by myself. 

Oh, sing to the lord . . . hello I guess I need to be writing again, as I woke up at 3:33am, of course!  I realize that I can go biking. Got to go do my Sun Yoga, and then go to church. I might even swim in between. But I know I have to do this with Judy. I never knew I’d run a restaurant, but it seems like the only alternative!

8/6/23 4:44am I called the Prayerline about my mortgage, and they prayed for my wisdom in finances.

I guess the voice from businesses always is about making money …. never seemed like anything else was necessary. It’s like my default move, like talking to this computer. Now it’s learning who I am, feeling more and more selfish as i could have taken my load yesterday to Leslie’s garage instead of mine. I guess this is where it was going in the first place.

There is only the Ways of God, in meekness and kindness, in humility and patience. . . As how I present myself. . . Or how I see myself. Again feeling almost exploited, hiding in the woods collecting everything I can find to make myself safe or secure. But I need to let God BE through me, expressing more fully. Stop hiding and express, allowing the Word of God to dwell inside.

To sing songs of joy!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

kicking ass, and everyone is holding

 7/23/23 6:20am Again my reading today is about loving God first!

This always brings me back to my own dad and my children. My father who loved himself first and then his children only to make himself look better. Then my own children also fell into the lies of my father and brothers who emulated his narcissism. 

The readings of sloth and the sin of selfishness and arrogance clearly shows so much of my challenges, as still today I wonder what could be next for me.  Why do I have so much free time to sit and write?  How will I be able to pay my bills?  Why do these things seem so meaningless when daily I simply step beyond them all.


Yes 10:08:57 and I know again here and now all creation is as my finger tips. . . Fools are everywhere. The snake is kicking ass, and everyone is holding their own version. “See me, I know. My snake is bigger, better, and faster than all the others. Come follow me, listen to my words. I know better…”

Wow, so many snakes coming through everywhere. Watch out there, there can only be ONE TRUE GOD! Only in the Word of Jesus the Christ, as guideline by Mother Mary, the Mother Earth who brings us all forward.

Friday, July 14, 2023

vulnerability is real value

I’m really loving this next Exodus 90 section about King David, and what it really means to get everything you want from God. What is more bizarre than ever, is how easy it is for me to copy and paste this passage  below with my iPad. Then I flip the screen to landscape, standing it up with the keyboard to read and write more easily.  Oh, and of course I can also just snap a picture and show you. 

What is more astonishing than everything is that when i look at this picture, I realize that “I AM” king david, having everything I could imagine given to me by the Grace of God. The beautiful Salt Lamp filling my space and the little salt and pepper grinders offering me organic pink Himalayan salt or black Hawaiian salt to go with the perfect egg frittata and sausage.  AND so am I here to share and honor God, or just collect more crap, that distracts me from my responsibilities of sharing this truth. I speak of all this beauty around me, knowing it’s all been a gift to allow me, to share more of this truth that God has given. And now I realize that I can also speak to this iPad, with the words appearing before me for me to edit and correct. How much more can I share in new testimony to the love of Jesus. 

Pride is trying to “carry too much,” pride comes before a fall.  While: vulnerability is the real value, where humility is about self-less giving, sharing, BEing the Love of Jesus. And thinking of others now, and the actions of BEing for others more. This Preaching today on TheJoyFM.com comes inline with everything I shared and read today. Even my pre-wake-up notices to John . . . Who was debating the Bible with me last night. It even was my very first note that I saw on FaceBook to remind me where my priorities belong: Yes as every Bible verse matters. That’s why BEing the Church can start here,,, Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Alive now with us . . . NOW!  Here is the morning Reflections from Exodus 90: 

Rapacious Desire

2 Samuel 8:7-13

This is a prevalent problem in our era. In his book on acedia, R. J. Snell says we live in an “empire of desire” (Acedia and Its Discontents, Angelico, 2015). Desire is our dictator, and we believe deeply that happiness is just the satisfaction of our every want. While our needs are met quickly, cheaply, and conveniently, we do not feel secure, but dominated by innumerable wants. We are overwhelmed with desires for all sorts of pleasure, entertainment, and accumulation of possessions. On social media, we see someone enjoying a vacation that we now want. We drive down the road and see a billboard for a store we now want to browse. We watch YouTube, only to see an advertisement for a product we now “need.” How many conversations with co-workers or friends are just little advertisements for a product they just purchased?

In our economic life, we have moved past self-interest to the encouragement of self-indulgence. Sadly, this mentality even has influenced our parenting. We don’t think our children should be denied any experience or request. We sign them up for all sorts of sports and activities and spend our time running them around from place to place. One of the major differences between previous parenting styles and ours today is that in times past, kids would serve the parents, while today parents serve their children, answering every interruption or request and giving in to a mountain of toys.

The slothful person is at the mercy of his or her wants and whims. We all know what this is like, in our helplessness before the “add to cart” button or the ice cream tub. We find our weakness repulsive, as we can’t pull ourselves away from scrolling through social media posts. We procrastinate by flitting from website to website, looking for something interesting or scandalous. We feel incapable of denying ourselves a movie series binge or an outburst of anger at the spouse or child who interrupts our schedule, etc. We are acutely aware that we have almost no power over our will and act under a compulsion to satisfy our urges as they arise. We can feel more like an addict than a man.

The intemperance of our times reveals that we lack a sense of purpose, meaning, and value, going in search of some new “thing” by which to anchor our restless souls. We are restless because we are not resting in the Lord. And we use things and experiences as a substitute for the peace that he alone can give.

Consider the way you are living. What controls you? Is it your desires? Do you tremble and bow before them? Or are you controlled by the Spirit of God? What products are you leaving in your online shopping cart, just waiting for a moment of weakness to buy? What websites do you browse in order to arouse your desires? How have you let the desire for “things” replace or subdue your passion for the Lord?

Now place yourself before God, and converse with him.

God started speaking. . . there's a verse that talks

Wow, do I have a lot of work to do now. . .  Week's focus is on reflecting on one's history of sin and grace, with emphasis on recog...